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Enable handwriting-to-text conversion in any text field on iPad with Apple Pencil using the UIScribbleInteraction and UIIndirectScribbleInteraction APIs.

Posts under Scribble tag

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PKCanvasView working on preview, but not on simulator or app
Hey, so I am working on a note taking part of my app and I have been working on allowing different inputs. I got the PKCanvas to work on the preview and on the simulator when it is the only thing on the window group. But when I use this View as part of the tool selection in my app, when the user selects the Canvas view it loads but scribbles don't work, only in the preview in Xcode. I don't know why this behavior is happening. The flow in which the PKCanvasView appears is, user taps NavLink to see their notes, in the NotesView they tap to show the toolbar, toolbar has 4 types of input, text, images, audio, scribbles (all other inputs work accordingly), user taps scribbles the view loads correctly but doesn't allow them to draw. I have set the drawingPolicy to anyInput
Static lines when using Scribble
I just got the iPad air 5th gen and also the Apple Pencil 2nd Gen and right when I started using the scribble function, I would get random static lines along the lettering or random parts of the screen. it only appears when I'm waiting and doesn't affect the actual things I'm writing. The iPad also automatically updated to the beta version of ios 18 because my iPhone is also on the beta. Is anyone else having this issue?
PKToolPicker Available Tools
When I display the PKToolPicker in my app it looks similar to the image below If you use one of the apps from Apple like Pages or Freeform you see a picker similar to this one. Notice that the PKToolPicker from the Apple app has 6 tools not including the ruler. With the tool all the way to the left being the writing tool. How do you get the picker to display with the writing tool? I have looked over the API and I can see where you can set if the ruler is displayed or not but I can't find anything for the writing tool