Prioritize user privacy and data security in your app. Discuss best practices for data handling, user consent, and security measures to protect user information.

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Password autofill not working on iPhone simulator
When tapping on "password" in the accessory view above the keyboard, no password manger is opened. The keyboard just closes and re-opens. I have made sure a password exists and is available to be used. I have replicated this within my own app, but also from within the Settings app on the simulator (see attached gif) so I am confident it is not a coding issue on my side. I have replicated it on both iOS 17 and iOS 18 I am using Xcode Version 16.0 (16A242d) I am running macOS Sonoma Version 14.7 (23H124) I am fairly confident I have not experienced this when working on another clients app. I was using Xcode 15 for that so not sure if this is something introduced with Xcode 16.
Sep ’24
Sign In with Apple for Web Page
Hello, I have integrated Sign In with Apple into my Swift App. Now I'd like to add Sign In with Apple into my website. I followed the instructions at and resulted in an html page: <html> <head> <meta name="appleid-signin-client-id" content="colourworker.SPAD"> <meta name="appleid-signin-scope" content="name email"> <meta name="appleid-signin-redirect-uri" content=""> <meta name="appleid-signin-state" content="init"> <meta name="appleid-signin-nonce" content="NONCE"> <meta name="appleid-signin-use-popup" content="true"> </head> <body> <h1>Sign in with Apple</h1> <div id="appleid-signin" data-color="black" data-border="true" data-type="sign in"></div> <script type="text/javascript" src=""></script> </head> </html> I have added to the list of Return URLs at But when clicking on the Sign In With Apple button I get the following error: "invalid_request Invalid client id or web redirect url." Any ideas of what I'm doing wrong?
Nov ’23
Display links to website's privacy policy and terms of service in AppleSignIn modal
I'm using Apple Sign In in the JS app and I got a requirement to display some notes with links to privacy policy and terms of service inside the Apple modal, so users don't have to accept them after finishing authentication in the modal. Is there a way to add something like that? I have implemented Apple Sign In using this doc:
Jun ’24
Unable to send emails to users who opt to "Hide my Email" when using Sign in with Apple
We are trying to integrate "Sign in with Apple" and are facing an issue where all users who chose to use Apple's private relay with the hide my email feature are unable to receive any mail sent by us. We have added our domain, mail from domain & email address to and also verified the SPF. We also have DKIM setup. We use SES as our email provider and have added its SPF as recommended aswell. I have attached a sample delivery log from SES below. {"notificationType":"Delivery","mail":{"timestamp":"2024-01-17T10:20:07.592Z","source":"\"Redacted\" <admin@redacted>","sourceArn":"arn:aws:ses:ap-south-1:redacted:identity/redacted","sourceIp":"34.redacted","callerIdentity":"redacted-ses","sendingAccountId":"redacted","messageId":"redacted","destination":[""]},"delivery":{"timestamp":"2024-01-17T10:20:12.385Z","processingTimeMillis":4793,"recipients":[""],"smtpResponse":"250 2.0.0 Ok: queued as redacted","remoteMtaIp":"redacted","reportingMTA":""}}
Jan ’24
Apple Sign In for Web
Hello, I have created a Swift app which has Apple Sign In integrated with it. We now want to add Apple Sign In to a web app but can't seem to find enough documentation on how to do this. We have followed the instructions at and have ended up with a script like so: <head> <meta name="appleid-signin-client-id" content="colourworker.SPAD"> <meta name="appleid-signin-scope" content="name email"> <meta name="appleid-signin-redirect-uri" content=""> <meta name="appleid-signin-state" content="init"> <meta name="appleid-signin-nonce" content="NONCE"> <meta name="appleid-signin-use-popup" content="true"> </head> <body> <h1>Sign in with Apple</h1> <div id="appleid-signin" data-color="black" data-border="true" data-type="sign in"></div> <script type="text/javascript" src=""></script> </head> </html> But have we populated the client-id, state, and NONCE correctly? When clicking on the Sign In with Apple button we get the error in this screenshot: I look forward to hearing from someone. Kind regards, Miguel
Dec ’23
Different PRF output when using platform or cross-platform authentication attachement
Hello, I am using the prf extension for passkeys that is available since ios 18 and macos15. I am using a fixed, hardcoded prf input when creating or geting the credentials. After creating a passkey, i try to get the credentials and retrieve the prf output, which works great, but i am getting different prf outputs for the same credential and same prf input used in the following scenarios: Logging in directly (platform authenticator) on my macbook/iphone/ipad i get "prf output X" consistently for the 3 devices When i use my iphone/ipad to scan the qr code on my macbook (cross-platform authenticator) i get "prf output Y" consistently with both my ipad and iphone. Is this intended? Is there a way to get deterministic prf output for both platform and cross-platform auth attachements while using the same credential and prf input?
