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Drawing shapes, particles, text, images, and video in two dimensions using SpriteKit.

SpriteKit Documentation






Different methods of animating shape along custom path?
I'm trying to animate a shape (e.g. a circle) to follow a custom path, and struggling to find the best way of doing this. I've had a look at the animation options from SwiftUI, UIKit and SpriteKit and all seem very limited in what paths you can provide. Given the complexity of my path, I was hoping there'd be a way of providing a set of coordinates in some input file and have the shape follow that, but maybe that's too ambitious. I was wondering if this were even possible, and assuming not, if there were other options I could consider.
Sep ’23
SpriteKit in Vision OS can't detect touch input
Hello everyone I am porting my existing 2d game writing by spritekit to visionOS and I am creating a SpriteView in WindowGroup let currentScene = BattleScene.newGameScene(gameMode: "endless", dataContext: dataController.container.viewContext) SpriteView(scene: currentScene) .ignoresSafeArea(.all) .frame(width: currentScene.frame.width, height: currentScene.frame.height, alignment: .center) .onReceive(NotificationCenter.default.publisher(for: GameoverNotification)) { _ in stopAllAudio() } .onTapGesture { location in let viewPosition = location let touchLocation = CGPoint(x: viewPosition.x, y: viewPosition.y) print("touch on vision window: ", touchLocation.x, touchLocation.y) } .glassBackgroundEffect() //WindowGameView() // .environment(\.managedObjectContext, dataController.container.viewContext) // .environment(model) // .environment(pressedKeys) } .windowStyle(.automatic) .defaultSize(width: 0.5, height: 1.0, depth: 0.0, in: .meters) run it and it turns out the scene can't receive tap event. but it works normal if I run it with my ios target (vision Os designd for ipad) is there anything I missed?
Jan ’24
CIFilter + SpriteKit broken behavior on iOS 16
Hello there 👋 I've noticed a different behavior between iOS 15 and iOS 16 using CIFilter and SpriteKit. Here is a sample code where I want to display a text and apply a blurry effect on the same text in the back of it. Here is the expected behavior (iOS 15): And the broken behavior on iOS 16: It looks like the text is rotated around the x-axis and way too deep. Here is the sample code: import UIKit import SpriteKit class ViewController: UIViewController {     var skView: SKView?     var scene: SKScene?     override func viewDidLoad() {         super.viewDidLoad()         skView = SKView(frame: view.frame)         scene = SKScene(size: skView?.bounds.size ?? .zero)         scene?.backgroundColor = UIColor.red         view.addSubview(skView!)         skView!.presentScene(scene)         let neonNode = SKNode()         let glowNode = SKEffectNode()         glowNode.shouldEnableEffects = true         glowNode.shouldRasterize = true         let blurFilter = CIFilter(name: "CIGaussianBlur")         blurFilter?.setValue(20, forKey: kCIInputRadiusKey)         glowNode.filter = blurFilter         glowNode.blendMode = .alpha         let labelNode = SKLabelNode(text: "MOJO")         labelNode.fontName = "HelveticaNeue-Medium"         labelNode.fontSize = 60         let labelNodeCopy = labelNode.copy() as! SKLabelNode         glowNode.addChild(labelNode)         neonNode.addChild(glowNode)         neonNode.addChild(labelNodeCopy)         neonNode.position = CGPoint(x: 200, y: 200)         scene?.addChild(neonNode) } }
Sep ’22
SpriteKit - Associating sound with motion
I need to associate sound with the movement of a sprite. Movement can be as a result of physics, not as a result of an SKAction. When the object is sliding thee should be sliding sound throughout the time when it is sliding, and then a different sound when it bumps into a rock and goes up in the air. When the object is airborne, there is no sound, till it falls again - a falling sound, and then slides down with a sliding sound. The sounds associated with the collision ( rock, ground and so on ) are straightforward and work fine. But am having difficulty associating the sound with movement. The closest result I have is to check the velocity of the sprite's physics body every update cycle and play or stop the sound based on whether the velocity is greater than zero. I tried SKAction.playSoundFileNamed first - the sound kept going even when the object was not moving. I tried adding an SKAudioNode with Play and Stop, with no better result. I finally tried using AVAudioPlayer to play and Pause , which yielded the best results, but the sliding sound still played past the sliding action. What is the best way to do this? My code for playing the sound is as follows: var blockSliding = false for block in gameBlocks { if (block.physicsBody?.velocity.dx ?? 0) + (ball.physicsBody?.velocity.dy ?? 0) > 0.05 { blockSliding = true break } } if slideSound.isPlaying { if !blockSliding { slideSound.pause() } } else { if blockSliding { slideSound.play() } } I have setup slideSound earlier loading the appropriate sound file into an AVAudioPlayer
Nov ’23
ProRes4444 with alpha not work using AVPlayer
I have a ProRes 4444 format video with an alpha channel. The circle in the middle of the video is completely opaque, while the rest is fully transparent. Everything looks normal in iMovie, as I can see the background through the surrounding parts. However, when I play it using AVPlayer, the parts that are supposed to be fully transparent appear somewhat opaque, as shown in the image below: I used the official project provided by Apple named 'using_hevc_video_with_alpha', but I only replaced the HEVC with alpha format file with a ProRes 4444 format video file. Below is the main code. import Cocoa import SpriteKit import AVFoundation class ViewController: NSViewController { @IBOutlet var skView: SKView! var videoPlayer: AVPlayer! override func viewDidLoad() { super.viewDidLoad() if let view = self.skView { // Load the SKScene from 'backgroundScene.sks' guard let scene = SKScene(fileNamed: "backgroundScene") else { print ("Could not create a background scene") return } // Set the scale mode to scale to fit the window scene.scaleMode = .aspectFill // Present the scene view.presentScene(scene) // Add the video node guard let alphaMovieURL = Bundle.main.url(forResource: "xuewang", withExtension: "mov") else { print("Failed to overlay alpha movie on the background") return } videoPlayer = AVPlayer(url: alphaMovieURL) let video = SKVideoNode(avPlayer: videoPlayer) video.size = CGSize(width: view.frame.width, height: view.frame.height) print( "Video size is %f x %f", video.size.width, video.size.height) scene.addChild(video) // Play video videoPlayer.play() } } }
Nov ’23
Unable to use SpriteKit with Swift Playground Books
All our custom Playground Books using SpriteKit stopped working after upgrading to SwiftPlaygrounds version 4.4 To reproduce the issue, simply create a new book by clicking the top right hand icon and in the book add two lines of code. import SpriteKit let circle = SKShapeNode(circleOfRadius: 100.0) The second line produces an error. I tried with other classes. SKAction seems to work. SKSpriteNode, SKTexture etc have the same issue. Please help. Our students are stuck!
Oct ’23