




Disable optimised battery charging notifiction
I am on the developer beta ios 18.2 beta 3 on Iphone 16 Pro Max and, if I enable battery optimization charging I am woken up during the night when it is charged to 100% (which by the way isn't a couple of hours before my scheduled alarm goes off at 05:30 every day it reaches 100 about 3-4 hours earlier). There are no other notifications firing and if I turn this off and set the charge limit to 80% it successfully charges to this overnight without any notifications. If there isn't an option please can one be added as currently, I am unable to use this feature without being woken up during the night? The charger is new and connection is fine as there are no other sounds until the optimized charging reaches 100%.
DNS requests failing when NEPacketTunnelProvider is running.
Hi, TLDR: On iOS, when my PacketTunnel is running, can I exclude DNS requests from going into the tunnel? I have a test app, using Apple's AsyncDNSResolver, that makes a DNS call and it works when the tunnel is not running. If the tunnel is running it times out after 30 seconds and I get the error -65568. Here's how I'm setting up the tunnel func setup(tunnelRemoteAddress: String) { let settings = NEPacketTunnelNetworkSettings(tunnelRemoteAddress: tunnelRemoteAddress) settings.ipv4Settings = NEIPv4Settings(addresses: [tunnelRemoteAddress], subnetMasks: [""]) settings.ipv4Settings?.includedRoutes = [NEIPv4Route.default()] let proxySettings = NEProxySettings() proxySettings.httpEnabled = true proxySettings.httpServer = NEProxyServer(address:, port: ProxyServerConfiguration.port) proxySettings.httpsEnabled = true proxySettings.httpsServer = NEProxyServer(address:, port: LocalProxyServerConfiguration.port) proxySettings.excludeSimpleHostnames = true proxySettings.exceptionList = nil let dnsSettings = NEDNSSettings(servers: [""]) settings.dnsSettings = dnsSettings settings.proxySettings = proxySettings setTunnelNetworkSettings(settings) { error in // ... } } I've tried all combinations of setting/excluding the NEDNSSettings but the DNS call always fails when the tunnel is running. Thanks for any help.
Applinks failing
Hello, We're facing an issue with app links failing and falling back to browser website journeys. Our apple-app-site-association file is hosted publicly and the app to app journeys have been working correctly up to very recently - we are trying to identify any potential network infra changes that could have impacted the Apple CDN being able to retrieve the apple-app-site-association file. We can see in the iPhone OS logs that the links cannot be verified by the swcd process, and using the api via curl can also see the CDN has no record of the AASA file. Due to the traffic being SSL and to a high volume enterprise site it is difficult for use to trace activity through anything other that the source IPs - we cannot filter on user-agent for "AASA-Bot/1.0.0" as breaking the SSL would be impactful due to the load. Is it possible to get a network range used by the Apple CDN to retrieve the AASA file as this would help us identify potential blocking behaviour? Thank you.
What is the criterion for Font Book's "English" Language group
I've created a font family, but Font Book refuses to include it in the English language set, despite my best efforts. The font has every glyph in the OpenType "Std" set, plus several others. I've checked various boxes for Latin 1 and Macintosh Character Codepages; plus Unicode ranges for Basic Latin, additional Latin, etc, etc. I've compared it to several other fonts that are in the English set, and I can't see anything that they have that my fonts don't. (In fact, many of them seem to have much less!) I've created other fonts that are in the English set, but I've no idea what the difference is. Given that macOS relies on these Language sets, in order to hide the thousands of unnecessary fonts that are permanently installed in the OS, there ought to be some guidance on how to do this.
Can we disable KeepAlive temporarily for launchctl?
I have a process [command line cpp application] which i want to run always such as it should relaunch after a crash, after device startup etc. I created a launchd Property List File with KeepAlive true and placed under /Library/LaunchDaemons. Problem Statements: I have a bash script to start and stop this process. start using: launchctl bootstrap. stop involve these two steps: send SIGTERM signal and wait untill process stops after doing some cleanups launchctl bootout [It doesn't sends SIGTERM] during steps 1 - Process is getting stop, but also getting immediate relaunch by launchctl during step 2 - it getting stop again. is there a proper way so that we can disable KeepAlive temporarily so that process will not launch during step 1? or suggest other ways to handle this?
Not understanding TimelineReloadPolicy in WidgetKit
Relevant docs: I don't understand how .atEnd and .after works and how they differ. So here's what I want: I want to display my widget then update it in 5 seconds. Now I know these examples show that I can use the .after policy like so: let timeline = Timeline( entries:[entry], policy: .after(nextUpdateDate) // 5 seconds after now ) But from reading the docs, .atEnd means: "A policy that specifies that WidgetKit requests a new timeline after the last date in a timeline passes." So why can't we do: let timeline = Timeline( entries:[entry1, entry2], // entry 2 has date 5 seconds after policy: .atEnd ) I tried this and it does not seem to work. When I say I tried, I just had an onAppear on my widget view to print out the entry dates, and the entry 5 seconds later never prints. So what does .atEnd actually do? What happens if we put .atEnd with 1 entry?