Sep ’24
Passkey QR code pop up Question
We are using performRequestsWithOptions to enable passkey on ios app. [authController performRequestsWithOptions:ASAuthorizationControllerRequestOptionPreferImmediatelyAvailableCredentials]; Based on apple doc, this will "Tells the authorization controller to prefer credentials that are immediately available on the local device.", and fail silently if there are no credentials available. However, in recent testing, we identified that on one device, we are seeing QR code popping up even though there's no credential on the device. Question is this a bug on the OS system? If this is a bug, what are the causes that will trigger this condition? Is there a recommendation to mitigate the issue? Should we move to the new api? Thank you.
Sep ’24
Help pls - Nextauth AppleProvider: id_token not present in token set
Hi everyone, I am trying to implement 'Sign-in with Apple' to my website using nextauth verion 4.24.5 on next.js version 14.2.7. I set up the Apple ID and generated the Apple secret. The Apple ID is set to the service ID. Whenever I try and sign in on the site using Apple, (after submitting my username and password on the redirected page), nextauth returns this error: [next-auth][error][OAUTH_CALLBACK_ERROR] id_token not present in TokenSet { error: TypeError: id_token not present in TokenSet { name: 'OAuthCallbackError', code: undefined }, providerId: 'apple', message: 'id_token not present in TokenSet' } This occurs even after specifying openid in the scope, setting the checks to pkce, setting the checks to state, setting idToken to true, and other changes to the config. I have used the AppleProvider from nextauth and my own custom provider and got the same result. The nextauth GoogleProvider works just fine so I know nextauth is set up properly. Do you know how I can fix this? my apple nextauth apple provider config: const customAppleProvider = { id: "apple", name: "Apple", type: "oauth", wellKnown: "", authorization: { params: { scope: "name email openid", response_mode: "form_post" }, }, state: true, checks: ["pkce"], idToken: true, clientId: process.env.APPLE_ID, clientSecret: process.env.APPLE_SECRET, profile(profile) { return { id: profile.sub, name:, email:, image: null, } }, };
Sep ’24
with Apple App Transfer and User Migration
Hi all, I am in the process of preparing for an app transfer, and have sign-in with apple enabled. I have read the documentation thoroughly and multiple times, yet there are a few things I'd like to have a confirmation about, before taking the leap and risking that some users might experience any issues. If I understand correctly, after the migration if a user performs a sign-in with Apple, they will send an access_token that differs from the one they were sending when the app was assigned to the old team. In case I didn't take any action that means that my system would think this was a new user given the access_token has never been seen before, and therefore it will create a new user. Is that correct? Ok, so if that assumption is correct, I'd like to have a confirmation also of the way I intend to fix this, since we're doing an internal transfer and the database is going to be the same. I would get a TransferID for all users in my database that have used sign-in with Apple (I have already done that for one of my test users, successfully). After that, I will start the transfer, and accept it from the other team. Once that is done, I will call the migrationinfo endpoint from the other team, getting all the new access_tokens related to the transfer ids. With that information, I will update my databse, adding a relation from the new access token from team B that points to the same user as the access token that was given by team A, and I know which one it is because of the TransferID. Does that make sense? Would it work? I'm not a fan of messing with the login logic (having a look at transfer_ids, looking for matches, and so on), especially because there doesn't seem to be a way to test this. I believe the only risk is that a user might login after the app has been transferred but before I can upload the new access token to the database, but we can handle these (few, hopefully even zero cases) via ticketing. These are the resources I have read so far: My last question is: how can I test this before going live? Do I really have to just implement changes/update the DB and then go live, hoping that it will all work? Can't I do some sandbox transfer or anything like that? Even just creating like a "clone" of my app and transferring this one would be a huge boost for the confidence of this big leap. Thanks in advance.
