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Explore the networking protocols and technologies used by the device to connect to Wi-Fi networks, Bluetooth devices, and cellular data services.

Networking Documentation






Range of Network / Multipeer
Since Apple Multipeer framework does not really work without crashes, I implemented my own multipeer with the Network.framework. like let tcpOptions = NWProtocolTCP.Options.createDefault() let parameters = NWParameters(tls: NWProtocolTLS.Options(), tcp: tcpOptions) parameters.setDefaultSettings() let browser = NWBrowser( for: .bonjour( type: config.bonjourServiceType, domain: nil ), using: parameters ) and extension NWParameters { func setDefaultSettings() { self.includePeerToPeer = true self.requiredInterfaceType = .wifi self.preferNoProxies = true } } extension NWProtocolTCP.Options { static func createDefault() -> NWProtocolTCP.Options { let tcpOptions = NWProtocolTCP.Options() tcpOptions.enableKeepalive = true tcpOptions.keepaliveIdle = 10 // 10 seconds keepalive interval tcpOptions.noDelay = true // Disable Nagle's algorithm for low latency return tcpOptions } } it works well up to approx. 30 meter outside with free view. What's the max range for the peer to peer via bonjour? And is there a way to get longer distance than 30 meter?
Sep ’24
How can we get the BSSID value for a wifi network without sudo
How can we get the BSSID value for a wifi network without sudo we have tried with different options but they dont seem to work.It seems they have been deprecated. /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/Apple80211.framework/Versions/Current/Resources/airport en1 --getinfo | grep BSSID | awk -F ': ' '{print $2}' ioreg -l -n AWDLPeerManager | perl -lne 'print $1 if $_ =~ /IO80211BSSID.<(.)>/;' | fold -w2 | paste -sd: -
Aug ’24
Dealing with blocking nature of method handleNewFlow of NETransparentProxyProvider
NETransparentProxyProvider have below method: override func handleNewFlow(_ flow: NEAppProxyFlow) -> Bool This method is blocking. Until we returns value from this method, next flow will be blocked, macOS doesn’t calls it on new thread. for example: if we take 10 second to check what to do with this flow, whether to handle it(true) or return to kernel(false), another flow will be block for 10 sec. how to not block future flow while it is taking longer to process current flow?
Aug ’24
Swift library to share large files via network
I'm looking to see if there's any suggested libraries / frameworks to use for transferring files between Macs. The setup is a few dozen Macs (each with 10g networking) and a custom app that handles the transfer of files between them on a local network. I looked into raw TCP sockets but the file sizes will make this tricky. Some files can be up to 150gb. Maybe SFTP to AFP? But not sure how this looks in code and I know I don't want to be mounting computers in finder - ideally it's an app that hosts it's own server to handle the transfers. Any insight on this would be helpful. Thanks!
Aug ’24
Simulator unable to connect to localhost, working fine when opened directly in laptop
I am trying to connect to localhost:8081 from simulator, but it is unable to connect with following logs: info 12:07:49.167248+0530 nw_resolver_host_resolve_callback [C8.1] flags=0x40000003 ifindex=0 error=NoSuchRecord(-65554) hostname=localhost. addr=IN6ADDR_ANY ttl=60 info 12:07:49.167310+0530 nw_resolver_host_resolve_callback [C8.1] flags=0x40000002 ifindex=0 error=NoSuchRecord(-65554) hostname=localhost. addr=INADDR_ANY ttl=108002 Macos 14.6.1 iOS simulator version 17.5 Som observations localhost:8081 does not load on simulator but loads fine, also loads fine on simulator. My laptop is a managed device with network filter Switching network sometimes fixes the issue. Restarting laptop sometimes fixes the issue. localhost:8081 opens find on laptop, but not on simulator. Contents of my laptop's /etc/hosts: ## # Host Database # # localhost is used to configure the loopback interface # when the system is booting. Do not change this entry. ## localhost broadcasthost ::1 localhost
Aug ’24
Allow "App" to find the devices on local network?
