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Bug Report: 'consume' Applied to Unsupported Value
'consume' applied to value that the compiler does not support. This is a compiler bug. Please file a bug with a small example of the bug. public func requestTopicsAndSubTopics() async throws -> (topics: [Topic], subTopics: [String: [SubTopic]]) { var subTopics = [String: [SubTopic]]() let topics = try await getTopics().sorted { $0.index < $1.index } try await withThrowingTaskGroup(of: ([SubTopic], String).self) { [weak self] group in guard let self else { return } for topic in topics { guard let topicId = topic.id else { throw Error.missingId } group.addTask { let subTopics = try await self.getSubtopics(topicId: topicId).sorted { $0.name < $1.name } return (consume subTopics, topicId) } } for try await (resultedSubTopics, topicId) in group { subTopics.updateValue(resultedSubTopics, forKey: topicId) } } return (consume topics, consume subTopics) }
Jul ’24
Decoding JSON with a reserved property name
I need to decode JSON into a class. The JSON has a field called "Type", and I cannot declare a property with that name in my class since Type is a reserved word. I tried declaring CodingKeys, but that doesn't work unless I declare EVERY property in the CodingKeys. This class has about a hundred properties and I have others like it, I do not want to do this. Is there a better solution?
Jul ’24
Failed to produce diagnostic for expression; please submit a bug report
I got the error and I don’t how can I fix it help please struct MovieDetail: View { var movie: Movie let screen = UIScreen.main.bounds @State private var showSeasonPicker = true @State private var selectedSeason = 0 var body: some View { ZStack { Color.black .ignoresSafeArea() ZStack { VStack { HStack { Spacer() Button() { // Closing Button }label: { Image(systemName: "xmark.circle") .font(.system(size: 28)) } } .padding(.horizontal, 22) ScrollView (.vertical, showsIndicators: false){ VStack { StandardHomeMovie(movie: movie) .frame(width: screen.width / 2.5) MovieInfoSubheadline(movie: movie) if movie.promotionHeadline != nil { Text(movie.promotionHeadline!) .bold() .font(.headline) } PlayButton(text: "Play", imagename: "play.fill", backgroundColor: .red) { // } CurrentEpisodeInformation(movie: movie) CastInfo(movie: movie) HStack(spacing: 60){ SmallVerticalButton(text: "My List", isOnImage: "checkmark", isOffImage: "plus", isOn: true) { // } SmallVerticalButton(text: "Rate", isOnImage: "hand.thumbsup.fill", isOffImage: "hand.thumbsup", isOn: true) { // } SmallVerticalButton(text: "Share", isOnImage: "square.and.arrow.up", isOffImage: "square.and.arrow.up", isOn: true) { // } Spacer() } .padding(.leading, 20) CustomTabSwitcher(tabs: [.episodes, .trailers, .more], movie: movie, showSeasonPicker: $showSeasonPicker, selectedSeason: $selectedSeason) } .padding(.horizontal, 10) } Spacer() } .foregroundStyle(.white) if showSeasonPicker { Group { Color.black.opacity(0.9) VStack(spacing: 40){ Spacer() ForEach(0..<(movie.numberOfSeasons ?? 0)) { season in Button(action: { self.selectedSeason = (season != 0) self.showSeasonPicker = false }, label: { Text("Season: \(season + 1)") .foregroundStyle(selectedSeason == season + 1 ? .white : .gray) .bold() .font(.title2) }) } Spacer() Button(action: { self.showSeasonPicker = false }, label: { Image(systemName: "xmark.circle.fill") .foregroundStyle(.white) .font(.system(size: 40)) .scaleEffect(x: 1.1) }) .padding(.bottom, 30) } } .ignoresSafeArea() } } } } } #Preview { MovieDetail(movie: exampleMovie2) } struct MovieInfoSubheadline: View { var movie: Movie var body: some View { HStack(spacing: 20){ Image(systemName: "hand.thumbsup.fill") .foregroundStyle(.white) Text(String(movie.year)) RatingView(rating: movie.rating) Text(movie.numberOfSeasonsDisplay) ZStack{ Text("HD") .foregroundStyle(.white) .font(.system(size: 12)) .bold() Rectangle() .stroke(.gray, lineWidth: 2) .frame(width: 30, height: 20) } } .foregroundStyle(.gray) .padding(.vertical, 6) } } struct RatingView: View { var rating: String var body: some View { ZStack { Rectangle() .foregroundStyle(.gray) Text(rating) .foregroundStyle(.white) .font(.system(size: 12)) .bold() } .frame(width: 50, height: 20) } } struct CastInfo: View { var movie: Movie var body: some View { VStack(spacing: 3) { HStack { Text("Cast: \(movie.cast)") Spacer() } HStack { Text("Creaters: \(movie.creaters)") Spacer() } } .font(.caption) .foregroundStyle(.gray) .padding(.vertical, 10) } } struct CurrentEpisodeInformation: View { var movie: Movie var body: some View { Group { HStack { Text(movie.episodeInfoDisplay) .bold() Spacer() } .padding(.vertical, 4) HStack { Text(movie.episodeDescriptionDisplay) .font(.subheadline) Spacer() } } } }
