It says: "There are still screenshot uploads in progress." when submit a new build

I'm submitting a new version of my app, and after click "submit for Review", it show that:

A few more items are needed in order to submit for review
The items listed below are required for submission:

  • There are still screenshot uploads in progress.

I didn't met this problem before. Is that mean I haven't upload all the screenshot required or it's still uploading the screenshots to App Store Connect's server? Cause before there is a "save" button after you drag images to the screenshots area, now you don't.And I think I have uploaded all the screenshots needed and I waited a day to try submit again, still the same.

What should I do?

Hi yadayado!

Sorry to hear this is happening. This message means there are screenshot uploads that were started but never finished. Normally if an upload fails, App Store Connect will report an error and delete the unfinished screenshot for you. But it sounds like in this case a failed screenshot did not get deleted successfully.

You can delete these yourself manually:
  1. Go to your app version page where you see your screenshots.

  2. Click “View All Sizes in Media Manager”. This should take you to a page with all available display types and sizes.

  3. Click the “>” icon by each display size to expand every section.

Unfinished screenshots show as a grey placeholder icon instead of an actual screenshot. Normally these tell you someone else on your team is in the process of uploading a screenshot. But if that’s not the case, then it means a screenshot upload failed, and did not get cleaned up automatically. If you see any of these:
  1. Hover your mouse pointer over the screenshot. A red (-) icon will appear over the top-left corner.

  2. Click the (-) icon to delete the placeholder.

If you have more than one localization for your app, use the locale picker in the top-right corner of this page to check each localization.

Hope this helps!
I have the same issue. When I "View All Sizes in Media Manager" there are no grayed out screenshots for any device or language. The new App Store Connect site is very buggy, it times out more half the time when I try to save updates, and sometimes it won't allow screenshots to be re-ordered. I could try to delete and re-upload screenshots, but it's a lot, 5 apps x 5 languages x iPhone and iPad...there's no way that the App Store would be able to get through those uploads without even more stalled uploads. Also, if the stalled uploads are not visible to me now, deleting and re-adding may not clear the issue.

I have the same issue. And I don't have any grayed out screenshots for any device or language.
Hey guys, any ideas what I can do here? I'm stuck and I can't upload the latest version of our app :(
Hi bbrockit and terminapp!

I'm sorry this is happening. Please file a bug report with Feedback Assistant. In the report include your app's Apple ID (found on the App Information page in App Store Connect) as well as the platform (macOS, iOS, tvOS) and version number where you're seeing the problem.

Then post the feedback URLs back here.

Thank you!
i have the same issue, my app is ready for sale, there is a broken picture in that version. i remove the app from appstore but the issue is still there. life is begining difficulty. any help is appreciated
Hi all. On the "View All Sizes in Media Manager" page, be sure to check the iMessage App and Apple Watch App tabs for additional possible-failed screenshots. These tabs will show at the top of the page under the Media Manager header if they are relevant to your app.

And again if you still have trouble please post Feedback Assistant URLs with app info so we can look at your individual apps directly.
I have same problem.
Same problem, there definitely seems to be something broken in the new App Store Connect... no gray screenshot on my side either...
The issue for me was that even though I had 10 images uploaded per screen, for some reason there were still images in the upload queue. I managed to clear the queue by deleting the last image for every screen and reloading the page + deleting the last image over and over until there were only 9 images after a reload. Then I uploaded the last image again and the submission worked.
I have the same problem as well - no grey splash screen and Media Manager shows everything is fine. However I am receiving this error. Here is a link
I had the same error. If you want to spot in which listing the issue is, try to reorder items. If you cannot reorder them, then remove obstacle image and try to re-upload it.
Yes I confirm. Changing the order of items allows you to determine where the problem is and remove the incorrectly loaded item.
We are experiencing the same issue.
Tired everything suggested in the thread (reordering test, deleting last screenshot, looking for grey boxes/broken pictures), but the "There are still screenshot uploads in progress." error persists. So it's not possible to submit for review.

We reported the issue at:
We are also facing the same issue and we have also used the provided solution can. anyone help us to solve this issue.

A few more items are needed in order to submit for review
The items listed below are required for submission:
There are still screenshot uploads in progress.
It says: "There are still screenshot uploads in progress." when submit a new build