




CoreData/Database question
I am working on an app that will have about 200mb of data in a database. I would like to install a json file with 3-4 mb on the phone with the app, and then be able to send small packets of information to the user of the app as they are using the app, for example if they hit a button with a link to an instagram page, I can have the database/server send the link to the app, it will be just small bits of information going from the database to the phone, and perhaps I would do some location tracking and getting some information from the user to build up personal preferences etc. I'm wondering if coredata would be the best way to get smaller packets of information to the phone quickly or if I should think about firebase or something else. I was interested in using Cloudkit, but it seems like Cloudkit is really more about syncing devices and for getting information from the user to the database. It's been really hard to find any information about the strengths versus weaknesses of different databases and how they interact with mobile apps.
Ios 18.1 beta bug
A few days ago, I updated my phone to the latest beta version 18.1, and usually the hotspot of my phone is on to connect to other devices. Today, I encountered a problem with the internet. After realizing the problem with the internet speed, I reset the network and after Hotspot reset cannot be accessed anywhere
Spotlight App Extension does not persist custom Attributes
We are in the process of updating our legacy Spotlight MDImporter to the new macOS Spotlight App Extension. The transition works well for standard attributes such as title, textContent, and keywords. However, we encounter an issue when adding custom attributes to the CSSearchableItemAttributeSet. These custom attributes are not being persisted, which means they cannot be queried using a Spotlight NSMetadataQuery. Has anyone an idea on how to append custom attributes so that they are included in the indexed file status, as displayed by the shell command mdimport -t -d3 <path> A sample project illustrating the problem is available here:
How can my app access any cloud drive app?
My app needs to share data files with multiple devices owned by a single user. I also want to implement this mechanism without setting up a server. Therefore, I want to make it read/write to local data on the user's own cloud drive (e.g. iCloud, Google Drive, One Drive, Dropbox) and read/use them as needed. I have tried “.fileImporter” to get the URL, but the button is grayed out and cannot be opened. Sorry for my poor English. struct FilePathSettingView: View { @State private var isPickerPresented: Bool = false var fileControll = FileControll() var body: some View { VStack { Text("Storage Setting") Button(action:{ isPickerPresented = true }) { Text("Select place") } .fileImporter( isPresented: $isPickerPresented, allowedContentTypes: [.directory, .folder], allowsMultipleSelection: false, onCompletion: { result in switch result { case .success(let urls): guard let url = urls.first else { return } let accessGranted = url.startAccessingSecurityScopedResource() defer { if accessGranted { url.stopAccessingSecurityScopedResource() } } guard accessGranted else { print("Failed to access security-scoped resource.") return } fileControll.createDirectoryStructure(in: url) case .failure(let error): print("Failed to select directory: \(error.localizedDescription)") } } ) } } }
Product.SubscriptionInfo.Status is empty despite having valid subscription.
I don't know if this is a iOS 18.1 beta bug or some StoreKit server issues but Product.SubscriptionInfo.Status is returning an empty array in production even if the user has a valid subscription that is months away from expiring or renewing. I myself ran into this issue this morning but of course everything is fine in development mode so that makes it quite challenging to debug. Anyone else has this issue?