Jul ’24
Multiple async lets crash the app
Usage of multiple async lets crashes the app in a nondeterministic fashion. We are experiencing this crash in production, but it is rare. 0 libswift_Concurrency.dylib 0x20a8b89b4 swift_task_create_commonImpl(unsigned long, swift::TaskOptionRecord*, swift::TargetMetadata<swift::InProcess> const*, void (swift::AsyncContext* swift_async_context) swiftasynccall*, void*, unsigned long) + 384 1 libswift_Concurrency.dylib 0x20a8b6970 swift_asyncLet_begin + 36 We managed to isolate the issue, and we submitted a technical incident (Case-ID: 8007727). However, we were completely ignored, and referred to the developer forums. To reproduce the bug you need to run the code on a physical device and under instruments (we used swift concurrency). This bug is present on iOS 17 and 18, Xcode 15.1, 15.4 and 16 beta, swift 5 and 6, including strict concurrency. Here's the code for Swift 6 / Xcode 16 / strict concurrency: (I wanted to attach the project but for some reason I am unable to) typealias VoidHandler = () -> Void enum Fetching { case inProgress, idle } protocol PersonProviding: Sendable { func getPerson() async throws -> Person } actor PersonProvider: PersonProviding { func getPerson() async throws -> Person { async let first = getFirstName() async let last = getLastName() async let age = getAge() async let role = getRole() return try await Person(firstName: first, lastName: last, age: age, familyMemberRole: role) } private func getFirstName() async throws -> String { try await Task.sleep(nanoseconds: 1_000_000_000) return ["John", "Kate", "Alex"].randomElement()! } private func getLastName() async throws -> String { try await Task.sleep(nanoseconds: 1_400_000_000) return ["Kowalski", "McMurphy", "Grimm"].randomElement()! } private func getAge() async throws -> Int { try await Task.sleep(nanoseconds: 2_100_000_000) return [56, 24, 11].randomElement()! } private func getRole() async throws -> Person.Role { try await Task.sleep(nanoseconds: 500_000_000) return Person.Role.allCases.randomElement()! } } @MainActor final class ViewModel { private let provider: PersonProviding = PersonProvider() private var fetchingTask: Task<Void, Never>? let onFetchingChanged: (Fetching) -> Void let onPersonFetched: (Person) -> Void init(onFetchingChanged: @escaping (Fetching) -> Void, onPersonFetched: @escaping (Person) -> Void) { self.onFetchingChanged = onFetchingChanged self.onPersonFetched = onPersonFetched } func fetchData() { fetchingTask?.cancel() fetchingTask = Task { do { onFetchingChanged(.inProgress) let person = try await provider.getPerson() guard !Task.isCancelled else { return } onPersonFetched(person) onFetchingChanged(.idle) } catch { print(error) } } } } struct Person { enum Role: String, CaseIterable { case mum, dad, brother, sister } let firstName: String let lastName: String let age: Int let familyMemberRole: Role init(firstName: String, lastName: String, age: Int, familyMemberRole: Person.Role) { self.firstName = firstName self.lastName = lastName self.age = age self.familyMemberRole = familyMemberRole } } import UIKit class ViewController: UIViewController { @IBOutlet private var first: UILabel! @IBOutlet private var last: UILabel! @IBOutlet private var age: UILabel! @IBOutlet private var role: UILabel! @IBOutlet private var spinner: UIActivityIndicatorView! private lazy var viewModel = ViewModel(onFetchingChanged: { [weak self] state in switch state { case .idle: self?.spinner.stopAnimating() case .inProgress: self?.spinner.startAnimating() } }, onPersonFetched: { [weak self] person in guard let self else { return } first.text = person.firstName last.text = person.lastName age.text = "\(person.age)" role.text = person.familyMemberRole.rawValue }) @IBAction private func onTap() { viewModel.fetchData() } }
Jul ’24
LOCALIZED_STRING_MACRO_NAMES for Swift package targets?