Content filtering
Is it possible to build an iOS app with the purpose of content filtering? I'll give an example. This app would block access to, therefore if I were on the Safari or any iOS compatible browser, if I were to try to navigate to access would be blocked. The same would happen if I were on let's say Instagram and it attempted to make an outbound api call to, that too would fail. Is this device wide content filtering possible on the iOS platform? Furthermore would you be able to implement redirect logic. As in the user tries to visit but it is redirected to
quit apps, launch apps from Calendar
trying to quit 2 apps and launch a 3rd. 3 individual Automator apps work by themselves fine. But can't get them to "open an app" from Calendar at a specified time. Tried building an Apple Script. Same issue. Here's the Automator app. ** tell application "Jellyfin Media Player" to quit delay 1 tell application "Jellyfin server 10.10.1" to quit delay 1 tell application "EmbyServer 4.8.10" to activate** any help on what I'm doing wrong? seems simple enough. Both Automator and Script Ed have "full disk access" and "Accessibility"
APFS snapshot revert
I'm trying to restore an APFS volume to its previous state using a snapshot created with the tmutil command. The only native Apple tool I've found for this purpose is apfs.util. According to the documentation, the correct command for this task is /System/Library/Filesystems/apfs.fs/Contents/Resources/apfs.util -R </dev/diskXsY>. However, this command is not working for me. It returns the error "No such file or directory" for any existing . If I use a valid file/dir path instead of the as an experiment, I get an "Invalid argument" error. To investigate the issue, I decided to debug apfs.util and found that the fsctl() function is responsible for these errors (ENOENT and EINVAL). The first argument passed to fsctl() is the (or file/dir path in my experiment), and the second argument is the value 0x80084A01, which corresponds to the APFSIOC_REVERT_TO_SNAPSHOT command according to xnu's source code ( It seems that this command is not supported by the latest versions of macOS (see and always returns EINVAL error. Is this correct? Are there any other tools available that can be used to revert APFS snapshots?
Network Extension stopped working with SIP disabled
Whenever I'm working on my content filter for macOS, I usually keep SIP disabled and with developer mode on (systemextensionsctl) as a convenience. The issue: content filter stopped receiving any kind of traffic when SIP is disabled. I don't see any log lines in Console for new flows, and the filter can't block anything, since it doesn't get any flows. Issue started yesterday. I tried several things and did some investigation, here are some findings: Reboot: rebooting did not fix the issue (while keeping SIP disabled). Reenabling SIP fixes the issue for both App Store and Xcode builds. Code: latest published version also stopped working with SIP disabled. This version is stable and confirmed to work as reported by users. Clean Xcode + rebuild did not fix the issue. Lastly, I inspected the logs and did not see any errors standing out. I noticed the filter does get started (startFilter is called) and registered, but after that there are no errors/new flows or anything, just silence (logs below). default 15:22:22.270746-0300 : Calling startFilterWithCompletionHandler com.extension.MyExtension info 15:22:22.270998-0300 Success applying filter settings debug 15:22:22.272705-0300 NESMFilterSession[My Extension:B9F3F30E-E0E0-4E53-8B32-EFC285E3CF6A]: Checking providerBundleIdentifier com.extension.MyExtension for pluginClass 4 debug 15:22:22.272717-0300 Checking for com.extension.MyExtension - default 15:22:22.272728-0300 Found 1 registrations for com.extension.MyExtension ( debug 15:22:22.272778-0300 NESMFilterSession[My Extension:B9F3F30E-E0E0-4E53-8B32-EFC285E3CF6A]: com.extension.MyExtension is registered for pluginClass 4 Here are some additional info about my system: macOS 15.1 Between yesterday and today, the only new Installation is XProtectPlistConfigData at 12:10AM Thanks!
Memory leak when using OSLogStore in a loop
Hello, I am currently working on a project that involves periodically querying OSLog to forward system log entries to a backend. While the functionality generally operates as expected, I have encountered a memory leak in my application. Through testing, I have isolated the issue to the following simplified code example: #import <Foundation/Foundation.h> #import <OSLog/OSLog.h> int main(int argc, const char * argv[]) { @autoreleasepool { while(1) { NSError *error = nil; OSLogStore *logStore = [OSLogStore storeWithScope:OSLogStoreSystem error:&error]; if (!logStore) NSLog(@"Failed to create log store: %@", error); sleep(1); } } return 0; } When running this example, the application exhibits increasing memory usage, consuming an additional 100 to 200 KB per iteration, depending on whether the build is Debug or Release. Given that Automatic Reference Counting is enabled, I anticipated that the resources utilized by logStore would be automatically released at the end of each iteration. However, this does not appear to be the case. Am I using the API wrong? I would appreciate any insights or suggestions on how to resolve this issue. Thank you.
