Media Library

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Access read-only collections of the user’s multimedia content using Media Library.

Posts under Media Library tag

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Get downloaded tracks when querying MPMediaItem and can't detect them
Hello, We've a music app reading MPMediaItem. We got items using MPMediaQuery. But we realized that some downloaded tracks from Apple Music were fetched too. Not all downloaded track but only those who were played recently. Of course, since these tracks are protected with DRM we can't play them in our player. It's weird to get them in our query because we added predicate in order to dont fetch protected asset and iCloud item MPMediaPropertyPredicate(value: false, forProperty: MPMediaItemPropertyHasProtectedAsset) MPMediaPropertyPredicate(value: false, forProperty: MPMediaItemPropertyIsCloudItem) To be sure, we made a second check on each item we've fetched extension MPMediaItem { public func isValid() -> Bool { return self.assetURL != nil && !self.isCloudItem && !self.hasProtectedAsset } } But we still get these items. Their hasProtectedAsset attribute always return false. I dont know if it's a bug, but since we can't detect this items as Apple Music downloaded track, we can't either: filter them to not add them in our application library OR switch on a MPMusicPlayerController.applicationMusicPlayer to allow the user to play them
Creating a song using MediaPlayer so it shows up in a playlist, from stored file on device.
I'm trying to accomplish creating a new playlist on device that appears in AppleMusic, and adding into the playlist a selection of MP3s within a small IOS app. Now the MP3's are either a stream of bytes, or a flat file already stored on the device (the app itself generates these - they aren't downloaded, they are created in app, and then stored on the local device) in it's local storage space. The idea is that created tracks can show up in a specific play list on the device. Now, there appears to be some conflict as to what framework I need to use. I've found MPMediaPlayer, which appears to allow me to create a playlist using the GetPlaylist call, although the documentation on this seems pretty sparse and there's not a lot of examples I can find on how to use this? It looks like a UUID is passed in, but there is no documentation on what this UUID is or where it comes from? If I want to create a new Playlist, I presume I need to generate a UUID, and then store that locally in order to be able to access that playlist again later, yes? There's an AddItem call which looks like it's how you add a track to a playlist, but there's no documentation on how you generate an entry. The documentation for this function talks about a Product ID, without describing what the product ID is, or where it needs to come from. Is this a GUID? Is it a name/description? Does it have to be unique? I'm assuming this Product ID refers to that which is being added to the playlist, but the documentation is sadly lacking in terms of explaining what the product ID refers to. Is it a media Item, or is that what is created when whatever entity the Product ID is referring to is added to the playlist? I'm assuming I can create a NSURL of the file that is stored that is actually the MP3 sample, but what I do with that in order to actually add it as a playlist entry is unknown. I'm sure there is a mechanism to do this, it's just not clear what that is. There's a lack of understanding or explanation of what the process is here, and some illumination would be helpful.
Mar ’24
Cannot read playbackStoreID property from MPMediaItem in Mac target
Running in a Mac (Catalyst) target or Apple Silicon (designed for iPad). Just accessing the playbackStoreID from the MPMediaItem shows this error in the console: -[ITMediaItem valueForMPMediaEntityProperty:]: Unhandled MPMediaEntityProperty subscriptionStoreItemAdamID. The value returned is always “”. This works as expected on iOS and iPadOS, returning a valid playbackStoreID. import SwiftUI import MediaPlayer @main struct PSIDDemoApp: App { var body: some Scene { WindowGroup { Text("playbackStoreID demo") .task { let authResult = await MPMediaLibrary.requestAuthorization() if authResult == .authorized { if let item = MPMediaQuery.songs().items?.first { let persistentID = item.persistentID let playbackStoreID = item.playbackStoreID // <--- Here print("Item \(persistentID), \(playbackStoreID)") } } } } } } Xcode 15.1, also tested with Xcode 15.3 beta 2. MacOS Sonoma 14.3.1 FB13607631
XCUITest "MyApp" Would Like to Access Your Photo Library
I can't work out how to deal with the dialog presented when an app first tries to access a photo library: This screenshot shows the dialog still presented after the app has quit, which suggests to me that it's a system-level rather than app-level dialog; but the handler for addUIInterruptionMonitor(withDescription:handler:) isn't called (whereas it is for both the "Allow MyApp to use your location?" and "MyApp Would Like to Send You Notifications" dialogs). But nor does it appear to be an app-level dialog under XCUIApplication. How can I handle this dialog in my UI testing? Thanks, Hamish
Oct ’23
Permission string for camera access
Hello everyone, I'm currently in the app soumission process and I struggle to find a valid permission string, specially for the camera access. Could you give me an example of a permission string for camera access that has worked well for you in the app soumission process ? I wish you a good day ! Charles
Aug ’23
MPMediaQuery not returning updated results
I have noticed changes Apple Music made to my library, take in particular a changed album edition that is reflected in how the title is listed. I can see the new title in the Music app in two different devices. On one device MPMediaQuery returns the album with the new title. The other device (an iPad with less memory, in case that matters) is still returning the old edition. Is there anything I can do to make sure the data returned is up to date and matches what is seen in the Music app?
Jul ’23
Issue with local music files on iOS 17
Hi! I'm currently developing an app that can play music stored locally. It was working fine previously, but after updating my device to iOS 17, I started getting error -54 when I try to play the file. I also noticed that when getting the list of files in MPMediaQuery.songs(), I would encounter the following errors: I suspect it might be some issue with file permissions, but I can't figure out what i am missing. I have already checked that MPMediaLibrary.authorizationStatus() is authorized. Does anyone know what the issue might be? Thank you
Oct ’23
cannot access music file from Music app on iPad
Hi I have this piece of code in my app that is supposed to open up a file from Music(old iTunes) app and play. But I get 'Attempted to register account monitor for types client is not authorized to access "". Any suggests how to fix this. What entitlements do I need to set? Code and error logs are below code-block ``` func showiPOD() {           let mediaPicker: MPMediaPickerController = MPMediaPickerController.self(mediaTypes:MPMediaType.anyAudio)     mediaPicker.delegate = self as MPMediaPickerControllerDelegate     mediaPicker.allowsPickingMultipleItems = false     mediaPicker.showsCloudItems = true //show from iCloud as well.. needs to be tested     self.present(mediaPicker, animated: true, completion: nil)   } 2023-01-24 09:31:22.018992-0800 Smart Practice[526:16253] [Entitlements] MSVEntitlementUtilities - Process Smart Practice PID[526] - Group: (null) - Entitlement: - Entitled: NO - Error: (null) 2023-01-24 09:31:22.022520-0800 Smart Practice[526:16253] [core] Attempted to register account monitor for types client is not authorized to access: {(   "" )} ```language code-block
Aug ’23