I have a custom localisation function in my project that enforces the inclusion of the bundle parameter (specifically so that Swift packages are forced to include the Bundle.module value). While migrating to String Catalogs, I noticed that my custom localisation function wasn't being recognised by the automatic extraction that the Swift compiler is doing, but only in my Swift package targets. Is there a way to set something like LOCALIZED_STRING_MACRO_NAMES in Swift Packages?
Jul ’24
Link to a Precompiled Static C Library in a Swift Library Package
I want to build a Swift library package that uses modified build of OpenSSL and Curl. I have already statically compiled both and verified I can use them in an Objective-C framework on my target platform (iOS & iOS Simulator). I'm using XCFramework files that contain the static library binaries and headers: openssl.xcframework/ ios-arm64/ openssl.framework/ Headers/ [...] openssl ios-arm64_x86_64-simulator/ openssl.framework/ Headers/ [...] openssl Info.plist I'm not sure how I'm supposed to set up my Swift package to import these libraries. I can use .systemLibrary but that seems to use the embedded copies of libssl and libcurl on my system, and I can't figure out how to use the path: parameter to that. I also tried using a .binaryTarget pointing to the XCFramework files, but that didn't seem to work as there is no module generated and I'm not sure how to make one myself. At a basic high level, this is what I'm trying to accomplish: where libcrypto & libssl come from the provided openssl.xcframework file, and libcurl from curl.xcframework
Jul ’24
Swift app is failing to build with Xcode 15.4 on Sonoma Silicon
HI, I have a app with Swift Programming language. It is built successfully on my Monterey Intel by using Xcode 14. I am trying to built same app on Sonoma Silicon arm64 by using Xcode 15.4. But app is failing to build with below errors. Can anyone suggest reason for this? Copy /Users/testuser/git/agent/out/Darwin/Release/TESTFileProvider.appex/Contents/Resources/swift-nio__NIOFileSystem.bundle /Users/testuser/git/agent/out/Darwin/Release/swift-nio__NIOFileSystem.bundle (in target 'TESTFileProvider' from project 'TEST') cd /Users/testuser/git/agent/dgagent/agent/macosx/dgc/TEST builtin-copy -exclude .DS_Store -exclude CVS -exclude .svn -exclude .git -exclude .hg -resolve-src-symlinks /Users/testuser/git/agent/out/Darwin/Release/swift-nio__NIOFileSystem.bundle /Users/testuser/git/agent/out/Darwin/Release/TESTFileProvider.appex/Contents/Resources error: /Users/testuser/git/agent/out/Darwin/Release/swift-nio__NIOFileSystem.bundle: No such file or directory (in target 'TESTFileProvider' from project 'TEST') Copy /Users/testuser/git/agent/out/Darwin/Release/TESTFileProvider.appex/Contents/Resources/swift-nio_NIOPosix.bundle /Users/testuser/git/agent/out/Darwin/Release/swift-nio_NIOPosix.bundle (in target 'TESTFileProvider' from project 'TEST') cd /Users/testuser/git/agent/dgagent/agent/macosx/dgc/TEST builtin-copy -exclude .DS_Store -exclude CVS -exclude .svn -exclude .git -exclude .hg -resolve-src-symlinks /Users/testuser/git/agent/out/Darwin/Release/swift-nio_NIOPosix.bundle /Users/testuser/git/agent/out/Darwin/Release/TESTFileProvider.appex/Contents/Resources error: /Users/testuser/git/agent/out/Darwin/Release/swift-nio_NIOPosix.bundle: No such file or directory (in target 'TESTFileProvider' from project 'TEST')
Jul ’24
Cast Any to Sendable
I'm continuing with the migration towards Swift 6. Within one of our libraries, I want to check whether a parameter object: Any? confirms to Sendable. I tried the most obvious one: if let sendable = object as? Sendable { } But that results into the compiler error "Marker protocol 'Sendable' cannot be used in a conditional cast". Is there an other way to do this?