UndoManager with SwiftData Not Registering Single Undo Actions Properly in macOS Sonoma 14.x
I am encountering an issue with the UndoManager functionality in a SwiftUI application that integrates SwiftData for persistence. This issue occurs specifically in macOS 14 (Sonoma) but works as expected on macOS 15 (Sequoia). The focused test app I have prepared for demonstration allows users to create ParentItem objects, and for each ParentItem, users can add multiple ChildItem objects. The undo functionality (via Cmd+Z) is not working as expected in Sonoma. When I try to undo a ChildItem addition, the UndoManager does not revert just the last ChildItem added, but instead removes all ChildItems that were added in that session. Expected Behavior On macOS 14 (Sonoma), I expect the UndoManager to undo only the most recent transaction (in this case, a single ChildItem insert), similar to how it functions on macOS 15 (Sequoia). Each ChildItem insertion should be treated as a separate undoable action. Current Behavior In macOS Sonoma, pressing Cmd+Z undoes the entire list of ChildItems added to a ParentItem in the current session, rather than just the most recent ChildItem. This appears to be an issue with undo grouping, but I’ve confirmed that no explicit grouping is being used. Question Is this an issue with UndoManager in macOS Sonoma, particularly in how it interacts with SwiftData persistence? What changes should I make to ensure that each ChildItem insert is treated as an individual undo action in macOS Sonoma, just as it works in Sequoia? Any guidance on isolating the issue or recommended workarounds would be appreciated. I would expect that undo actions for each child addition would be treated as separate transactions, not grouped. Steps Taken to Solve the Problem I attempted to manually save the model context ( after each ChildItem insert to ensure proper persistence. I also verified that UndoManager was not grouping operations explicitly by calling beginUndoGrouping() or endUndoGrouping() myself. This issue seems to be tied specifically to macOS Sonoma, as it does not occur on macOS Sequoia, where undoing behaves as expected. Conditions macOS 14 Sonoma: The issue occurs consistently. macOS 15 Sequoia: The issue does not occur. This issue appears to be independent of hardware, as I’ve tested it on multiple machines. APIs/Features Potentially Involved UndoManager in a SwiftUI application SwiftData for persistence (using macOS version-specific behavior Steps to reproduce Clone test project (, compile and run Create a new ParentItem in the app (via plus toolbar button in the sidebar). Add multiple ChildItems to the ParentItem (via plus toolbar button in the content / middle column of the navigation split view). Press Cmd+Z to undo the last addition.
How can I access audio attachment from INSendMessageIntent
I'm trying to add Siri support to my app for sending voice messages. I've implemented INSendMessageIntentHandling in my main app target. It looks like it's getting as far as recording the voice message and passing my intent handler an INSendMessageIntent with an audio attachment, but I'm not able to read the attachment file. func handle( intent: INSendMessageIntent, completion: @escaping (INSendMessageIntentResponse) -> Void ) { if let attachment = intent.attachments?.first, let audioFile = attachment.audioMessageFile, let fileURL = audioFile.fileURL { // This branch runs // fileURL is "file:///var/mobile/tmp/SiriMessages/89F738F7-6092-439A-B4FA-2DD9A99F0EED.caf" let result = processMessageAudio(url: fileURL) completion(result) return } // This line isn't reached completion(.init(code: .failure, userActivity: nil)) } private func processMessageAudio(url: URL) -> INSendMessageIntentResponse { var fileRef: ExtAudioFileRef? if url.startAccessingSecurityScopedResource() { logDebug("File access allowed") } else { // This branch runs logDebug("File access not allowed") } defer { url.stopAccessingSecurityScopedResource() } let openStatus = ExtAudioFileOpenURL(url as CFURL, &fileRef) // openStatus is -54 (kAudio_FilePermissionError) return INSendMessageIntentResponse(code: .failure, userActivity: nil) } I'm not sure what I'm missing. It looks like there should be an audio file, and Siri shows a preview of the audio for confirmation.
