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Command Ld emitted errors but did not return a nonzero exit code to indicate failure
I am upgrading the react-native from 71 to 73. Once Ios is built successfully and its been installed on the simulator, its throwing an error "Command Ld emitted errors but did not return a nonzero exit code to indicate failure". I did the following trying to resolve it but nothing worked so far. deleted derived data pod deintegrate pod install clean project Any help is appreciated.
Jan ’24
Can I use one of my TSI’s for consulting help
I’m having problems implementing a rather simple concept in a Storyboard (for backward compatibility) using IB, and am wondering if I can ask for help using one of my TSI’s? I’m trying to create a simple 5 or 6 text line app, which takes up about half an iPhone 12 screen in portrait, but then still only takes up about half the screen when rotated into landscape? I haven’t figured out how to do this. Trying to insert some blank imageviews as vertical separators, but can’t get them to be proportional when rotated. Also, please be kind - I’m a COBOL/FORTRAN/Assembler programmer from the 60’s and struggling through the Swift era. I did have a few apps on the app store at one time (objective C), but that was a while ago and struggling to keep up. Thanks in advance.
Jan ’24
XCode swift assistant editor
I have started a course on IOS app development. I learnt about basic stuff about the interface like how to add buttons and constraints and stuff. Now I need to add the function to the button in the assistant editor. But it does not let me edit, delete or type anything with it. First I thought i opened the wrong editor but I even tried a shortcut ( control + option + command + return ) and it opens the same editor. I have been stuck on this for the past week. Please suggest :)
Jan ’24
Unable to Verify App
I have deployed an in-house enterprise app to a user and they are unable to open the app. The error is "Unable to Verify App" An Internet connection is required to verify trust of the developer . This app will not be available until verified. The user is connected to the internet via wifi. We also tested with a cellular connection. We are able to browse the internet so, we're sure the device is connected to the internet. The app downloads but, when the app icon is clicked the error appears. The same app deployed to several other users does not produce an error and opens without issue. What is causing this error and how can we fix it?
Jan ’24
Delayed response from Apple DTS
I had raised a support request in Apple DTS for an issue related to notification. I had a few iteration with the support team related to this but the problem remains unresolved. Everytime I send a response for what has been asked, it takes more than a week for the team to reply. This issue has been pending for over a month now and my work is blocked due to this. Can someone help me in getting a quick response or tell me how to reach the relevant people who can help me with this? Here is my Case ID : 5269018
Jan ’24
Enterprise program: Can I update an existing provisioning profile with a new distribution certificate
Hi, I created a new enterprise distribution certificate. Can I update an existing provisioning profile with the new certificate for a deployed app? Or, do I need to create a new provisioning profile with the new certificate. I want to make sure that updating the existing provisioning profile with the new certificate won't break an app that is already installed on devices. There is a delay between when I would update the provisioning profile and when the updated app could be deployed. So I want to make sure I'm not breaking the existing installs during that timeframe. Thanks
Jan ’24
Objective C: class category not recognized when compiled in a static library
I have a class category declared and compiled in a mac os static lib: #import <Foundation/Foundation.h> @interface NSNumber(MyExtension) -(NSString *)CallMe; @end then this staticLib is added to a mac console app in XCode and used: #import <Foundation/Foundation.h> #import "MacStaticLib.h" int main(int argc, const char * argv[]) { @autoreleasepool { NSNumber *one = [NSNumber numberWithInt:12]; NSLog(@"%@",[one CallMe]); } return 0; } Compiles fine but fails in runtime, unrecognized selector 'CallMe' send to instance... what's wrong or what I missed? Thanks!!
Jan ’24
change of Account Holder of Apple Developer Enterprise
we have a Developer Enterprise Program that is about to expire in 50 days. The Account Holder might leave the organization, so we are trying to update the Account Holder information. Question 1: is it possible to use a general email account (such as ios.dev.team @ org -domain.com) instead of a real individual. because individuals leave the company. and if it is possible: how to verify this general account as legal representative entity of the organization in the verification process of renewal? Question 2: does changing the Account Holder information affect the certificates/keys and identifiers? thank you.
Jan ’24
Error trying to automatically provision my project in Visual Studio 2022
I am trying to automatically provision my project within Visual Studio 2022. I successfully connected to my apple dev account. When choosing to account within Configure Automatic Provisioning dropdown, I am getting the following error: There was an error while trying to automatically provision the project: 'You are not allowed to perform this operation. Please, check with one of your Team Admins, or, if you need further assistance, please, contact Apple Developer Program, https://developer.apple.com/support' My team Admins asked me to contact apple. Please help!!!
