SpriteKit - Associating sound with motion

I need to associate sound with the movement of a sprite. Movement can be as a result of physics, not as a result of an SKAction. When the object is sliding thee should be sliding sound throughout the time when it is sliding, and then a different sound when it bumps into a rock and goes up in the air. When the object is airborne, there is no sound, till it falls again - a falling sound, and then slides down with a sliding sound. The sounds associated with the collision ( rock, ground and so on ) are straightforward and work fine. But am having difficulty associating the sound with movement.

The closest result I have is to check the velocity of the sprite's physics body every update cycle and play or stop the sound based on whether the velocity is greater than zero. I tried SKAction.playSoundFileNamed first - the sound kept going even when the object was not moving. I tried adding an SKAudioNode with Play and Stop, with no better result. I finally tried using AVAudioPlayer to play and Pause , which yielded the best results, but the sliding sound still played past the sliding action. What is the best way to do this?

My code for playing the sound is as follows:

  var blockSliding = false
  for block in gameBlocks {
     if (block.physicsBody?.velocity.dx ?? 0) + (ball.physicsBody?.velocity.dy  ?? 0) > 0.05 {
        blockSliding = true
  if slideSound.isPlaying {
     if !blockSliding {
  } else {
     if blockSliding {

I have setup slideSound earlier loading the appropriate sound file into an AVAudioPlayer

SpriteKit - Associating sound with motion