Explore the integration of web technologies within your app. Discuss building web-based apps, leveraging Safari functionalities, and integrating with web services.

General Documentation






A Problem Repeatedly Occurred on Safari iOS
Hi, there is a problem on my client website and many website i visited last 2 weeks. Site works and few second later i got A problem repeatedly occured on ... this only happen on iOS and Safari. I don't know where to post that but the only info i found they said flush cache but in reality this is a Apple error Look on Oakley and try navigate or refresh page its not happening on every action :\ https://www.oakley.com/en-ca/category/snow
declarativeNetRequest.getMatchedRules() not working on iOS 18 Safari
declarativeNetRequest.getMatchedRules() gives us the below error: Error retrieving tabs or matched rules: – Error: Invalid call to declarativeNetRequest.getMatchedRules(). The 'activeTab' permission has not been granted by the user for the tab. We have added the "activeTab" permissions in the manifest (version 2). And in the device Safari extension settings we see that user has given permission as "allow".
IOS Safari support for WebTransport
We're developing a service that requires webtransport support in the browser. Currently, the only browser that doesn't provide support is the IOS version of Safari. Our current way forward for client use is to flag iphone and ipad as non compliant and recommend either desktop use or android. Is there any ballpark date as to when WebTransport will be included in IOS Safari (- webkit supports webtransport)?
FetchEvent.respondWith is terminated in 70 seconds in ServiceWorker
Hi, there. I am trying to use ServiceWorker on iPad to retry a request that has a communication error. However, I am having trouble with the process being terminated after 70 seconds. Occurs at least on iPadOS 17.6.1 and 16.3. The following is the service worker code to reproduce the problem: self.addEventListener('fetch', (event) => { if (event.request.url.includes('test.html')) { event.respondWith(longRunFetch()); } }); async function longRunFetch(request) { await new Promise(resolve => setTimeout(resolve, 75000)); return new Response('Fetch completed'); } When this code is executed on an iPad and a request is made to test.html, the service worker stops after about 70 seconds. When it stops, it falls back to the network request and the contents of test.html are displayed. The service worker thread appears to be killed and is unavailable until the browser is restarted. If timeout is set to 65000, 'Fetch completed' is displayed as expected. Why is the process terminated in 70 seconds? Is there any way to continue processing beyond 70 seconds?
WKWebView can not play audio with webrtc on iOS 18 and iPadOS 18
I am experiencing an issue with my app, which includes a WKWebView used for displaying and playing WebRTC content (audio and video). Everything works fine on macOS, but on iOS 18, while the video is displayed correctly, there is no sound. I am wondering if this could be related to privacy permissions on iOS. Could you please clarify if there are any specific privacy permissions I need to address? I would like to confirm: AVAudioSession.sharedInstance().setCategory requires any special configuration for WebRTC audio. Are there any particular settings needed for this? My setting codes are below: try AVAudioSession.sharedInstance().setCategory(.playback, mode: .default, policy: .longFormAudio) Do the JavaScript codes in the HTML file require any special handling to ensure WebRTC audio works properly on iOS? const audioRender = document.createElement('audio'); audioRender.id = 'xxxid'; audioRender.srcObject = streamSource; audioRender.autoplay = true; audioHolder.appendChild(audioRender); Does WKWebViewConfiguration need any specific parameter adjustments to ensure audio playback in WebRTC works as expected? let webViewConfiguration = WKWebViewConfiguration() let contentController = WKUserContentController() contentController.add(self, name: "***") webViewConfiguration.userContentController = contentController webViewConfiguration.allowsInlineMediaPlayback = true
TTS voices missing from web speech API in Safari since iOS 18
Web-apps which call speechSynthesis.getVoices() used to get a couple of good quality TTS voices which are still available in the iOS 18 simulator: com.apple.voice.compact.es-ES.Monica and com.apple.voice.compact.es-MX.Paulina Unfortunately on a real iPhone running iOS 18, these voices are not available, which is a regression since iOS 17 had them. The only Spanish voices start with the prefix com.apple.eloquence.es and are of worse quality.