Hi, On macOS 15 beta 7, we get a network popup while launching application, "Allow "App" to find the devices on local network?" This popup we are not seeing in older versions of macOS. We also see a a new option in "System Settings->Privacy & Security->Local Network". Is there way to add the application entry in "Local Network" through a command so that we can suppress this popup on launching the applications? Regards Prema Kumar
Aug ’24
Collection Wifi Information
Hello Folks, Can we capture below information for connected WIFI { AdapterType SSIDName DefaultAuthenticationAlgorithm DefaultCipherAlgorithm SecurityEnabled ConnectionStatus VpnConnectionStatus BssType NetworkConnectable NumberOfSSIDs ProfileName Bssid FrequencyType SignalQuality }
Aug ’24
Missing buffers on client side
Hi, We are working with a small QUIC POC, in which the macbook pro is the server and the vision pro the client (we use it to test QUIC's functionality). We have below logic to send small buffers (128k) using only one stream because we want the data to arrive in order and reliably as QUIC guarantees: private func createDummyData() { dummyData.append(Data(bytes: &frameNumber, count: MemoryLayout<UInt64>.size)) frameNumber += 1 } private func sendDataToClient() { createDummyData() let start = Date() Thread.sleep(forTimeInterval: 0.015) outgoingConnection?.sendBuffer(dummyData) { [weak self] in let interval = Date().timeIntervalSince(start) print("--> frame #: \(String(describing: self?.frameNumber)), send took: \(interval) seconds") self?.dummyData.removeLast(8) self?.sendDataToClient() } } As you can see we are waiting for the completion handler to call the next send operation. We needed to add a delay (0.015) because even when the data is arriving in order, we are not receiving a considerable amount of buffer on the client side. If we remove the delay, this is the way we are receiving our data. By the way, we are including a frame number (1,2,3,4....) on each buffer so we know which one arrived at the client : Connected to QUIC bi-di tunnel id: 0... Timestamp: 00:42:40.413, Buffer received... Frame number: 0, received... Timestamp: 00:42:40.414, Buffer received... Frame number: 1, received... Timestamp: 00:42:40.416, Buffer received... Frame number: 29, received... Timestamp: 00:42:40.416, Buffer received... Frame number: 30, received... Timestamp: 00:42:40.418, Buffer received... Frame number: 43, received... Timestamp: 00:42:40.418, Buffer received... Frame number: 52, received... Timestamp: 00:42:40.422, Buffer received... Frame number: 65, received... Timestamp: 00:42:40.424, Buffer received... Frame number: 80, received... Timestamp: 00:42:40.426, Buffer received... Frame number: 90, received... As you can see, we have received frames number 0 and 1 but after that we received # 29 and then jumps from 30 to 43 and 52 and 65. Again, if we introduce the delay this is not the case, is not fixing it but at least there are not that many losses. We thought QUIC had an internal sending queue in which every frame is waiting to be sent and it will be delivered reliably. Kindly let us know what are we missing.
Aug ’24
CBATTErrorRequestNotSupported while transferring data between Bluetooth LE devices
I am trying to implement BLE communication between installations of an iOS app and I am following Transferring Data Between Bluetooth Low Energy Devices since the data I need to transfer exceeds the 512 byte limit for attribute values. I already have this working based on an older version of the app, however after I integrated with the mainline of development I am getting CBATTErrorRequestNotSupported which seems to be caused by OSStatus 65535 (which is kBluetoothSDPErrorCodeReservedEnd, but that is documented to not even be present on iOS). So it seems that a change on our end is causing these errors, but I am completely stumped as to what change that might be. Is anyone able to enlighten me?
