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UnsafeMutablePointer direct exposure.
I am trying to use the swift type UnsafeMutablePointer directly in C++. According to the documentation mentioned, swift expose this type to C++. But I am not able to use it . void GetPointerFromSwift () { // Calls a swift function to get a pointer. swift::UnsafeMutablePointer<swit::Int> x = Interop::GetPointer () }
Local push, sending custom data like APN
Hello, I'm doing some test and I dowload the sample from here https://developer.apple.com/documentation/networkextension/local_push_connectivity/receiving_voice_and_text_communications_on_a_local_network Everything works correctly and the phones are able to exchange messages without problems and the server sends pushes to the devices. Now I would like to modify the server so that, when it sends the push to the mobile device, it can change the sound or add other information as is possible when using APN. Now I would like to modify the server so that, when it sends the push to the mobile device, it can change the sound or add other information as is possible when using APN. Is there any way to send a payload like for APN? Thank's Omar
Python vs Swift for macOS CLI tool?
We have an in-house CLI tool built entirely in Python to help us with OS-level workflows. It’s been excellent, but we’re encountering some growing pains. We’ve encountered a case where we’d like to use Apple’s Authorization Plugin, which we can’t directly utilize in Python. Since I doubt this’ll be the last time we encounter Swift or Obj-C specific tools, I’m starting to wonder if a total rewrite into Swift might be in order. Alternatives include writing a wrapper in Swift just for the Auth Plugin, exposing an API that we’ll consume in Python. Since this will only ever be a macOS, tool, I’m starting to feel like going with Python was a dumb idea in the first place. Would love to know what you guys think. p.s. I was advised to post my question on these forums in hopes of being graced by the Apple god Quinn, “The Eskimo”.
Validity of Pointer Returned by withUnsafePointer During CPU Time Slicing
Hello, I am using the withUnsafePointer API in Swift and have a question regarding the validity of the pointer returned by this API. Specifically, I want to understand if the pointer remains valid if the CPU performs a context switch due to its time-slicing mechanism while the closure is executing. Is the pointer returned by withUnsafePointer guaranteed to be valid throughout the entire execution of the closure, even if a CPU context switch occurs as part of time slicing?
Aug ’24
Performance with large @Published struct
I'm looking at performance around large codable nested structures that come in from HTTP/JSON. We are seeing stalls on the main thread, and after reviewing all the code, the webrequests and parsing are async and background. The post to set the new struct value (80K) is handled on mainthread. When I looked at the nested structures, they are about 80K. Reading several articles and posts suggested that observing structs will cause a refresh on any change. And that large structures will take longer as they have to be copied for passing to each observer. And that more observers will slow things down. So a made a test app to verify these premises. The app has an timer animating a slider. A VM with a structure containing a byte array. Sliders to scale the size of the byte array from 10K to 200K and to scale the number of observers from 1 to 100. It also measures the actual duration between the timer ticks. My intention is to be able to visual see mainthread stalls and be able to measure them and see the average and max frame delays. Using this to test I found little difference in performance given different structure sizes or number of observers. I'm not certain if this is expected or if I missing something in creating my test app. I have also created a variation where the top struct is a an observable class. I see no difference between struct or class. I'm wondering if this is due to copy-on-mutate causing the struct to actually be passed as reference under the good? I wonder if other optimizations are minimizing the affect of scaling from 1 to 100 observers. I appreciate any insights & critiques. #if CLASS_BASED class LargeStruct: ObservableObject { @Published var data: [UInt8] init(size: Int = 80_000) { self.data = [UInt8](repeating: 0, count: size) } func regenerate(size: Int) { self.data = [UInt8](repeating: UInt8.random(in: 0...255), count: size) } var hashValue: String { let hash = SHA256.hash(data: Data(data)) return hash.compactMap { String(format: "%02x", $0) }.joined() } } #else struct LargeStruct { var data: [UInt8] init(size: Int = 80_000) { self.data = [UInt8](repeating: 0, count: size) } mutating func regenerate(size: Int) { self.data = [UInt8](repeating: UInt8.random(in: 0...255), count: size) } var hashValue: String { let hash = SHA256.hash(data: Data(data)) return hash.compactMap { String(format: "%02x", $0) }.joined() } } #endif class ViewModel: ObservableObject { @Published var largeStruct = LargeStruct() } struct ContentView: View { @StateObject var vm = ViewModel() @State private var isRotating = false @State private var counter = 0.0 @State private var size: Double = 80_000 @State private var observerCount: Double = 10 // Variables to track time intervals @State private var lastTickTime: Date? @State private var minInterval: Double = .infinity @State private var maxInterval: Double = 0 @State private var totalInterval: Double = 0 @State private var tickCount: Int = 0 var body: some View { VStack { Model3D(named: "Scene", bundle: realityKitContentBundle) .padding(.bottom, 50) // A rotating square to visualize stalling Rectangle() .fill(Color.blue) .frame(width: 50, height: 50) .rotationEffect(isRotating ? .degrees(360) : .degrees(0)) .animation(.linear(duration: 2).repeatForever(autoreverses: false), value: isRotating) .onAppear { isRotating = true } Slider(value: $counter, in: 0...100) .padding() .onAppear { Timer.scheduledTimer(withTimeInterval: 0.005, repeats: true) { timer in let now = Date() if let lastTime = lastTickTime { let interval = now.timeIntervalSince(lastTime) minInterval = min(minInterval, interval) maxInterval = max(maxInterval, interval) totalInterval += interval tickCount += 1 } lastTickTime = now counter += 0.2 if counter > 100 { counter = 0 } } } HStack { Text(String(format: "Min: %.3f ms", minInterval * 1000)) Text(String(format: "Max: %.3f ms", maxInterval * 1000)) Text(String(format: "Avg: %.3f ms", (totalInterval / Double(tickCount)) * 1000)) } .padding() Text("Hash: \(vm.largeStruct.hashValue)") .padding() Text("Hello, world!") Button("Regenerate") { vm.largeStruct.regenerate(size: Int(size)) // Trigger the regeneration with the selected size } Button("Clear Stats") { minInterval = .infinity maxInterval = 0 totalInterval = 0 tickCount = 0 lastTickTime = nil } .padding(.bottom) Text("Size: \(Int(size)) bytes") Slider(value: $size, in: 10_000...200_000, step: 10_000) .padding() Text("Number of Observers: \(observerCount)") Slider(value: $observerCount, in: 1...100, step: 5) .padding() HStack { ForEach(0..<Int(observerCount), id: \.self) { index in Text("Observer \(index + 1): \(vm.largeStruct.data[index])") .padding(5) } } } .padding() } }
Aug ’24
xcode not showing output
Hi I was using Xcode for c++ (for competitive programming purposes, not sure if this is the standard choice but using it anyway) I included a &lt;bits/stdc++.h&gt; to the include file for XCode.app and they didn't show any error. But then when I ran my code, it showed "Build Succeeded" although no output was visible.
Sep ’24
Undefined symbol: _c2i_ASN1_INTEGER when building my projec for iOS 18
Note that I am trying to build my project for IOS 18 using XCode version 16 Beta 6. I have version 18.0 of the iOS beta installed on my iPhone. My project includes pods for Firebase and GRPC-Core. I ran pod update and it installed Firebase (11.1.0), BoringSSL-GRPC 0.0.36, OpenSSL-Universal 3.3.1000, and gRPC-Core 1.65.5. When I try to build my project I encounter the following error: Undefined symbol: _c2i_ASN1_INTEGER This symbol is not referenced in my code. It's unclear which pod references this symbol - although Firebase is a likely candidate. Is anyone else encountering this issue? I'm wondering if I could safely go back to a version of Firebase that does, as the previous version I had installed (10.22.0) didn't have this issue.
Sep ’24
New open-source package, RJSwiftMacros!