cannot find certificate signing request/Certificate Assistant
I've been working on creating a CSR for about two hours now and I cannot find a Certificate assistant anywhere. I can open up keychain access, on the left I have login and cloud and system and system roots. there are 6 submenus under keychain access: All Items, Passwords, Secure Notes, My Certificates, Keys, and Certificates. I have used the search menu to find both in the search bar 'Certificate Assistant" and also Certificate Signing Request, and neither is anywhere to be found. I've looked on the developer Account help, I've read several places what you are supposed to do, I've see the illustrations where you enter the email and leave the CA email blank, I just can't find it anywhere around Keychain access. It is really really well described on the Developer account help, and the eskimo makes it sound really easy too, only nothing appears in my keychain access. I've scrolled through all of the submenus trying to find it and it is nowhere to be fount. Any help would be much appreciated
Can't get audio data from INSendMessageIntent
guard let fileURL = intent.attachments?.first?.audioMessageFile?.fileURL else { print("Couldn't get fileNameWithExtension from intent.attachments?.first?.audioMessageFile?.fileURL?.lastPathComponent") return failureResponse } defer { fileURL.stopAccessingSecurityScopedResource() } let fileURLAccess = fileURL.startAccessingSecurityScopedResource() print("FileURL: \(fileURLAccess)") let tempDirectory = FileManager.default.temporaryDirectory let tempFileURL = tempDirectory.appendingPathComponent(UUID().uuidString + "_" + fileURL.lastPathComponent) do { // Check if the file exists at the provided URL guard FileManager.default.fileExists(atPath: fileURL.path) else { print("Audio file does not exist at \(fileURL)") return failureResponse } fileURL.stopAccessingSecurityScopedResource() // Check if the temporary file already exists and remove it if necessary if FileManager.default.fileExists(atPath: tempFileURL.path) { try FileManager.default.removeItem(at: tempFileURL) print("Removed existing temporary file at \(tempFileURL)") } // Copy the audio file to the temporary directory try FileManager.default.copyItem(at: fileURL, to: tempFileURL) print("Successfully copied audio file from \(fileURL) to \(tempFileURL)") // Update your response based on the successful upload // ... } catch { // Handle any errors that occur during file operations print("Error handling audio file: \(error.localizedDescription)") return failureResponse } guard let audioData = try? Data(contentsOf: tempFileURL), !audioData.isEmpty else { print("Couldn't get audioData from intent.attachments?.first?.audioMessageFile?.data") return failureResponse } Error: FileURL: false Audio file does not exist at file:///var/mobile/tmp/SiriMessages/BD57CB69-1E75-4429-8991-095CB90959A9.caf is something I'm missing?
Feb ’24
Standalone watchOS not displaying location authorisation dialog
This is a standalone SwiftUI app w/ watchOS 11. To make things simple, I'm using the new concurrent API, like that: for try await update in CLLocationUpdate.liveUpdates() { … } watchOS is supposed to show the auth dialog, but it doesn't show up, even though update.authorizationRequestInProgress is true. What could be the reason? (Note that I also tried with the procedural old CLLocationManager API, it doesn't work that way as well)
Warning in Xcode console: Couldn't read values in CFPrefsPlistSource
I have enabled an App Group in my App and the Widget Extension. I use it to share my UserDefaults. Every time the app starts I now get the following error message in the Xcode console: Couldn't read values in CFPrefsPlistSource<0x303034510> (Domain: group.XX.XXXX.XXXX, User: kCFPreferencesAnyUser, ByHost: Yes, Container: (null), Contents Need Refresh: Yes): Using kCFPreferencesAnyUser with a container is only allowed for System Containers, detaching from cfprefsd The shared UserDefaults itself works without problems. Any ideas how I could get rid of this warning?
Has iOS 18 changed the threshold for decoding base64 into ASCII code?
This code fails to decode when running on iOS 18.0 or 18.1 beta device. But succeeds below iOS 18, such as iOS 17.5. Xcode Version 16.0 (16A242d) let base64String = "1ZwoNohdE8Nteis/IXl1rg==" if let decodedData = Data(base64Encoded: base64String, options: .ignoreUnknownCharacters) { if let decodedString = String(data: decodedData, encoding: .ascii) { print("Decoded string: \(decodedString)") } else { print("Failed to decode string using ascii encoding") } } else { print("Failed to decode Base64 string") }
HealthKit permission sheet appears every time for some users - bug?
The HealthKit permission sheet is showing up every time the app opens for a few users of my app. It doesn't matter what action they take in the sheet. I have had them try toggling the permissions from the HealthKit system settings but that did not happen to fix the problem. Has anyone experienced this problem or know a fix? Its affecting a few users of my app. I haven't been able to find what in my code could be doing this, I suspect its a bug on HealthKit's side for specific users. I can't find anyone reporting this problem elsewhere so I have to assume its my fault, but the docs clearly state that the permission sheet will only be presented once.
Feb ’24
Home app on apple watch
This is a repost as it seems to be a reoccurring issue. ‘I have a number of accessories setup on homekit and everything works fine from my phone. However, recently, no homekit accessories works on apple watch, everything is no response (on watch face or through siri). Everything still works on the phone. iOS 16.5, Watch OS 9.5.1’ I have the same issue with iPhone 14 pro ios 18.1 apple watch 9 watch os 11.1 tried turning off and on restarting app renaming home this is beta software but was hoping there was an easy fix.
