Health & Fitness

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Explore the technical aspects of health and fitness features, including sensor data acquisition, health data processing, and integration with the HealthKit framework.

Health & Fitness Documentation






How can I record a HKWorkoutSession primarily on the iPhone and mirror it on the Apple Watch
In the wwdc2023-10023 session, we go over how the Apple Watch can be used as a primary workout session manager and the iPhone as the mirrored one. How is it possible to create a workout session on the iPhone and optionally mirror it to the Apple Watch to collect heart rate data? In iOS 17, I still cannot instantiate a HKWorkoutSession, I'm assuming it says it's available because we can have an instance of it as a mirrored copy from the Apple Watch. I find it odd that the iPhone cannot manage the primary session. I hope I'm missing something.
Oct ’23
iOS 17: How to use `HKWorkoutBuilder` inside unit tests
Hi, with iOS 17 creation of HKWorkout is deprecated via its init functions and the recommendation is to use HKWorkoutBuilder: The problem is that I am creating this HKWorkout object inside unit tests in order to test a service that works with such objects. And HKWorkoutBuilder requires a HKHealthStore which itself requires to be authenticated to be able to create HKWorkoutActivity instances, like it would be when an app is running. But since the unit tests cannot accept the request on the HKHealthStore I am not sure if using HKWorkoutBuilder inside unit tests is possible. Any ideas on how to proceed with creating HKWorkout for unit test purposes?
Oct ’23
Healthcare information may or may not be available through the app.
The app I distribute has a function that retrieves step count information from the "Healthcare" app and displays it on the app, but depending on the device, the step count may not be retrieved. When I checked the settings of the "Healthcare" app, I found that it was properly linked to the app, but for some reason I was unable to retrieve it. Is there any countermeasure in such a case? Is there anyone who has experienced a similar incident?*The same issue occurs even if the device is changed and the same Apple ID is used, so I think it is caused by the Apple ID.
Oct ’23
Cannot Upload HealthKitData in the Background
Hi, I am having some trouble with uploading HealthKit data to AWS S3 in the background. As of now, when I click on the button to beginBackgroundUpdates the data is uploaded as expected. When I go off the app and add data to HealthKit nothing happens. When I go back to the app, the new data is uploaded. I am not sure why this is not happening in the background. More specifically, I am not sure if this is allowed, and if so what I am doing wrong. ContentView: import SwiftUI import HealthKit struct ContentView: View { @StateObject var healthKitManager = HealthKitManager() var body: some View { VStack { Button("Enable Background Step Delivery") { healthKitManager.beginBackgroundUpdates() } } .padding() .onAppear { healthKitManager.requestAuthorization { success in print("Configured HealthKit with Return: \(success)") } } } } #Preview { ContentView() } BackgroundDeliveryApp: import SwiftUI import HealthKit import Amplify import AWSS3StoragePlugin import AWSCognitoAuthPlugin @main struct HKBackgruondDeliveryApp: App { private func configureAmplify() { do { try Amplify.add(plugin: AWSCognitoAuthPlugin()) try Amplify.add(plugin: AWSS3StoragePlugin()) try Amplify.configure() print("Succesfully configured Amplify with S3 Storage") } catch { print("Could not configure Amplify") } } init() { configureAmplify() } var body: some Scene { WindowGroup { ContentView() } } } HealthKitManager import Foundation import HealthKit import Amplify struct TestStep: Encodable, Decodable { let count: Double let startDate: Date let endDate: Date let device: String } class HealthKitManager: ObservableObject { var healthStore: HKHealthStore? let stepType = HKObjectType.quantityType(forIdentifier: .stepCount) let heartRateType = HKQuantityType(.heartRate) let sleepType = HKObjectType.categoryType(forIdentifier: .sleepAnalysis) init() { if HKHealthStore.isHealthDataAvailable() { healthStore = HKHealthStore() } else { print("There is no health data available") healthStore = nil } } func encodeStepList(stepList: [TestStep]) -> Data{ let encoder = JSONEncoder() encoder.dateEncodingStrategy = .iso8601 do { return try encoder.encode(stepList) } catch { return Data() } } func uploadStepData(stepList: [TestStep]) async { let stepData = self.encodeStepList(stepList: stepList) let uploadTask = Amplify.Storage.uploadData( key: "ExampleKey", data: stepData ) Task { for await progress in await uploadTask.progress { print("Progress: \(progress)") } } do { let value = try await uploadTask.value print("Completed: \(value)") } catch { print("Could not upload step data") } } func requestAuthorization(completion: @escaping (Bool) -> Void) { guard let stepType = stepType, let sleepType = sleepType else { return completion(false) } guard let healthStore = self.healthStore else { return completion(false) } healthStore.requestAuthorization(toShare: [], read: [stepType, heartRateType, sleepType]) { success, error in if let error = error { print("Some error has occoured during authorization of healthKit") print(error) } return completion(success) } } func beginBackgroundUpdates() { guard let healthStore = healthStore, let stepType = stepType else { print("Cannot begin background updates because HealthStore is nil") return } healthStore.enableBackgroundDelivery(for: stepType, frequency: .immediate) { success, error in print("Background update of health data") if let error = error { print("Some error has occoured during the set up of the background observer query for steps") print(error) return } guard let query = self.createObserverQuery() else { print("Could not create a query for steps") return } healthStore.execute(query) } } func stepCountDeviceRecordsQuery(stepCountObjects: @escaping ([TestStep]) -> Void) { guard let stepType = stepType else { print("Nil step type") return } let stepCountUnit = HKUnit.count() let endDate = Date() let startDate = .day, value: -7, to: endDate) let predicate = HKQuery.predicateForSamples(withStart: startDate, end: endDate) let sortDescriptors = [NSSortDescriptor(key: HKSampleSortIdentifierStartDate, ascending: true)] let stepCountQuery = HKSampleQuery(sampleType: stepType, predicate: predicate, limit: 10000, sortDescriptors: sortDescriptors) { query, results, error in if let error = error { print("Error in getStepCount") print(error) return } guard let results = results else { print("Empty results in getStepCount") return } var stepCounts: [TestStep] = [] for (_, record) in results.enumerated() { guard let record: HKQuantitySample = record as? HKQuantitySample else {return} let step = TestStep(count: record.quantity.doubleValue(for: stepCountUnit), startDate: record.startDate, endDate: record.endDate, device: record.device?.model ?? "") stepCounts.append(step) } print("\(stepCounts.count) records at \(Date())") print(stepCounts[stepCounts.count - 1]) stepCountObjects(stepCounts) } healthStore?.execute(stepCountQuery) } private func createObserverQuery() -> HKQuery? { guard let stepType = stepType else { return nil } let query = HKObserverQuery(sampleType: stepType, predicate: nil) { query, completionHandler, error in self.stepCountDeviceRecordsQuery { stepList in Task { await self.uploadStepData(stepList: stepList) } } completionHandler() } return query } }
Oct ’23
Long workout does not end when done from watch without iPhone.
When the build a multi-device workout app sample project is ran, there is a problem that stops workouts from being logged with only the watch. When the workout is started from the Apple Watch with the iPhone app closed, you can usually end the workout from the watch in the first few seconds. However, if the workout lasts more than 30 seconds, when the workout is ended via the watch, everything will stall for multiple minutes or indefinitely until the iPhone app is opened. How is it reccommended to fix this issue? It makes the sample project unusable for production as is because many users may want to sometimes log a workout with their watch without the iPhone present. I haven't been able to figure out a good solution, can someone please help with this.
Oct ’23
Read sleep schedule
Hi Is there a way to read the sleep schedule i have set in either the health or clock apps? I found a few posts on here asking the same thing and the responce was always either no or just no responce but they are all from over 2 years ago so im not sure if something has changed since then. Up untill recently i was using a shortcuts automation to get the data but a recent update started excluding the sleep schedule alarm from the list that the shortcuts app can pull from the clock app. I dont want historical data, just when the alarm is set to go off next. I was using it to turn my lights on dim half an hour before the alarm goes off without having to set the schedule in 2 places. I have an annoyingly inconsistent morning schedule. Thanks
Oct ’23
Apple Vision Pro and Radiology for diagnostic viewing and interpretation
Will Apple Vision Pro support medical imaging diagnostic software such as Horos or Osirix. I am really curious if radiologist will be able to view and manipulate. interpret exams with this headset with ease and use built in microphone for voice recognition/dictation while using hands to manipulate the imaging and also simultaneously being able to view report in field of view. This could really unlock some major potential for interpreting at least CT, Ultrasound and MRI exams. I don't think the resolution will be high enough to interpret diagnostic x-rays and definitely not mammograms due to MQSA regulations and physicist inspections requiring more detail and information. However, I want to be at the forefront of bringing in Vision Pro headsets in the medical imaging space with rel utilization in clinical practices. It may also be beneficial for patients who are curious to see their medical imaging or even as headsets to use while undergoing medical imaging outpatient biopsy procedures for ******/etc to help put them at ease during the procedures. This could really provide patient satisfaction and I think we are scratching the surface on a world of possibilities in healthcare with devices like this. Upon utilixation, I would like to creat presentation series and share information with my Radiology colleagues at national/international meetings.
Aug ’23
internal healthkit error: "Unable to invalidate interval: no data source avallable"
we are seeing what appears to be an internal healthkit error appearing in our app.  not sure if it's connected, but we've mostly seen it reported on devices running ios 16.  even though our app's primary language is japanese, and in all reported occurrences the app was running in japanese, the error message itself appears in english.  searching the error string on the web yields surprisingly few results (including only two mentions on this forum that i could find, neither of which seemed relevant).  this would seem to suggest that it's coming from something deep inside healthkit, since the error message is not localized.  in all reported cases, the user had recently upgraded to a new iphone.  in most cases, the problem only occurs on the new device even though everything had been working correctly prior to the upgrade.  the error occurs when the app is unable to read step count data from healthkit. we have confirmed that the app has been granted access permissions to all health data via os settings.  we've also tried having the user toggling those settings off, then back on, rebooting the device, deleting and reinstalling the app, etc., to no avail. the error message is "Unable to invalidate interval: no data source avallable." we'd appreciate it if anyone can shed more light on this issue. thanks!
Nov ’22