Jan ’24
I wanna use both swift and objc for a docc documentation
I created a doccarchive that supports objc and swift using xcode build setting DOCC_EXTRACT_SWIFT_INFO_FOR_OBJC_SYMBOLS. When I made a docc document, I can select objc or swift on Xcode documentation like the yellow box of the below image. However, when I rendered to a web server, that selection link is gone. Blue box of the 2nd image works different way with yellow box of 1st image. The yellow one shows all functions. Even functions not written in that language are converted to other languages and displayed. But the blue one shows functions only written in the selected language. Rendering follows.. https://developer.apple.com/documentation/xcode/distributing-documentation-to-other-developers#Host-a-documentation-archive-on-your-website
Jan ’24
Revoke and generate distribution certification will existing apps available still?
Hello all professions, I'm now facing an problem with distribution certification expiration for the enterprise account. We're using enterprise account for publishing some internal apps for our organization without uploading to AppStore but by other platforms, but both cert and profile have 1 year expiration and now it's about to expire. So we're going to extend the app expiration date now. Read some articles that the best practice is renewing cert before it expired, for some reasons that we CANNOT add new certifications if we're not revoking any of existing certs, so what we are going to do is: We will revoke the cert first let's say certA, and then create a new cert with all configurations as same as certA let's say certB and then distribute new app version by certB. If we're going to do so, then the question comes: Will the existing installed apps distributed by certA still available? (if it has couple months to be expired for certA) Continue with question1, if no, all existing apps will not be available anymore, then what's the best practice for us to manage certs and app for the users without cert renewing downtime? Will there be any issue if we user another cert let's say certC just create now to distribute new app version without revoking current certA? such as it will be recognized a brand new app, etc thanks all
Jan ’24
SKAdNetwork developer profile does not show up for our account
For over a year we have been unable to access the SKAN developer profile and testing customer integrations without one is at best frustratingly slow, at worst impossible due to censorship thresholds. When I visit this page with our developer account, it says there are no results. We have an enterprise account and drive hundreds of thousands of SKAN installs a day so I don't understand how there could be a permissions or licensing issue. Has anyone had a similar issue they were able to resolve? I have contacted support, opened and bumped the issue via Feedback Assistant and, and have even tried contacting people at Apple, but no one seems interested helping us fix the issue.
Jan ’24
Apple - Developer
I have successfully created an Apple developer account, which has been verified. Additionally, I have subscribed to the "Apple Developer Program." I initially received an email notification from Apple, indicating that my order would be processed within 2 business days. However, it has now been approximately 8 business days, and I have not received any further communication from Apple. I am inquiring whether there might be any missing steps or issues that need to be addressed in order to proceed with the publication of our application. I eagerly await your response.
Jan ’24
otool doesn't list "Load" commands?
I'm struggling with compiling lib opus so that it works in the simulator on Apple silicon. I found a thread on the forums that seems to address part of the issue, but I am unable to build the static lib so that it shows the platform it is targeting. The thread mentions that I should be able to run otool and see a "load commands" that indicate the platform. When I run otool against the static library that we have created, it doesn't list any load commands. I don't see LC_BUILD_VERSION or LC_VERSION_MIN_***. Why would there not be any "Load command" entries? % otool -l -arch arm64 dependencies/lib/libopus.a Archive : dependencies/lib/libopus.a dependencies/lib/libopus.a(bands.o): is an LLVM bit-code file dependencies/lib/libopus.a(celt.o): is an LLVM bit-code file dependencies/lib/libopus.a(celt_encoder.o): is an LLVM bit-code file dependencies/lib/libopus.a(celt_decoder.o): is an LLVM bit-code file ... dependencies/lib/libopus.a(mlp.o): is an LLVM bit-code file dependencies/lib/libopus.a(mlp_data.o): is an LLVM bit-code file The static library has the two architectures embedded in it, but when compiling the framework for the simulator platform the linking phase complains that we are building for the simulator, but linking object code built for ios. % lipo -info dependencies/lib/libopus.a Architectures in the fat file: dependencies/lib/libopus.a are: x86_64 arm64 In case you are curious, I'm just piggybacking on this project that has a build-libopus.sh script in the root directory that builds the official open source Opus library files. My hope is to build this static library for ios, ios-simulator, and mac-catalyst platforms and then include them in a xcframework.
Jan ’24
Apple Developer Enterprise Program
Hello Everyone, We have an App which we have been developed only for our internal employees and the app would only work when device is connected with our intranet. This App would be distributed via our MDM on devices of the authorized users. We tried uploading the app on app store but was rejected as they could not validate the App. we tried providing them the vpn connectivity as well, but Apple team refused to connect using vpn. Now we have learned that we can take the Apple Developer Enterprise Program. now we want to clarify following: a. While in some forums it states that Apps under Apple Developer Enterprise Program does not need to go through the App review process. Is this correct? b. Can we use our existing MDM for distributing the App to authorized users? c. If (a) and (b) are yes, What steps are needed to ensure that we can distribute the app without any issues? A quick help on this would be very helpful
Feb ’24