Apple Pay

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Discuss how to integrate Apple Pay into your app for secure and convenient payments.

Apple Pay Documentation






Issues with Apple Pay Issuer integration
Hello, I am having issues with Apple Pay for issuers. I am not able to get passes from my Apple Watch. I am 100% sure that my Apple Watch is paired, and debug logs show that a remote pass library exists. The issue is that I have my card added on both my phone and watch, and I always get a blank passes array for my Apple Watch. This is the code I am using: let localPasses = PKPassLibrary().passes().compactMap { $0 as? PKSecureElementPass } let remotePasses = PKPassLibrary().remoteSecureElementPasses When the card is already added to my phone, when I tap the "Add to Apple Wallet" button on in-app provisioning, I still get a choice to add the card to either my phone or watch, which is not correct. I am getting the FPANID from the other pass in my wallet and setting it on PKAddPaymentPassRequestConfiguration.primaryAccountIdentifier, which according to the docs should be all that is required. Any help is appreciated! Thank you.
Jun ’24
Grace Period Not Working - App Store Server Notifications
I'm working in Apple's Sandbox environment to implement in-app purchase of an auto-renewable subscription. I followed the instructions at this link in order to Enable Billing Grace Period: However, when I receive an App Store Server Notification for when the user's billing method fails (DID_FAIL_TO_RENEW), it includes no information about the gracePeriodExpiresDate and we never get a GRACE_PERIOD_EXPIRED notification. Logs showing App Store Server Notification not reflecting Grace Period Enabled. I enabled grace period in App Store Connect like three weeks ago, so it's not a delay there. What can I do to test out Billing Grace Period? Is this just an Apple bug?
Jun ’24
Intermittent merchant validation
Hello, I've recently created a merchant ID and added two domains to it. I placed the verification .txt files in the right place (under the .well-known dir) and both verified successfully and show as such in the merchant id setup page. I am intermittently getting the following error: { "statusMessage": "Payment Services Exception merchantId=XXXXX not registered for", "statusCode": "400" } (merchantId and domain have been masked in the above error) -- What's odd is that this is intermittent -- It'll work fine, and then stop and start giving the above error, and then start working fine again, with no intervention from me. Some context: This is a single server application, so it's not like we've got a server out of sync somewhere. Thoughts? Any thoughts?
Jun ’24
Hide ApplePay button on non supporting devices
Hi, I'm adding ApplePay to our website. It works perfectly. However, I want to hide the ApplePay button on devices that do not have an Apple Wallet configured. I am using the following code to verify this as per ApplePay documentation. function ShowApplePayButton() { if (window.ApplePaySession) { if (ApplePaySession.canMakePayments()) { if (ApplePaySession.canMakePaymentsWithActiveCard('visa') || ApplePaySession.canMakePaymentsWithActiveCard('masterCard')) { return true; } } } return false; } This function always returns true from a Mac with no wallet configured. So the applePay button is visible on the Mac. When I click on the ApplePay button, there is no option to add or update the Wallet. This is my ApplePay sample code function onApplePay() { if (!ApplePaySession) { return; } var grandTotal = "10"; // Define ApplePayPaymentRequest const request = { countryCode: 'GB', currencyCode: 'GBP', merchantCapabilities: ['supports3DS'], supportedNetworks: ['masterCard', 'visa'], total: { label: 'Total', amount: grandTotal, type: 'final' }, requiredBillingContactFields: ["postalAddress", "name", "phone", "email"], requiredShippingContactFields: ["postalAddress", "name", "phone", "email"] }; // Create ApplePaySession const session = new ApplePaySession(3, request); session.onvalidatemerchant = async event => { // Call your own server to request a new merchant session. const merchantSession = await getAsync("/test/ValidateMerchant", "", "json") session.completeMerchantValidation(merchantSession); }; session.onpaymentmethodselected = event => { const update = { newTotal: { label: 'Total', amount: grandTotal, type: 'final' } } session.completePaymentMethodSelection(update); }; session.onshippingmethodselected = event => { const update = { newTotal: { label: 'Total', amount: grandTotal, type: 'final' } }; session.completeShippingMethodSelection(update); }; session.onshippingcontactselected = event => { }; session.onpaymentauthorized = event => { const result = { "status": ApplePaySession.STATUS_FAILURE }; const payment = event.payment;'/test/ProcessPayment', body, function (response) { if (response.approved) { session.completePayment(ApplePaySession.STATUS_SUCCESS); } else { session.completePayment(ApplePaySession.STATUS_FAILURE) } }, function (xhr, ajaxOptions, thrownError) { console.log(thrownError); }, true, 'json'); }; session.oncancel = event => { // Payment canceled by WebKit }; session.begin(); } Could you please suggest a workaround to resolve this issue?
Jun ’24
Wallet pass default localization rules