Aug ’24
mDNSResponder suppressing queries from a spawned process
I'm trying to figure out how to debug failure to successfully resolve DNS queries. I have an app that installs a network extension as a system extension. Then, the system extension spawns a second process via posix_spawn. This second process fails to resolve DNS queries, but the initial system extension process can connect to a URL involving the same hostname. In mDNSResponder I see: 2024-08-23 11:01:30.313470+0400 0x2336 Default 0x0 1320 0 mDNSResponder: [] [R56090] DNSServiceCreateConnection START PID[70515](coder) 2024-08-23 11:01:30.313857+0400 0x2336 Default 0x0 1320 0 mDNSResponder: [] [R56091] DNSServiceQueryRecord(15000, 0, <mask.hash: 'sUpGaOtvrWLwu6toEcVb1g=='>(e8da8e0d), A) START PID[70515](coder) 2024-08-23 11:01:30.314945+0400 0x2336 Debug 0x0 1320 0 mDNSResponder: (Network) [] -[NWConcrete_nw_path_evaluator dealloc] AE46B126-E438-4804-B030-F0E337AED7A0 2024-08-23 11:01:30.315004+0400 0x2336 Default 0x0 1320 0 mDNSResponder: [] [Q18806] InitDNSConfig: Setting StopTime on the uDNS question 0x13d356ce0 <mask.hash: 'H8NJEpnLHE9dtbSyztCK1A=='> (Addr) 2024-08-23 11:01:30.315051+0400 0x2336 Default 0x0 1320 0 mDNSResponder: [] [R56091->Q18806] Question for <mask.hash: 'H8NJEpnLHE9dtbSyztCK1A=='> (Addr) assigned DNS service 1461 2024-08-23 11:01:30.315075+0400 0x2336 Default 0x0 1320 0 mDNSResponder: [] [Q18806] DetermineUnicastQuerySuppression: Query suppressed for <mask.hash: 'H8NJEpnLHE9dtbSyztCK1A=='> Addr (blocked by policy) 2024-08-23 11:01:30.316901+0400 0x2336 Default 0x0 1320 0 mDNSResponder: [] [R56091->Q18806] GenerateNegativeResponse: Generating negative response for question <mask.hash: 'H8NJEpnLHE9dtbSyztCK1A=='> (Addr) 2024-08-23 11:01:30.316953+0400 0x2336 Debug 0x0 1320 0 mDNSResponder: [] [R56091] QueryRecordOpCallback: Suppressed question <mask.hash: 'H8NJEpnLHE9dtbSyztCK1A=='> (Addr) 2024-08-23 11:01:30.316984+0400 0x2336 Default 0x0 1320 0 mDNSResponder: [] [R56091->Q18806] DNSServiceQueryRecord(<mask.hash: 'H8NJEpnLHE9dtbSyztCK1A=='>(e8da8e0d), A) RESULT ADD interface 0: (mortal, DNSSEC Indeterminate)<mask.hash: 'fy5Hgf26/rhBtId5NoaY9A=='> So, my query is getting "suppressed" by mDNSResponder, blocked by policy. It doesn't seem to matter what DNS name my 2nd process queries---they are all suppressed. What policies does mDNSResponder enforce? How can I figure out why my queries are being suppressed?
Aug ’24
After the app turns on system expansion and allows network expansion, can the app be deleted?
Hi Team: I first created a macOS app and added a target of the network extension of the system extension to the app. The function of my app is to enable the system extension and allow the network extension. The app only enables the network filter and does not perform other operations. After completion, it will execute [NSApp terminate:nil]; to exit. My network filter can run normally after the app exits, and I use rm -rf to delete the app from /Application, and the network filter can still run normally. This result is what I want, but I don’t know if it is reasonable to delete the app from /Application. My understanding is that the network filter I developed is registered with the system, so it is okay to delete it from /Application. Is this correct?
Aug ’24
Wireguard Apple convert App Network Extension to System Extension Network Extension for macOS client app
WireGuard Apple VPN Client App for macOS with System Extension to Distribute Outside App Store Checkout the source code of WireGuard Apple. I have fixed several issues and now I can create and connect to the VPN. This source code uses the App Network Extension (appex) which can only be distributed on the App Store. But I don't want to distribute it via the App Store. I will distribute it outside the App Store. But for this, we need to sign the app with the Developer ID Application certificate and we also need to notarize it. So for this, the App Network Extension (appex) will not help. We need to use the System Extension Network Extension (sysex). So we need to make changes to the WireGuard Apple source code to be able to connect the VPN via the System Extension Network Extension (sysex), this means we need to migrate existing App Network Extension (appex) to System Extension Network Extension (sysex) in this source code. I am facing this challenge, that's why I am looking for a solution here. I have already done changes explained here Also done with changes for getting system extension permission and network extension permission. Real problem is, VPN client app is not getting connect to VPN and to fix this, we need to fix in WireGuard Apple Kit source code. Please help me to solve this problem.
Aug ’24
Traffic logging with UI output using Content Filter Providers
Hey, I have been working on the app that implements both Content Filter Providers and DNS Proxy for custom network security app. However, I would like to display traffic logs from Content Filter. What's the best way to do that? I know that it works with UserDefaults under shared container with App Group. But I am not sure that it's the best approach for storing data that is constantly changing. I also tried to use CoreData with: FileManager.default.containerURL(forSecurityApplicationGroupIdentifier: appGroup) But I receive error that "The file couldn’t be saved because you don’t have permission., ["reason": No permissions to create file; code = 1]" because my FilterDataProvider has access to CoreData model.
Aug ’24