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Concurrency Documentation






Handle multiple AsyncThrowingStreams in structured concurrency?
Hello, im currently rewriting my entire network stuff to swift concurrency. I have a Swift Package which contains the NWConnection with my custom framing protocol. So Network framework does not support itself concurrency so I build an api around that. To receive messages I used an AsyncThrowingStream and it works like that: let connection = MyNetworkFramework(host: "") Task { await connection.start() for try await result in connection.receive() { // do something with result } } that's pretty neat and I like it a lot but now things got tricky. in my application I have up to 10 different tcp streams I open up to handle connection stuff. so with my api change every tcp connection runs in it's own task like above and I have no idea how to handle the possible errors from the .receive() func inside the tasks. First my idea was to use a ThrowingTaskGroup for that and I think that will work but biggest problem is that I initially start with let's say 4 tcp connections and I need the ability to add additional ones later if I need them. so it seems not possible to add a Task afterwards to the ThrowingTaskGroup. So what's a good way to handle a case like that? i have an actor which handles everything in it's isolated context and basically I just need let the start func throw if any of the Tasks throw I open up. Here is a basic sample of how it's structured. Thanks Vinz internal actor MultiConnector { internal var count: Int { connections.count } private var connections: [ConnectionsModel] = [] private let host: String private let port: UInt16 private let parameters: NWParameters internal init(host: String, port: UInt16, parameters: NWParameters) { = host self.port = port self.parameters = parameters } internal func start(count: Int) async throws -> Void { guard connections.isEmpty else { return } guard count > .zero else { return } try await sockets(from: count) } internal func cancel() -> Void { guard !connections.isEmpty else { return } for connection in connections { connection.connection.cancel() } connections.removeAll() } internal func sockets(from count: Int) async throws -> Void { while connections.count < count { try await connect() } } } // MARK: - Private API - private extension MultiConnector { private func connect() async throws -> Void { let uuid = UUID(), connection = MyNetworkFramework(host: host, port: port, parameters: parameters) connections.append(.init(id: uuid, connection: connection)) let task = Task { [weak self] in guard let self else { return }; try await stream(connection: connection, id: uuid) } try await connection.start(); await connection.send(message: "Sample Message") // try await task.value <-- this does not work because stream runs infinite until i cancel it (that's expected and intended but it need to handle if the stream throws an error) } private func stream(connection: MyNetworkFramework, id: UUID) async throws -> Void { for try await result in connection.receive() { if case .message(_) = result { await connection.send(message: "Sample Message") } // ... more to handle } } }
Mar ’24
Swift concurrency and NSData - all threads stuck in mach_msg2_trap
I run the following code in an actor: func aaa() async throws -> Data { async let result = Task( operation: { ... decompressing data through try (data as NSData).decompressed(using: .lzfse) as Data } ).result switch await result { case .success(let value): return value case .failure(let error): throw error } I do it this way because I do not want to block the actor by decompression, and there is no state change in the actor afterwards. I would say that the actor plays no significant role here. Important is that many (14) concurrent tasks run in parallel, however NOT on the same data. It runs fine for a while (dozens/hundreds of data decompressed), and then the following happens: Activity Monitor (macOS GUI tool) shows almost none User CPU time, and approx. 75% System CPU time. The rest is idle. (When it runs fine, User CPU time is 95+%) When I pause the run in Xcode (in release config it behaves the same), all threads are in mach_msg2_trap #0 0x0000000180ac21f4 in mach_msg2_trap () #1 0x0000000180ad4b24 in mach_msg2_internal () #2 0x0000000180ac52fc in vm_copy () #3 0x0000000180916b78 in szone_realloc () #4 0x000000018093cfb0 in _malloc_zone_realloc () #5 0x000000018093d7e8 in _realloc () #6 0x0000000180bb8a10 in __CFSafelyReallocate () #7 0x0000000181d00e30 in _NSMutableDataGrowBytes () #8 0x0000000181ce2630 in -[NSConcreteMutableData appendBytes:length:] () #9 0x00000001823c30d8 in -[_NSDataCompressor processBytes:size:flags:] () #10 0x00000001823c32c4 in -[NSData(NSDataCompression) _produceDataWithCompressionOperation:algorithm:handler:] () #11 0x00000001823c3598 in -[NSData(NSDataCompression) _decompressedDataUsingCompressionAlgorithm:error:] () It looks like something is wrong with safe reallocation, however if this have been a bug, then all macOS is stuck. Any idea, please?