500 Broker Service Response exception during Apple Pay In-App Provisioning
We tried to test In-App Provisioning in Production for our whitelisted app through TestFlight (Internal Testing Track) and we receive the following error response from PassBook during provisioning attempt, Could you please guide us? Error Response from sysdiagnose PassBookUIService during In-App Provisioning attempt: { statusCode = 500; statusMessage = "Broker Service Response exception"; } I reported the error in Feedback Assistant: ID: FB15791497 (500 Broker Service Response exception during Apple Pay In-App Provisioning )
Queries on Peer to Peer Connectivity using Network.Framework
I am planning to implement Peer to Peer data exchange between 2 iOS devices. I have the following queries. My devices are connected through Ethernet. I would prefer to use this route if possible before switching over to Wifi. I can see there is an option to use prohibitedInterfaceTypes but that doesn't guarantee the route to use Ethernet when there are multiple available. Does the connection automatically switch between ethernet and Wifi or does that have to be handled via isViable and betterPathAvailable? I'm unsure when I should be using a custom framing protocol. I just need to exchange codable objects between the devices. Is the custom protocol required only if I use TCP as the underlying protocol? Can NSURLSessionStreamTask be used for this use case?
Trusted Domains
Hello, We have seen the following URL from one of our users when using Apple Pay It appears to be from the China region. Do we need to add this URL to our trusted domains? A little more context, the user is located in the United States and users from China should not be accessing our site. Does this mean the users device is set to China as a region?
NSPersistentCloudKitContainer not saving 50% of the time
I'm using NSPersistentCloudKitContainer to save, edit, and delete items, but it only works half of the time. When I delete an item and terminate the app and repoen, sometimes the item is still there and sometimes it isn't. The operations are simple enough: moc.delete(thing) try? Here is my DataController. I'm happy to provide more info as needed class DataController: ObservableObject { let container: NSPersistentCloudKitContainer @Published var moc: NSManagedObjectContext init() { container = NSPersistentCloudKitContainer(name: "AppName") container.loadPersistentStores { description, error in if let error = error { print("Core Data failed to load: \(error.localizedDescription)") } } #if DEBUG do { try container.initializeCloudKitSchema(options: []) } catch { print("Error initializing CloudKit schema: \(error.localizedDescription)") } #endif moc = container.viewContext } }
Issue with Property Wrapper Publisher Being Deallocated Prematurely When Not Stored as a Property
Hello everyone, I've built a @CurrentValue property wrapper that mimics the behavior of @Published, allowing a property to publish values on "did set". I've also created my own assign(to:) implementation that works with @CurrentValue properties, allowing values to be assigned from a publisher to a @CurrentValue property. However, I'm running into an issue. When I use this property wrapper with two classes and the source class (providing the publisher) is not stored as a property, the subscription is deallocated, and values are no longer forwarded. Here's the property wrapper code: @propertyWrapper public struct CurrentValue<Value> { /// A publisher for properties marked with the `@CurrentValue` attribute. public struct Publisher: Combine.Publisher { public typealias Output = Value public typealias Failure = Never /// A subscription that forwards the values from the CurrentValueSubject to the downstream subscriber private class CurrentValueSubscription<S>: Subscription where S: Subscriber, S.Input == Output, S.Failure == Failure { private var subscriber: S? private var currentValueSubject: CurrentValueSubject<S.Input, S.Failure>? private var cancellable: AnyCancellable? init(subscriber: S, publisher: CurrentValue<Value>.Publisher) { self.subscriber = subscriber self.currentValueSubject = publisher.subject } func request(_ demand: Subscribers.Demand) { var demand = demand cancellable = currentValueSubject?.sink { [weak self] value in // We'll continue to emit new values as long as there's demand if let subscriber = self?.subscriber, demand > 0 { demand -= 1 demand += subscriber.receive(value) } else { // If we have no demand, we'll cancel our subscription: self?.subscriber?.receive(completion: .finished) self?.cancel() } } } func cancel() { cancellable = nil subscriber = nil currentValueSubject = nil } } /// A subscription store that holds a reference to all the assign subscribers so we can cancel them when self is deallocated fileprivate final class AssignSubscriptionStore { fileprivate var cancellables: Set<AnyCancellable> = [] } fileprivate let subject: CurrentValueSubject<Value, Never> fileprivate let assignSubscriptionStore: AssignSubscriptionStore = .init() fileprivate var value: Value { get { subject.value } nonmutating set { subject.value = newValue } } init(_ initialValue: Output) { self.subject = .init(initialValue) } public func receive<S>(subscriber: S) where S: Subscriber, Failure == S.Failure, Output == S.Input { let subscription = CurrentValueSubscription(subscriber: subscriber, publisher: self) subscriber.receive(subscription: subscription) } } public var wrappedValue: Value { get { publisher.value } nonmutating set { publisher.value = newValue } } public var projectedValue: Publisher { get { publisher } mutating set { publisher = newValue } } private var publisher: Publisher public init(wrappedValue: Value) { publisher = .init(wrappedValue) } } /// A subscriber that receives values from an upstream publisher and assigns them to a downstream CurrentValue property. private final class AssignSubscriber<Input>: Subscriber, Cancellable { typealias Failure = Never private var receivingSubject: CurrentValueSubject<Input, Never>? private weak var assignSubscriberStore: CurrentValue<Input>.Publisher.AssignSubscriptionStore? init(currentValue: CurrentValue<Input>.Publisher) { self.receivingSubject = currentValue.subject self.assignSubscriberStore = currentValue.assignSubscriptionStore } func receive(subscription: Subscription) { // Hold a reference to the subscription in the downstream publisher // so when it deallocates, the susbcription is automatically cancelled assignSubscriberStore?.cancellables.insert(AnyCancellable(subscription)) subscription.request(.unlimited) } func receive(_ input: Input) -> Subscribers.Demand { receivingSubject?.value = input return .none } func receive(completion: Subscribers.Completion<Never>) { // Nothing to do here } public func cancel() { receivingSubject = nil assignSubscriberStore = nil } } public extension Publisher where Self.Failure == Never { /// Assigns the output of the upstream publisher to a downstream CurrentValue property /// - Parameter currentValue: The CurrentValue property to assign the values to func assign(to currentValue: inout CurrentValue<Self.Output>.Publisher) { let subscriber = AssignSubscriber(currentValue: currentValue) self.subscribe(subscriber) } } Here’s an example demonstrating the issue, where two classes are used: Source, which owns the @CurrentValue property, and Forwarder1, which subscribes to updates from Source: final class Source { @CurrentValue public private(set) var value: Int = 1 func update(value: Int) { self.value = value } } final class Forwarder1 { @CurrentValue public private(set) var value: Int init(source: Source) { self.value = source.value source.$value.dropFirst().assign(to: &$value) // The source is not stored as a property, so the subscription deallocates } func update(value: Int) { self.value = value } } With this setup, if source isn’t retained as a property in Forwarder1, the subscription is deallocated prematurely, and value in Forwarder1 stops receiving updates from Source. However, this doesn’t happen with @Published properties in Combine. Even if source isn’t retained, @Published subscriptions seem to stay active, propagating values as expected. My Questions: What does Combine do internally with @Published properties that prevents the subscription from being deallocated prematurely, even if the publisher source isn’t retained as a property? Is there a recommended approach to address this in my custom property wrapper to achieve similar behavior, ensuring the subscription isn’t lost? Any insights into Combine’s internals or suggestions on how to resolve this would be greatly appreciated. Thank you!
Use IOKit to access usb in MacOS
Hi, I am trying to develop MacOS application which will be connecting to USB devices and should be available in AppStore. So it must be Sandbox and probably I've to use permission I've following requirements: I need to detect USB devices with file system I need to have ability to upload & download files from this device I need to read device serial number I wonder if I can use IOKit for this and it will be compliant with AppStore rules or not?
Difference between Push delivery metrics in APNs console vs. 410 code for unregistered tokens
Hi there, We’re using APNs Push delivery metrics, which provide a breakdown including metrics like Received by APNs, Delivered to Device, and Discarded - Token Unregistered. To track unregistered tokens on our end, we also monitor the 410 error responses from APNs, which typically indicate that a token is no longer valid. However, we’ve noticed a discrepancy: the number of 410 errors we receive is much lower than the Discarded - Token Unregistered count shown in the APNs console. Is this difference expected? Specifically, does APNs sometimes know that a token is unregistered but still return a success status to us when we attempt to send a push to that token? Thank you for any insights you can provide!
M4 devices - VMs pre 13.4 fail to boot
Hi, It seems that on M4 devices any virtual machine with macOS version older than 13.4 fail to boot, they stuck with a black screen. This is regardless of the virtualization software used (UTM, VirtualBuddy, Viable, etc...). After talking to many people everyone experiences the same. At least for me, this is a massive limitation of the platform, I really hope this is a bug which can be fixed. Thanks, Csaba