WebAssembly wasm not able to load on Safari Web Extension
Hi, I am having issue with WebAssembly not able to load wasm file on Safari web extension. It is showing CompileError: Refused to create a WebAssembly object because 'unsafe-eval' or 'wasm-unsafe-eval' is not an allowed source of script in the following Content Security Policy directive: "script-src 'self' 'wasm-unsafe-eval'". It was working fine 2 month ago, my original CPS is "script-src 'self' 'unsafe-eval'". But now it is not accepting 'unsafe-eval', I also tried 'wasm-unsafe-eval' did not work. Is there any changes on Safari browser regarding the CSP for WebAssenbly? Please let me know what CPS value will work. Here is the example code on how I load the WebAssembly wasm file. fetch('test_wasm_lib.wasm') .then(response => { if (!response.ok) throw new Error('Network response was not ok'); return response.arrayBuffer(); }) .then(bytes => WebAssembly.instantiate(bytes)) .then(results => { // Use your WebAssembly instance here console.log('load wasm success') }) .catch(error => { console.error('Error loading WASM:', error); });
IOS 18 Safari on Mobile data network not uploading files
Hello, I am facing a strange issue on iOS 18. After upgrading to iOS 18, I noticed the following problem: When connected to mobile data (with Wi-Fi turned off) and trying to upload a file larger than 1MB, the connection times out. However, if I repeat the same action using Wi-Fi, everything works fine. I have tested this issue in various ways, but nothing seems to resolve it. It appears that iOS 18 might have introduced a bug. You can replicate the issue using this site: https://video.online-convert.com/convert-to-mp4 (Note: this is not my page, but I found the same issue here). From the server access logs, I see successful pre-flight requests, but the main POST request never follows, which suggests that the client is not sending the request.
JavaScriptCore Crashed in iOS17 and above system
After the release of iOS17, our app has collected JavaScriptCore crashes, and the crash has recently appeared in iOS17 and above. The number of crashes collected recently is increasing. The following are several complete crash log information. Currently, crashes are only collected on iOS17 and above systems. 2024-05-08_20-45-00.5216_+0800-fdb980f66f56d73b944ccc3466922d7fd0690089.crash 2024-05-11_02-42-46.0303_+0800-5ea1f23ba38c4782b80bd6304a9625e305c296a2.crash 2024-05-13_14-30-03.2084_+0800-d9598b08a153f5214b51257400423d4079049578.crash
run Http in webview local
hi, i have this problem. i need to use a webview to charge a file locally, to be more specific a file SCORM, like a mini web project. so i was making tests and the way to see all te content is in a http server. i mean if i click in the index.html of the file in my computer the page doesn't charge all the content, so i opened visual studio code and running Live Server thats provide me a project in http, well with that the project works. in android i'm make the example with something called WebViewAssetLoader, with that i can setup asset loader to handle local asset paths and override a WebView client, and if request is to local file, intercept and serve local. i want to know if in swift i have a way to intecept it a serve local this is one of the a lot of ways that i was tried and this is the example that works for me in android
Safari extension - badgeText and title set for a tab
I am building Safari extension. In my background script I am setting badge text and title like this: browser.action.setBadgeText({text: badgeText, tabId: tabId}); browser.action.setTitle({title: badgeText + " found images", tabId: tabId}) , where tabId is correct id of current tab. I was expecting that in this way I am setting a different badge and title for different tabs, so that badge and title would automatically switch if I activate different tab. However this does not happen, badge and title behave as if set globaly and don't change with tabs. How is this expected to work? I have also tried to set badge globally, and update it every time user switches a tab. I have set up listener like this: browser.tabs.onActivated.addListener(function(actInfo) { console.log("switched tab to " + actInfo.tabId); }); , however the event never fires, tab switch is never logged in console. Am I doing something wrong here? This is my manifest, if there was a problem with permissions or something similar. { "manifest_version": 3, "default_locale": "en", "name": "Test", "description": "Test Extension", "version": "1.0", "icons": { "48": "images/icon-48.png", "96": "images/icon-96.png", "128": "images/icon-128.png", "256": "images/icon-256.png", "512": "images/icon-512.png" }, "action": { "default_title": "a test title", "default_popup": "popup/hello.html", "default_icon": { "16": "images/toolbar-icon-16.png", "19": "images/toolbar-icon-19.png", "32": "images/toolbar-icon-32.png", "38": "images/toolbar-icon-38.png", "48": "images/toolbar-icon-48.png", "72": "images/toolbar-icon-72.png" } }, "web_accessible_resources": [ { "matches": ["*://*/*"], "resources": ["images/*", "css/*", "scripts/lib/*"] } ], "background": { "service_worker": "scripts/background.js", "type": "module" }, "content_scripts": [ { "js": [ "scripts/content.js" ], "matches": [ "http://*/*", "https://*/*" ], "css": ["css/style.css"], "run_at": "document_end" } ], "permissions": [ "nativeMessaging", "tabs" ] }
ios 18.0 im stuck on lockscreen
Dear Apple Support Team, I hope this message finds you well. I am writing to express my frustration and seek assistance regarding an issue I am experiencing with my new iPhone 15 after updating to iOS 18.0. Since the update, my device has become unresponsive and is stuck on the lock screen. I have attempted multiple troubleshooting steps, including resetting and restoring my iPhone, but unfortunately, none of these actions have resolved the problem. Here are the specific steps I have taken: I performed a force restart of the device by following the appropriate button sequence. I attempted to restore the device using iTunes/Finder by putting it into recovery mode, but the issue persists. I have ensured that my device is charged and that I am using the original charging cable. Despite my efforts, my iPhone remains unresponsive, and I am unable to access any of its features. This situation is quite concerning, especially considering that I rely on my device for daily communication and tasks. I would greatly appreciate any guidance or solutions you could provide to help resolve this issue. If there are any further steps I should take or if I need to bring my device in for service, please let me know. Thank you for your attention to this matter. I look forward to your prompt response.