🚀 I am thrilled to announce my latest open-source project, RJSwiftMacros! This Swift package enables developers to enhance efficiency by simplifying code generation and automating repetitive tasks in their projects. 🔥 Here's a glimpse of what you can accomplish with RJSwiftMacros: Generate mock data using @MockBuilder macro. Generate coding keys using @CodingKeys macro. RJSwiftMacros is actively maintained and welcomes contributions! 🤝 🔗 GitHub Repository: https://lnkd.in/dPikQTjD I look forward to your feedback and ideas to further enhance its value for the Swift community. 💻
Sep ’24
Applescript seems to run in Rosetta on M2
When calling a perl script from an apple script (by dropping a file on it), I get the error: Can't load '/Library/Perl/5.34/darwin-thread-multi-2level/auto/Encode/Encode.bundle' for module Encode: dlopen(/Library/Perl/5.34/darwin-thread-multi-2level/auto/Encode/Encode.bundle, 0x0001): tried: '/Library/Perl/5.34/darwin-thread-multi-2level/auto/Encode/Encode.bundle' (mach-o file, but is an incompatible architecture (have 'arm64', need 'x86_64')), '/System/Volumes/Preboot/Cryptexes/OS/Library/Perl/5.34/darwin-thread-multi-2level/auto/Encode/Encode.bundle' (no such file), '/Library/Perl/5.34/darwin-thread-multi-2level/auto/Encode/Encode.bundle' (mach-o file, but is an incompatible architecture (have 'arm64', need 'x86_64')) at /System/Library/Perl/5.34/XSLoader.pm line 96. at /Library/Perl/5.34/darwin-thread-multi-2level/Encode.pm line 12. When I call the script manually from terminal, it runs fine. Why is Applescript running as X86 on M2?
Sep ’24
Understanding how ARC is different for Struct vs Class
Hi, I was trying to understand how swift manages it memory just wanted to verify my understanding on it. For Value Types i.e. Struct ARC (Automatic Reference Counting) is not there, Memory is Managed/Confined on the basis of scope of that Variable. And For Struct whenver we do assignment a Copy is been created. For Classes, Swift Manages Memroy with the help of ARC i.e. whenever I create a instance of class its reference count get increased and when we assign same instance to new variable then it also result in increment of Reference Count. The Memory will get deallocated when all the variables pointing to that object are no longer in use.
Aug ’24
How to pass Child Class reference as Parent Class
So I have this child class with a function that creates a perdetermined array of other classes. class DirectGame : GameParent { static func GetAllChallenges() -> Array<ChallengeParent>{ return [LockdownChallenge(game: self)] } } These other classes take in a GameParent class in the initalizer like so: class LockdownChallenge { var game : GameParent init(game: GameParent) { self.game = game } } However this line return [LockdownChallenge(game: self)] is throwing the error "Cannot convert value of type 'DirectGame.Type' to expected argument type 'GameParent'" How do I pass in a reference to DirectGame into the initalizer of ChallengeParent?
Aug ’24
How ARC works withUnsafeMutablePointer Interface.
I am using withUnsafeMutablePointer to get raw pointer from Data. Once I get a Pointer I follow these steps: I create a Wrapper using that Pointer. After that I increase it ARC and pass it as a opaque to C++ When I was on First Step if my thread get suspended and after some time if it resumes then is there a possibility that the Memory will get freed due to ARC. Adding basic Code Flow depicting what i am doing. public class DataHolder { public init () {} public var data_wrapper : Data? } func InternalReceiveHandler (_ pContent : Data?) -> Void { var holder : DataHolder = DataHolder.init () withUnsafeMutablePointer (to : &pContent) { data_pointer in holder.data_wrapper = Data.init (noBytesCopy : data_pointer, count : no_of_bytes, deallocator : .none) return Unmanaged.passRetained (holder).toOpaque () } } Is there a possibility that when I am creating the wrapper my thread get suspended and when it get resumed the Memory the pointer was pointing can be freed by ARC.
Aug ’24
Can't find Python.h anywhere on Mac
I am trying to embed a python file that uses a python library in c, to do this I need to include python.h but I don't see it anywhere on my mac. Right now when I try to compile I just get a missing Python.h compile error. I tried using the search bar to find it in /usr and /library. Neither had the file. I tried doing #include <Python/python.h> and that doesn't change anything. Is trying to setup a virtual env the issue?
Aug ’24
NIOThreadPool segfault
Following the latest Command Line Tools update, the swift-nio library (https://github.com/apple/swift-nio) causes my program to segfault. The function where the error occurs is runIfActive, which is executed with the following error: Thread 12: EXC_BAD_ACCESS (code=1, address=0x4) swift version: swiftlang- clang-1600.0.24.1 NIO version: 2.70.0
Aug ’24