A server with the specified hostname could not be found exception
Hi, I have been working on the app that implements DNS Proxy Extension for a while now, and after a couple builds to TestFlight I noticed that I got a couple crashes that seem to be triggered by EXC_BREAKPOINT (SIGTRAP) After some investigation, it was found that crashes are connected to CFNetwork framework. So, I decided to additionally look into memory issues, but I found the app has no obvious memory leaks, no memory regression (within recommended 25%, actual value is at 20% as of right now), but the app still uses 11mb of memory footprint and most of it (6.5 mb is Swift metadata). At this point, not sure what's triggering those crashes, but I noticed that sometimes app will return message like this to the console (this example is for PostHog api that I use in the app): Task <0ABDCF4A-9653-4583-9150-EC11D852CA9E>.<1> finished with error [18 446 744 073 709 550 613] Error Domain=NSURLErrorDomain Code=-1003 "A server with the specified hostname could not be found." UserInfo={_kCFStreamErrorCodeKey=8, NSUnderlyingError=0x1072df0f0 {Error Domain=kCFErrorDomainCFNetwork Code=-1003 "(null)" UserInfo={_kCFStreamErrorDomainKey=12, _kCFStreamErrorCodeKey=8, _NSURLErrorNWResolutionReportKey=Resolved 0 endpoints in 2ms using unknown from cache, _NSURLErrorNWPathKey=satisfied (Path is satisfied), interface: en0[802.11], ipv4, dns, uses wifi}}, _NSURLErrorFailingURLSessionTaskErrorKey=LocalUploadTask <0ABDCF4A-9653-4583-9150-EC11D852CA9E>.<1>, _NSURLErrorRelatedURLSessionTaskErrorKey=( "LocalUploadTask <0ABDCF4A-9653-4583-9150-EC11D852CA9E>.<1>" ), NSLocalizedDescription=A server with the specified hostname could not be found., NSErrorFailingURLStringKey=, NSErrorFailingURLKey=, _kCFStreamErrorDomainKey=12} If DNS Proxy Provider uses custom DoH server for resolving packets, could the cache policy for URLSession be a reason? I had a couple other ideas (HTTP3 failure, CFNetwork core issues like described here) but not sure if they are valid Would be grateful if someone could give me a hint of what I should look at
Built-in Spin Control?
On and off I've been trying to figure out how to do hang detection in-application (at least from the user's point of view). Qualitatively what I'd like to do is have a process which runs sample(1) on the application after it's been unresponsive for more than a second or so. Basically, an in-app replacement for Spin Control. The problem I've been stuck on is: how do I tell? There used to be Core Graphics SPI (CGSRegisterNotifyProc with a value of kCGSEventNotificationAppIsUnresponsive) for doing this, but it doesn't work anymore (either due to sandboxing or system-wide security changes, I can't tell which but it doesn't matter). One thought I had was to have an XPC service which would expect to receive a checkin once per second from the host (via a timer set up by the host). If it didn't, it would start sample(1). This seems pretty heavyweight to me, since it means that once per second, I'm going to be consuming cycles to check in with the service. But I haven't been able to come up with a scheme that doesn't include some kind of check-in by the target process. Are there any APIs or strategies that I could use to accomplish this? Or is there some entitlement which would allow the application to request "application became unresponsive"/"application became responsive" notifications from the window server?
Ensuring Successful Video Uploads in iOS Background Mode(terminated state)
If we start uploading a video file from the foreground and then switch to another app or press the home button, we can enable background processing by selecting the 'Background processing' option in the app's background modes. We utilize URLSession to handle the upload. I have a few questions regarding this process: If the user manually kills the app, will the upload continue in the background? For files around 100 MB, if the user locks the phone while the upload is in progress (and the app is in the background but not terminated), will the upload still be successful? Does Apple provide any additional APIs that would facilitate successful file uploads even if the user terminates the app? I would appreciate any solutions or insights you can provide. Thank you!