WKWebView on iOS 18: Video Auto-Play Not Working Inline, Launching in Full-Screen Instead
Hello, I'm experiencing an issue with WKWebView in my iOS app when running on devices with iOS 18. Specifically, when auto-playing videos, they do not play inline as expected but instead switch to full-screen mode. This problem only occurs on iOS 18; in earlier versions, the videos played inline without any issues. Here is the configuration I'm using for WKWebView: let configuration: WKWebViewConfiguration = WKWebViewConfiguration.init() configuration.allowsInlineMediaPlayback = true configuration.mediaTypesRequiringUserActionForPlayback = [] Additionally, I have set the playsinline attribute in the video tag on the web page. Despite these settings, when the webpage initially loads, the video sometimes plays in full-screen mode rather than inline. I am looking for a solution to ensure that videos always play inline as intended on iOS 18. Has anyone encountered a similar issue or know of any workarounds? Any help would be greatly appreciated! Thank you!
WKWebView on iOS 18: Video Auto-Play Not Working Inline, Launching in Full-Screen Instead
Hello, I'm experiencing an issue with WKWebView in my iOS app when running on devices with iOS 18. Specifically, when auto-playing videos, they do not play inline as expected but instead switch to full-screen mode. This problem only occurs on iOS 18; in earlier versions, the videos played inline without any issues. Here is the configuration I'm using for WKWebView: let configuration: WKWebViewConfiguration = WKWebViewConfiguration.init() configuration.allowsInlineMediaPlayback = true configuration.mediaTypesRequiringUserActionForPlayback = [] Additionally, I have set the 'playsinline' attribute in the video tag on the web page. Despite these settings, when the webpage initially loads, the video sometimes plays in full-screen mode rather than inline. I am looking for a solution to ensure that videos always play inline as intended on iOS 18. Has anyone encountered a similar issue or know of any workarounds? Any help would be greatly appreciated! Thank you!
Xcode 16 JSGlobalContextCreate memory leak
The following has a memory leak on Xcode 16. JSGlobalContextRef _cx = JSGlobalContextCreateInGroup(NULL, NULL); #ifndef NDEBUG #ifdef __IPHONE_16_4 if (__builtin_available(iOS 16.4, *)) { JSGlobalContextSetInspectable(_cx, true); } #endif #endif JSStringRef ctxName = JSStringCreateWithUTF8CString("Xcode16"); JSGlobalContextSetName(_cx, ctxName); JSStringRelease(ctxName); JSGlobalContextRelease(_cx);
Issues with Displaying Language Tags Compliant with RFC 5646
Hello, I'm currently facing some issues with localization for the Safari extension on iOS: Issues with Language Tags: Folder names like pt-BR (Brazilian Portuguese) and pt-PT (European Portuguese) placed in the Resources/_locales/ directory are not displaying the respective languages correctly; instead, the default English is shown. Similarly, using folder names like zh-CN (Simplified Chinese) and zh-TW (Traditional Chinese) also results in default English display instead of the intended Chinese language. Conversely, when changing the folder names to pt (Portuguese general) and zh (Chinese general), the languages display correctly. Could you please provide any recommendations or tips regarding language tag settings and how to ensure they are properly recognized according to RFC 5646? Thanks for your help! Best,
Aug ’24
Port messages ignored in content scripts in macOS Sequoia
Messages intended for a port connection created in content scripts are unable to receive messages from the extension background script. Consider a content.js and background.js with the following contents: content.js: const port = chrome.runtime.connect({ name: 'TEST' }) // THIS IS NEVER RECEIVED port.onMessage.addListener((message) => { console.log('RECEIVED TEST MESSAGE', message) }) background.js: chrome.runtime.onConnect.addListener((port) => { if (port.name !== 'TEST') return console.log('test port connected', port) console.log('SENDING PORT MESSAGE') port.postMessage('HELLO') }) This behavior was broken in Sequoia, Safari 18. This behavior also does not match that of Firefox and Chrome, which are able to receive port messages in content scripts. It's also worth noting that UI documents with the same origin as the extension, such as a popup or iFrame, ARE able to use the port messaging as expected. However, this bug is a huge regression and should really be addressed. I've already filed an issue via Apple Feedback with the ID of FB14721836, over a month ago, but never received a response. I'm posting here for more visibility and hope a fix can be included before Sequoia goes live next week.