Media Player

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Find and play songs, audio podcasts, audio books, and more from within your app using Media Player.

Posts under Media Player tag

85 Posts
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CPGridTemplate/ CPListImageRowItem support on iOS13
I want to create a CPListImageRowItem/CPGridTemplate for the audio app which supports from iOS 13. for iOS14 and above I can able to do that with CPGridTemplate/ CPListImageRowItem but in iOS 13 how can we do? Because to support audio app from iOS13 I am using MPPlayableContentManager. So, are we able to achieve it iOS 13? Grid Should look like below image Please Suggest any way to achieve this kind of design? Thanks in advance.
Apr ’24
MPMusicPlayerController prepareToPlay errors
I'm getting a variety of errors when I call prepareToPlay on the MPMusicPlayerController. Sometimes they happen, sometimes they don't. I'm trying to play songs from the Apple Music service. When I don't get the errors, it plays just fine. I have iOS v13.5.1 on my iPhone Xs and I'm using Xcode 11.5. This is my code: let applicationMusicPlayer = MPMusicPlayerController.applicationMusicPlayer applicationMusicPlayer.setQueue(with: [trackID]) applicationMusicPlayer.prepareToPlay(completionHandler:{ error in if let error = error { print(error.localizedDescription) return } DispatchQueue.main.async{ } } These are the various errors I'm getting: [SDKPlayback] Failed to prepareToPlay error: Error Domain=MPMusicPlayerControllerErrorDomain Code=2 "Queue was interrupted by another queue" UserInfo={NSDebugDescription=Queue was interrupted by another queue} [SDKPlayback] Failed to prepareToPlay error: Error Domain=MPMusicPlayerControllerErrorDomain Code=9 "Preparing queue timed out" UserInfo={NSDebugDescription=Preparing queue timed out} [SDKPlayback] Failed to prepareToPlay error: Error Domain=MPMusicPlayerControllerErrorDomain Code=6 "Failed to prepare to play" UserInfo={NSDebugDescription=Failed to prepare to play} [SDKPlayback] applicationQueuePlayer _establishConnectionIfNeeded timeout [ping did not pong]
Mar ’24
Creating a song using MediaPlayer so it shows up in a playlist, from stored file on device.
I'm trying to accomplish creating a new playlist on device that appears in AppleMusic, and adding into the playlist a selection of MP3s within a small IOS app. Now the MP3's are either a stream of bytes, or a flat file already stored on the device (the app itself generates these - they aren't downloaded, they are created in app, and then stored on the local device) in it's local storage space. The idea is that created tracks can show up in a specific play list on the device. Now, there appears to be some conflict as to what framework I need to use. I've found MPMediaPlayer, which appears to allow me to create a playlist using the GetPlaylist call, although the documentation on this seems pretty sparse and there's not a lot of examples I can find on how to use this? It looks like a UUID is passed in, but there is no documentation on what this UUID is or where it comes from? If I want to create a new Playlist, I presume I need to generate a UUID, and then store that locally in order to be able to access that playlist again later, yes? There's an AddItem call which looks like it's how you add a track to a playlist, but there's no documentation on how you generate an entry. The documentation for this function talks about a Product ID, without describing what the product ID is, or where it needs to come from. Is this a GUID? Is it a name/description? Does it have to be unique? I'm assuming this Product ID refers to that which is being added to the playlist, but the documentation is sadly lacking in terms of explaining what the product ID refers to. Is it a media Item, or is that what is created when whatever entity the Product ID is referring to is added to the playlist? I'm assuming I can create a NSURL of the file that is stored that is actually the MP3 sample, but what I do with that in order to actually add it as a playlist entry is unknown. I'm sure there is a mechanism to do this, it's just not clear what that is. There's a lack of understanding or explanation of what the process is here, and some illumination would be helpful.
Mar ’24
Building a music application using an API
Hello everyone, my name is Joshua Osagie. For 2 months now, I have been trying to build my own music application, but unfortunately, I can’t because I was thinking I would get an API from maybe Apple Music or Spotify that will grant me access to over 100 million music. Even if the API is paid for, I have been doing my research, but then it's kind of impossible. So please, if anyone has an idea on what I can do to bring this application to life, I will really appreciate it. Or if anyone could share me an idea on how to get over millions of music on my app, I will be really grateful.
Mar ’24
Error -16831/START-TIME is too close to live
Hello everyone, I was playing a livestream when I received the error -16831/START-TIME is too close to live returned from the AVPlayerItemNewErrorLogEntry function. I don't know why the error is returned, please help me explain. Similarly, I am also getting error: -12888/Playlist File unchanged for longer than 1.5 * target duration , I also read error -12888 in the documentation page 170: 2018/502_measuring_and_optimizing_hls_performance.pdf but still don't understand the reason. Hope you can help!