Jul ’24
Exclude C runtime library from linking?
Hi, I am writing my own little toy programming language and when I try to link the binary object file (.o file) it requires a _main symbol. I wonder if there is a way to exclude this, presumably, a C runtime requirement? Is it safe to provide a stub _main symbol, or provide a the _main as the entry point to my own little runtime? What is the correct way to invoke the linker with the appropriate flags?
Jul ’24
iOS Developer Beta 18
I want to ask about NSDecimalNumber. is it any changes for use this function ? i test use number like this. example: a = "1000000.0" var a i make number formatter use NumberFormatter b = NSDecimalNumber(string: a with number formatter).decimalValue i try to print b. the value return 1. Anyone can help ?
Jul ’24
Peculiar EXC_BAD_ACCESS, involving sparse matrices
Helo all, Currently, I'm working on an iOS app that performs measurement and shows the results to the user in a graph. I use a Savitzky-Golay filter to filter out noise, so that the graph is nice and smooth. However, the code that calculates the Savitzky-Golay coefficients using sparse matrices crashes sometimes, throwing an EXC_BAD_ACCESS. I tried to find out what the problem is by turning on Address Sanitizer and Thread Sanitizer, but, for some reason, the bad access exception isn't thrown when either of these is on. What else could I try to trace back the problem? Thanks in advance, CaS To reproduce the error, run the following: import SwiftUI import Accelerate struct ContentView: View { var body: some View { VStack { Button("Try", action: test) } .padding() } func test() { for windowLength in 3...100 { let coeffs = SavitzkyGolay.coefficients(windowLength: windowLength, polynomialOrder: 2) print(coeffs) } } } class SavitzkyGolay { static func coefficients(windowLength: Int, polynomialOrder: Int, derivativeOrder: Int = 0, delta: Int = 1) -> [Double] { let (halfWindow, remainder) = windowLength.quotientAndRemainder(dividingBy: 2) var pos = Double(halfWindow) if remainder == 0 { pos -= 0.5 } let X = [Double](stride(from: Double(windowLength) - pos - 1, through: -pos, by: -1)) let P = [Double](stride(from: 0, through: Double(polynomialOrder), by: 1)) let A = P.map { exponent in X.map { pow($0, exponent) } } var B = [Double](repeating: 0, count: polynomialOrder + 1) B[derivativeOrder] = Double(factorial(derivativeOrder)) / pow(Double(delta), Double(derivativeOrder)) return leastSquaresSolution(A: A, B: B) } static func leastSquaresSolution(A: [[Double]], B: [Double]) -> [Double] { let sparseA = A.sparseMatrix() var sparseAValuesCopy = sparseA.values var xValues = [Double](repeating: 0, count: A.transpose().count) var bValues = B sparseAValuesCopy.withUnsafeMutableBufferPointer { valuesPtr in let a = SparseMatrix_Double( structure: sparseA.structure, data: valuesPtr.baseAddress! ) bValues.withUnsafeMutableBufferPointer { bPtr in xValues.withUnsafeMutableBufferPointer { xPtr in let b = DenseVector_Double( count: Int32(B.count), data: bPtr.baseAddress! ) let x = DenseVector_Double( count: Int32(A.transpose().count), data: xPtr.baseAddress! ) #warning("EXC_BAD_ACCESS is thrown below") print("This code is executed...") let status = SparseSolve(SparseLSMR(), a, b, x, SparsePreconditionerDiagScaling) print("...but, if an EXC_BAD_ACCESS is thrown, this code isn't") if status != SparseIterativeConverged { fatalError("Failed to converge. Returned with error \(status).") } } } } return xValues } } func factorial(_ n: Int) -> Int { n < 2 ? 1 : n * factorial(n - 1) } extension Array where Element == [Double] { func sparseMatrix() -> (structure: SparseMatrixStructure, values: [Double]) { let columns = self.transpose() var rowIndices: [Int32] = columns.map { column in column.indices.compactMap { indexInColumn in if column[indexInColumn] != 0 { return Int32(indexInColumn) } return nil } }.reduce([], +) let sparseColumns = columns.map { column in column.compactMap { if $0 != 0 { return $0 } return nil } } var counter = 0 var columnStarts = [Int]() for sparseColumn in sparseColumns { columnStarts.append(counter) counter += sparseColumn.count } let reducedSparseColumns = sparseColumns.reduce([], +) columnStarts.append(reducedSparseColumns.count) let structure: SparseMatrixStructure = rowIndices.withUnsafeMutableBufferPointer { rowIndicesPtr in columnStarts.withUnsafeMutableBufferPointer { columnStartsPtr in let attributes = SparseAttributes_t() return SparseMatrixStructure( rowCount: Int32(self.count), columnCount: Int32(columns.count), columnStarts: columnStartsPtr.baseAddress!, rowIndices: rowIndicesPtr.baseAddress!, attributes: attributes, blockSize: 1 ) } } return (structure, reducedSparseColumns) } func transpose() -> Self { let columns = self.count let rows = self.reduce(0) { Swift.max($0, $1.count) } return (0 ..< rows).reduce(into: []) { result, row in result.append((0 ..< columns).reduce(into: []) { result, column in result.append(row < self[column].count ? self[column][row] : 0) }) } } }