There must be some rules that determine which set of localized strings of an Apple Wallet pass (.pkpass) is used when the choice is not obvious. For instance, I made a pass with localization folders ko.lproj (Korean) pl.lproj (Polish) zh-Hans.lproj (Chinese). If any of these languages is in my iPhone's preferred languages (Settings... General... Language & Region), then it's easy: the first one on that list is used. But what if the list does not have any of them? When I try, it seems the Chinese localization is chosen by the Wallet app. Without the Chinese localization folder, it is Korean. If I also add ar.lproj (Arabic) then Arabic is chosen. I can't discern any system here. How does Wallet choose the default localization?
Jun ’24
Ios 18 dev beta 1 - applepay not working
Iphone 14 pro. After installing ios 18 dev beta 1, i cannot use anymore the applepay. When i put the iPhone near the pos, i double click the per button, i choose the credit card i want to use, but nothing happens. Tried to change credit card, remove card from. Wallet and re add, nothing worked. it is a known bug ? Anyone else ? Workaround? I'm living in Italy Fabrizio
Jun ’24
Wallet Passes generate unreadable qrcode
Hi, I work in a ticketing company and we used Wallet passes. Everything works great but some venues report that some qrcodes are unreadable. I have one example. All information is present but the qrcode could not be read. We tested multiple readers. The information in the qrcode is only numeric, so ti is not an encoding issue. What can cause this issue ?
Jun ’24
Potential Apple Pay Notification Delay in iOS 18 Developer Beta
Potential Apple Pay Notification Delay in iOS 18 Developer Beta Users are reporting a delay in receiving purchase notifications in Apple Wallet after using Apple Pay. Transactions are confirmed within the Wallet app, but the notification arrives hours later. As this issue is occurring on the iOS 18 developer beta, it's likely a software bug related to Apple Pay integration with Wallet. I have reported this to Feedback. Is anyone else having the same problem?
Jun ’24
Apple Pay - canMakePaymentsWithActiveCard
The documentation says that, when calling the method canMakePaymentsWithActiveCard, the method asynchronously contacts Apple pay servers. My question is, if I want to whitelist the Apple pay servers, should I be referring to this list?
Jun ’24
Apple Pay 115% limit
Hi. About to start integrating Apple Pay for the first time. Other gateways I've integrated have a limit from the initial authorisation, above which you can't capture payment. E.g. customer authorizes £100, but then adds items to their order taking the value to £120. Is there such a limit with Apple Pay? Is there a workaround without having to contact the customer again. Jon
Jun ’24
Unable to read data from the transport connection: An existing connection was forcibly closed by the remote host..
I am getting error while await applePayClient.PostAsJsonAsync(validationUrl, validationPayload) I am testing it on local machine. Am I even can test this on local machine or not? Error: Unable to read data from the transport connection: An existing connection was forcibly closed by the remote host.. validationUrl: JS C# code: var applePayClientHandler = new HttpClientHandler { SslProtocols = System.Security.Authentication.SslProtocols.Tls12 | System.Security.Authentication.SslProtocols.Tls13 }; var applePayClient = new HttpClient(applePayClientHandler); var merchantId = ""; var _displayName = "Sandbox"; var domainName = ""; var validationUrl = request.ValidationURL; var validationPayload = new { MerchantIdentifier = merchantId, DisplayName = _displayName, Initiative = "web", InitiativeContext = domainName }; try { var response = await applePayClient.PostAsJsonAsync(validationUrl, validationPayload); var merchantSession = await response.Content.ReadAsStringAsync(); return merchantSession; } catch (HttpRequestException httpEx) { // Log detailed HTTP request/response information Console.WriteLine($"HttpRequestException: {httpEx.Message}"); if (httpEx.InnerException != null) { Console.WriteLine($"InnerException: {httpEx.InnerException.Message}"); } throw; }
Jun ’24
Shortcuts | Transaction Automation | IOS 18
Hello forum, Hope all is great! I have a shortcut automation which uses the transaction trigger. Since updating to ios 18 the transaction trigger does not work anymore. Whenever a transaction is done, the “Running your automation” notification does not show up and the automation does not work. To share with you the steps I’ve done so far: 1.Remove the automation and do it again 2.Remove the card from apple pay 3. Delete and install again the shortcut app 4. Turned on and off the phone I can confirm the automation works on my other iPhone with the latest version of IOS 17. Would really appreciate if anyone has any insights about that, or if this happened to you as well. Cheers! Dorin
Jun ’24
How to determine if a user is eligible for an introductory offer or promotional offer?
How to determine if a user is eligible for an introductory offer or promotional offer or neither when they just view the subscription page in APP without submitting a subscription? We are using apple server notifications V2. My goal is to display different offer pages to different users on the subscription page according to their eligibility. But currently, we can only recognize the user's eligibility after they have submitted a subscription order.
Jun ’24
Apple pay - determine active card
The documentation states canMakePaymentsWithActiveCard is deprecated but will continue to work on Safari browsers. The suggested method to use applePayCapabilities is in Beta. This is confusing for a developer! which method should be used. I do not want to use a 'Beta' version in a Production environment. On the other hand, I also don't want to use a method which is deprecated. Any help or guidance would be welcome. Thank you
Jun ’24