Mar ’24
Audio Server Plugin entitlements and communication
I am currently working on planning a multi-component software system that consists of an Audio Server Plugin and an application for user interaction. I have very little experience with IPC/XPC and its performance implications, so I hope I can find a little guidance here. The Audio Server plugin publishes a number of multi-channel output devices on which it should perform computations and pass the result on to a different Core Audio device. My concerns here are: Can the plugin directly access other CoreAudio devices for audio output or is this prohibited by the sandboxing? If it cannot, would relaying the audio data via XPC be a good idea in terms of low latency stability? Can I use metal compute from within the Audio Server plugin? I have not found any information about metal related sandboxing entitlements. I am also concerned about performance implications as above. Regarding the user interface application, I would like to know: If a process that has not been started by launchd can communicate with the Audio Server plugin using XPC. If not, would a user agent instead of an app be a better choice? Or are there other communication channels that would work with sandboxing? Thank you very much! Andreas
Feb ’24
Looking for tutorial on how to use SwiftData correctly in background threads
Hello community, I am in search of a tutorial that comprehensively explains the proper utilization of SwiftData for updating model data in a background thread. From my understanding, there is extensive coverage on creating a model and loading model data into a view, likely due to Apple's detailed presentation on this aspect of SwiftData during WWDC23. Nevertheless, I am encountering difficulties in finding a complete tutorial that addresses the correct usage of SwiftData for model updates in a background thread. While searching the web, I came across a few discussions on Stack Overflow and this forum that potentially provide an approach. However, they were either incomplete or proved ineffective in practical application. I would greatly appreciate any links to tutorials that thoroughly cover this topic.
Feb ’24
POSIX read/write thread safety: is sharing socket descriptors between threads on macOS correct?
Hi, Despite the following code works great on Windows and Linux (well, there is an OS layer stripped from the code), it hangs on macOS (pseudocode first): create non-blocking socketpair(AF_UNIX, SOCK_STREAM, ...); + a couple of fcntl(fd, ..., flags | O_NONBLOCK) spawn 128 pairs of threads (might be as little as 32, but will need several iterations to reproduce). Of course, there is the errno check to ensure there are no errors but EWOULDBLOCK / EAGAIN readers read a byte 10000 times: for (...) { while (read(fd[1]...) < 1) select(...); r++;} writers write a byte 10000 times: for (...) { while (write(fd[0]...) < 1) select(...); w++;} Join writers; Join readers; On Linux/Windows with the iterations number really cranked up, I'm getting a socket buffer overflow, so ::write returns EWOULDBLOCK, then I'm waiting on a socket until it's ready, continue, and after joining both sets of threads I see that bytes-read is equal to bytes-written, everything fine. However, on macOS I quickly end up in a strange lock when writers are waiting on ::select(...., &write_fds, ...) and readers on the corresponding ::select(..., &read_fds, ...); I have really no idea how that could happen except that the read/write is not thread-safe. However, it looks like POSIX docs and manpages state that it is (at least, reentrant). Could anyone point me in the right direction? Detailed code below: std::atomic<int> bytes_written(0); std::atomic<int> bytes_read(0); static constexpr int k_packets = 10000; static constexpr int k_threads = 32; std::vector<std::thread> writers; std::vector<std::thread> readers; writers.reserve(k_threads); readers.reserve(k_threads); for (int i = 0; i < k_threads; ++i) { writers.emplace_back([fd_write = fd[1], &bytes_written]() { char data = 'x'; for (int i = 0; i < k_packets; ++i) { while (::write(fd_write, &data, 1) < 1) { fd_set writefds; FD_ZERO(&writefds); FD_SET(fd_write, &writefds); assert(errno == EAGAIN || errno == EWOULDBLOCK); int retval = ::select(fd_write + 