Mar ’24
Podcast Dashboard for Listeners
Hello, I don't run a podcast, therefore, I am not referring to the apple podcasts connect platform, and have been trying to get in contact with someone at Apple Podcasts. I would like to talk to developer support or someone who could consult on how to best approach something i'd like to build as an open source tool. I listen to a lot of podcasts and would like an analytics dashboard and toolset to take notes from the podcasts that I listen to on Apple Podcasts. Although, it would be just a good start to have analytics, accessing all of the info. I need to be able to plug into an API and pull all of that data from my account. Is there any way I can access this or talk to someone about this? I have a lot of historical data I assume from all of the shows i'm subscribed to and would like to visualize all of this. Is this possible? From my research, it seems that there is no way to access the information from the Podcasts app? Is there any infra for this?
Feb ’24
Some album artwork from MPMediaItem display as nil
Hey there, I'm trying to display all user's albums using the MediaPlayer library. I'm getting many albums returning nil, but I know artwork exists because they show up in the default Music app. There doesn't seem to be much rhyme or reason for what shows up and what doesn't. All downloaded albums display artwork, but some cloud album artwork displays as well. Here's the code I'm using to debug this. let query = MPMediaQuery.albums() if let albumCollections = query.collections { albums = albumCollections } for album in albums { let artwork = album.representativeItem?.artwork print(artwork, artwork?.image(at: CGSize(width: 100, height: 100))) } Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!
Jan ’24
JS Fullscreen API's not working on IOS 17
According to docs the webkitEnterFullScreen() only works in IOS if the element is <video>, but own after i have updated to IOS 17.1.2 it's not working, i have tested it in chrome and safari both. Even the test code W3School for Fullscreen does not work in IOS 17.1.2 Test Done Model: 1Phone 15 pro max IOS Version: 17.0.2 Browser: Chrome Test URL
Jan ’24
iOS 17 - Popover ModalPresentationStyle freeze UI
Hello Dev, Recently my client reported freezing the app screen when trying to dismiss it. Our application is related to music. When I checked the flow on the Simulator, I got the same case on the iPhone 15 series. I debugged the code and what I saw was CPU usage got 100% when I tried to pull down the model presented popover controller. I have checked the same flow multiple times and it worked 3-4 times and Additionally, it worked on some real devices and simulators too. So I can't understand what causing this issue. Can you please help me on this? I'm looking forward to hearing from you. Thank you in advance!
Jan ’24
Music volumen down bluetooth after iOS 17.2
I am detecting problems with the volume level with the Bluetooth connection after the iOS 17.2 update. Before this problem persisted on the iPhone 11 and the iPhone 15 Pro, after the 17.2 update it seems that the problem was fixed on the iPhone 11 but still It persists on the iPhone 15 Pro. I have never had problems with the volume level in my car, but something Apple has changed that continues to affect it. How can it be corrected? Thank you very much for your support. I did a test with the same song and the same volume level (maximum volume on the smartphone and volume 12 on my Suzuki Swift) and these were the decibels results obtained. The Iphone 11 and 15 Pro has updated to iOS 17.2
Dec ’23
Handling Retry in AVPlayer for video segments 5xx errors
I am reaching out to you as I am currently trying to solve an issue involving AVPlayer, and I have encountered a challenge related to handling errors for video segments. In our implementation, we have noticed that AVPlayer tends to make contiuous calls to fetch the video segments when video segments returns errors. AVPlayer tries for approximately 30 seconds before throwing an error. We observed this issue when video segments return 404 or 5xx errors. Please fnd below screenshot for the same. Is there any recommended approach or configuration setting that can be applied to restrict the number of calls AVPlayer makes in such scenarios. We are particularly interested in finding a solution that can help reduce the number of calls that are made in case of such failures. I look forward to hearing from you soon and appreciate your support in resolving this matter.
Dec ’23
Using dynamic island and picture in picture together
We are implementing new Live Activities in our app (we are a live shopping app). We also have PIP however i've noticed that when I start a live activity, then go into picture in picture, the dynamic island does not show the activity we've created for it. I can only see the activity on the lock screen widget while the audio for the videos plays. Is there any way to get the dynamic island to work with an app that is also in picture in picture? If there is and I'm doing something wrong, I can post some code. But from what I see, these don't seem to be compatible unfortunately :(
Nov ’23