CustomWorkout with different activity types.


is it possible to create a Custom Workout with different activity types.

I want a Custom Workout where the user first has to run and after do skiing. Its like a little bit like SwimBikeRun but with running and Skiing.

How can i do this? Thank you

Is this a question for people who develop apps for Apple's operating systems, as in, you're looking for support on how to code that, or are you looking for more general 'user' support with the Workout app? For the latter you'll to visit the support forums.

Hi I am refering to the WorkoutKit and this developer video:

I wonder if i build a CutomWorkout with different steps. If i can change the activity Type for each step or create something like the .swimbikerun activity type.

So it is a question for developers not for users. Thank you!

CustomWorkout with different activity types.