1, nullptr, &writefds, nullptr, nullptr); if (retval < 1) assert(errno == EAGAIN || errno == EWOULDBLOCK); } ++bytes_written; } }); readers.emplace_back([fd_read = fd[0], &bytes_read]() { char data; for (int i = 0; i < k_packets; ++i) { while (::read(fd_read, &data, 1) < 1) { fd_set readfds; FD_ZERO(&readfds); FD_SET(fd_read, &readfds); assert(errno == EAGAIN || errno == EWOULDBLOCK); int retval = ::select(fd_read + 1, &readfds, nullptr, nullptr, nullptr); if (retval < 1) assert(errno == EAGAIN || errno == EWOULDBLOCK); } ++bytes_read; } }); } for (auto& t : writers) t.join(); for (auto& t : readers) t.join(); assert(bytes_written == bytes_read);
Dec ’23
Concurrency Resources
Swift Concurrency Resources: DevForums tags: Concurrency The Swift Programming Language Concurrency > Concurrency documentation WWDC 2022 Session 110351 Eliminate data races using Swift Concurrency — This ‘sailing on the sea of concurrency’ talk is a great introduction to the fundamentals. WWDC 2021 Session 10134 Explore structured concurrency in Swift — The table that starts rolling out at around 25:45 is really helpful. Dispatch Resources: DevForums tags: Dispatch Dispatch documentation — Note that the Swift API and C API, while generally aligned, are different in many details. Make sure you select the right language at the top of the page. Dispatch man pages — While the standard Dispatch documentation is good, you can still find some great tidbits in the man pages. See Reading UNIX Manual Pages. Start by reading dispatch in section 3. WWDC 2015 Session 718 Building Responsive and Efficient Apps with GCD [1] WWDC 2017 Session 706 Modernizing Grand Central Dispatch Usage [1] Avoid Dispatch Global Concurrent Queues DevForums post Share and Enjoy — Quinn “The Eskimo!” @ Developer Technical Support @ Apple let myEmail = "eskimo" + "1" + "@" + "" [1] These videos may or may not be available from Apple. If not, the URL should help you locate other sources of this info.
Nov ’23
Call to main actor-isolated initializer 'init()' in a synchronous nonisolated context
Can't understand why this compiles extension HomeReducer { @MainActor @Observable final class State: BaseState { var isPresentingSubscription = false } } class BaseState {} but this gives an error Call to main actor-isolated initializer 'init()' in a synchronous nonisolated context extension HomeReducer { @MainActor @Observable final class State { var isPresentingSubscription = false } } extension DependencyValues { var homeView: @Sendable () -> HomeView { HomeKey().value } private struct HomeKey: DependencyKey { typealias Value = @Sendable () -> HomeView let liveValue: Value = { HomeView(store: Store(initialState: HomeReducer.State(), reducer: HomeReducer())) } let testValue: Value = { fatalError("testValue not implemented") } var previewValue: Value = { fatalError("previewValue not implemented") } } }
Oct ’23
I have another NSXPC problem, and the problem goes like this NSXPC server implements an interface -(void) callbackWithInfo:(NSDictionary*)log reply:(void (^)(bool))action; The NSXPC client implements a method that will call the interface in a loop and perform a timeout operation. If the server returns to the interface and does not call the action after 1s, the client will perform subsequent operations. The callbackWithInfo interface is then called again, and the cycle continues. client code: The general structure is as follows while(true){ dispatch_semaphore_t semaphore = dispatch_semaphore_create(0); dispatch_async(dispatch_get_global_queue(DISPATCH_QUEUE_PRIORITY_DEFAULT, 0), ^{ [serverProxy callbackWithInfo:InfoDic reply:^(bool action) { if(flag != NO){ flag = action; } }]; dispatch_semaphore_signal(semaphore); }); if(dispatch_semaphore_wait(semaphore, dispatch_time(DISPATCH_TIME_NOW, self.waitTime *NSEC_PER_MSEC)) != 0){ NSLog(@"flag: %d", flag); } sleep(0.1); } If the action callback is not invoked on the server, the number of FDS on the client increases. As a result, the process cannot open the file, or too much program context information is generated. As a result, the NSXPC interface fails to be invoked. Now I can not operate on the server side, how can the client side implement the code to ensure that the action will not be punished, and the fd will not increase.