Jun ’24
Swift Syntax Comment Trivia - Expected prefixes
Hello! I am working on a project that does some automatic code generation using SwiftSyntax and SwiftSyntaxBuilder. As part of this project, I want to put in a comment at the top of the file warning users to not modify the file and make it obvious that the code was automatically generated. I was trying to use the .lineComment(String) static member of the Trivia (or TriviaPiece) types and I expected that the comment would automatically be prefixed with the expected // and space for use in code. (For example, Trivia.lineComment("No comment") would be written as // No Comment when sent through a BasicFormat Object or similar SyntaxRewriter). I was surprised to find that this is not the case and was wondering before I write an issue on GitHub whether this behavior is intentional or a bug. If it is intentional, I'm not entirely sure if I'm missing something regarding this to more easily generate these comments. At the moment my comment generation consists of constructing the comment in the leadingTrivia of the syntax node that appears after the comment. For example: VariableDeclSyntax(leadingTrivia: [.newlines(2), .lineComment("// These members are always generated irrespective of the contents of the generated files. They are intended to exclusively centralize code symbols that would otherwise be repeated frequently."), .newlines(1)], modifiers: [DeclModifierSyntax(name: .keyword(.private)), DeclModifierSyntax(name: .keyword(.static))], .let, name: PatternSyntax(IdentifierPatternSyntax(identifier: "decoder")), initializer: InitializerClauseSyntax(value: ExprSyntax(stringLiteral: "\(configuration.decoderExpression)"))) outputs // These members are always generated irrespective of the contents of the generated files. They are intended to exclusively centralize code symbols that would otherwise be repeated frequently. private static let decoder = JSONDecoder() in this project (with example data having been added).
Jun ’24
dateFromString results in nil
In a completely new project using Objective-C, when using "NSDateFormatter" under the conditions mentioned, setting initWithLocaleIdentifier to "NSCalendarIdentifierGregorian" results in "dateFromString" returning nil. This issue is occurring specifically in iOS 18 beta 1 and 2, and it's causing me significant trouble. This process works correctly on iOS 17 and earlier versions. NSDateFormatter *formatter = [[NSDateFormatter alloc] init]; [formatter setTimeStyle:NSDateFormatterFullStyle]; [formatter setLocale:[[NSLocale alloc] initWithLocaleIdentifier:NSCalendarIdentifierGregorian]]; [formatter setDateFormat:formatStr]; NSDate *date = [formatter dateFromString:formatStr]; "date" is nil.
Jun ’24
NSAccessibilityElement sendable but not MainActor?
I'm working on Swift 6 concurrency support for our app. I've always thought of NSAccessibilityElement as being like all of the other UI classes- only used (or usable) on the main thread. As far as I've seen, they are always called on the main thread. But in Xcode 16 beta 2, it's only marked as Sendable but not MainActor. Is that just an oversight or do we need to worry about these being used / called on threads? It's easy enough to do the async work (well, not that easy), but I don't want to do all that work if Xcode 16 beta 3 is just going to add a MainActor to it. I've already been burned by that once, in WebKit- the first beta was missing several MainActor declarations, in places where it was unclear from the documentation. I added a bunch of async fixes to my delegates, only to have to take it all out when the second Xcode beta shipped and the SDK headers changed. How complete are the async declarations in the Xcode 16 SDKs?
Jun ’24