Sep ’24
Sign Up & Sign In With apple
For Sign in With Apple I recieve an expected flow including an ask to share or hide my email along with a message like this 'Create an account for Apple {some_company} using your Apple ID “{email}”.' However when i sign into an existing account i get the same flow, where on other apps i see a message like this ~ "Do you want to continue using {some_company} with your Apple ID “{email}”? How can i configure this for my own app? Note: it always logs me into the correct existing account, i'm just trying to make sure users go through the correct flow in the apple popup when their account already exists.
Jul ’24
MFA MacOS At ScreenSaver (Lock Screen).
Hi , I did The MFA(2FA) of Email OTP For MacOS Login Screen using, Authorization Plugin, Using This git hub project. It is working For Login Screen , Im trying to Add The Same plugin for LockScreen but it is not working at lock Screen , Below is the reffrense theard For The issue ,, please Share The Code that should Present the NSwindow at Screen Saver (Lock Screen) MacOS .
Sep ’24
FB15286954: Loss of 2FA verification codes
Hello, I'll describe an issue I just reported as FB15286954, hoping to see your thoughts on it / what might've gone wrong. Earlier today, I created an account for a website on my iPhone running the release version of iOS 18.0 using Safari, then added 2FA via the Passwords app. I logged in, checked that it works, then closed Safari and did something else (not much on my phone). In the meantime the phone shut down due to low battery. When I charge it again, and open the Passwords app, I come to find out that the verification codes for this website are gone… What could've gone wrong? I was prompted by the website to save a code to check that 2FA was properly configured, so I think I saved it properly in the app (by the way, the password was still there, properly saved). I assume there was a syncing error between iCloud and my iPhone due to low battery? Is there any way to recover the verification codes? I'll try to reclaim the account through the website's support channels, but I'm wondering if I could still retrieve it somehow.
Sep ’24
Any specific event that can be monitored for tracking file upload via fileproviderd/extension?
Hi Team, I am trying to explore ESF events specifically generated by cloudsync extensions built on File Provider framework. Brief: I have high-level understanding of how various cloud vendors have provided their extensions to sync data from cloud/remote storage to local filesystem (and vice-versa). e.g.iCloudDriveFileProvider (icloud), DFSFileProviderExtension (google drive). There are 2 ESF AUTH events for file provider I can see namely: ES_EVENT_TYPE_AUTH_FILE_PROVIDER_MATERIALIZE , ES_EVENT_TYPE_AUTH_FILE_PROVIDER_UPDATE. and respectively their NOTIFY events. Observation: Observed that these events are generally triggered by fileproviderd process during download scenario i.e. syncing files from cloud/remote storage to local file system. i.e. 'materialize' for new file creation and 'update' for updating existing file. Question/Problem: Is there a correct way to find which cloud provider has triggered this download event? i.e. weather it is iCloudDriveFileProvider or DFSFileProviderExtension (there is this instigator field in Materialize event struct, but could not find similar for Update event. Are there similar ESF events for upload scenario? (I have fair understanding of how file-to-upload is copied to temp location and then uploaded by respective extensions to remote storage, but then they work with original files clone created in their temp location, so the AUTH events generated by this extension will wont reveal the original file name even if I am able to get the Fileprovider name) To Summarize: Basically I am looking for ESF event that will be triggered during upload scenario that can also let me know original file name as well the cloudprovider extension process name. As of now 'fileproviderd' process name is obtained from filesystem ESF events like AUTH_OPEN etc.
Sep ’24
Use of Auth-plugin and certificate-based persistent token for User login
I'm currently exploring Apple's Auth-Plugin extension and have modified the authdb to log in to a Mac device without using the default login password. Specifically,I am replacing builtin:authenticate,privileged with a custom privileged mechanism that authenticates the user and grants desktop access based on our custom logic. However, this approach does not unlock the user's Keychain. Since I'm bypassing the login password, the Keychain remains locked. I'm considering whether a certificate-based persistent token could be used to unlock the Keychain. Is this approach recommended, or is there a more suitable solution, such as using CryptoTokenKit or another available API?
Sep ’24
The installed certificate does not appear in the list to enable full trust for root certificates
I would like to ask how to resolve the issue in iOS 18 where installed root certificates or self-created certificates do not appear in the Certificate Trust Settings (Enable Full Trust for Root Certificates) list. I tried downloading a certificate from Apple’s official site (, but it also did not show up in the list for me to enable. Has anyone else encountered a similar problem? Thank you!
Sep ’24