Oct ’23
fatal error: Index out of range...
class CalculatorViewModel : NSObject, ObservableObject, Identifiable { var id = UUID() @Published var output = "Disconnected" @Published var connected = false @Published var databasePath = String() enum itemType : Int{ case angle = 1 case degree = 2 case grip1 = 3 case grip2 = 4 } struct test_Array: Identifiable { var id = UUID() var time: String var swingNum : Int var dataSeqInSwing: Int var timeStampInSeq: Double var itemType: Int var value: Double } @Published var testDBdata = [test_Array] () ..... private var centralManager: CBCentralManager? func connectCalculator() { output = "Connecting..." centralQueue = DispatchQueue(label: "test.discovery") centralManager = CBCentralManager(delegate: self, queue: centralQueue) } .... func peripheral(_ peripheral: CBPeripheral, didUpdateValueFor characteristic: CBCharacteristic, error: Error?) { ..... if characteristic.uuid == outputCharUUID, var data = characteristic.value { ..... DispatchQueue.main.async() { for index in tupleSets { strItemSets = index.components(separatedBy: ",") ....... var itemN = 1 for indexStr in strItemSets { self.golfDBdata[numDB].dataSeqInSwing = countItem. <= Error self.golfDBdata[numDB].itemType = itemN self.golfDBdata[numDB].value = Double(strItemSets[itemN]) ?? 0.0
Oct ’23
libxpc library crash on top of callstack after iOS 16 version
Hi team, We found that the app reported a lot of crash stacks, and the top of the stack had the libxpc library feature, but we could not find the reason. These issues have only emerged since iOS 16 and are growing, can you provide some clues or provide some solutions? Thanks! Crash backtrace can be seen as follows. _ OS Version: 16.6.1 (20G81) Report Version: 104 SDK start time: 2023-09-20 18:42:40 RDM SDK Version: RDM user id : 119902290602 RDM DeviceId: 0DB20076-F323-468F-9EEC-080B77A00E05 RDM APP KEY: 7c35edbf90 Last Exception : 0 libxpc.dylib 0x000000020a019e98 __xpc_dictionary_insert + 96 1 libxpc.dylib 0x000000020a019e84 __xpc_dictionary_insert + 76 2 libxpc.dylib 0x000000020a01b944 __xpc_dictionary_deserialize_apply + 68 3 libxpc.dylib 0x000000020a01b8cc __xpc_dictionary_apply_wire_f + 136 4 libxpc.dylib 0x000000020a018da4 __xpc_dictionary_deserialize + 108 5 libxpc.dylib 0x000000020a00cdf4 __xpc_array_deserialize + 204 6 libxpc.dylib 0x000000020a01b9ec __xpc_dictionary_unpack_value + 120 7 libxpc.dylib 0x000000020a01bbf0 __xpc_dictionary_unpack_value_and_vend + 28 8 libxpc.dylib 0x000000020a01a4c4 __xpc_dictionary_look_up + 156 9 libxpc.dylib 0x000000020a01b094 _xpc_dictionary_get_array + 20 10 libdns_services.dylib 0x000000020a0b9a28 ____dnssd_client_connection_block_invoke_2 + 320 11 libxpc.dylib 0x000000020a015af0 __xpc_connection_call_event_handler + 152 12 libxpc.dylib 0x000000020a015f20 __xpc_connection_mach_event + 992 13 libdispatch.dylib 0x00000001b1657f6c __dispatch_client_callout4 + 20 14 libdispatch.dylib 0x00000001b16746ec __dispatch_mach_msg_invoke + 468 15 libdispatch.dylib 0x00000001b165f40c __dispatch_lane_serial_drain + 372 16 libdispatch.dylib 0x00000001b1675438 __dispatch_mach_invoke + 448 17 libdispatch.dylib 0x00000001b165f40c __dispatch_lane_serial_drain + 372 18 libdispatch.dylib 0x00000001b16600a4 __dispatch_lane_invoke + 384 19 libdispatch.dylib 0x00000001b166acdc __dispatch_workloop_worker_thread + 648 20 libsystem_pthread.dylib 0x0000000209fc1ddc __pthread_wqthread + 288 Exception Type: SIGSEGV SEGV_ACCERR Exception Codes: fault addr: 0x0000000000000036 Crashed Thread: 7 _
Sep ’23
[client] No error handler for XPC error: Connection invalid
Hello everyone, With the MacOS update to Venture 13.2, I get the following error message when closing a MacOS app in xCode: [client] No error handler for XPC error: Connection invalid Today I set up a brand new MacOS system which has nothing more installed as except for MacOS Venture 13.2 and xCode 14.2 (14C18). The error already occurs when I start an app that only contains template code. I also started the app without xCode and then closed it through the menu. Then I do not receive an error message. With the Ventura version 13.1 on an AirBook with M1, the problem did not exist. On my Intel iMac, the error causes the iMac to no longer start normally. Thank you very much for your support.
Feb ’23
dispatch_async_f does not return immediatly
Hi, I work on a game for iOS and the framerate decreases progressively when the debugger is attached. Running it for 2mins, it went from 30 to 1 FPS while rendering a simple static scene. I narrowed it down to a call to dispatch_async_f which takes longer to execute over time. clock_t t1 = clock(); dispatch_async_f(queue, context, function); clock_t t2 = clock(); double duration = (double)(t2 -t1)/(double)CLOCKS_PER_SEC; Dodumentation says dispatch_async_f is supposed to return immediatly. So what could explain duration to increases in debug? Am i measuring this incorrectly? The game is written in mixed C++ and ObjC. It uses Metal as graphic API and GCD for dispatching jobs. I have Xcode 13.4.1 and test on an iPhone 13 Pro with iOS 15.7. Thanks.
Oct ’22
Tasks shown "alive" in Instruments display even after they should have finished.
In my TestApp I run the following code, to calculate every pixel of a bitmap concurrently: private func generate() async {     for x in 0 ..< bitmap.width{         for y in 0 ..< bitmap.height{             let result = await Task.detached(priority:.userInitiated){                return iterate(x,y)             }.value             displayResult(result)         }     } } This works and does not give any warnings or runtime issues. After watching the WWDC talk "Visualize and optimize Swift concurrency" I used instruments to visualize the Tasks: The number of active tasks continuously raises until 2740 and stays constant at this value even after all 64000 pixels have been calculated and displayed. What am I doing wrong?
Jun ’22
XPC Resources
XPC is the preferred inter-process communication (IPC) mechanism on Apple platforms. XPC has three APIs: The high-level NSXPCConnection API, for Objective-C and Swift The low-level Swift API, introduced with macOS 14 The low-level C API, which, while callable from all languages, works best with C-based languages General: DevForums tag: XPC Creating XPC services documentation NSXPCConnection class documentation Low-level API documentation XPC has extensive man pages — For the low-level API, start with the xpc man page; this is the original source for the XPC C API documentation and still contains titbits that you can’t find elsewhere. Also read the xpcservice.plist man page, which documents the property list format used by XPC services. Daemons and Services Programming Guide archived documentation WWDC 2012 Session 241 Cocoa Interprocess Communication with XPC — This is no longer available from the Apple Developer website )-: Technote 2083 Daemons and Agents — It hasn’t been updated in… well… decades, but it’s still remarkably relevant. TN3113 Testing and Debugging XPC Code With an Anonymous Listener XPC and App-to-App Communication DevForums post Validating Signature Of XPC Process DevForums post Related tags include: Inter-process communication, for other IPC mechanisms Service Management, for installing and uninstalling Service Management login items, launchd agents, and launchd daemons Share and Enjoy — Quinn “The Eskimo!” @ Developer Technical Support @ Apple let myEmail = "eskimo" + "1" + "@" + ""
Jun ’22