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Explore the networking protocols and technologies used by the device to connect to Wi-Fi networks, Bluetooth devices, and cellular data services.

Networking Documentation






Cannot enable Network Extensions - Objective-C
So I wanted to get my hands dirty with objective-c so I decided to create a project to list all outbound traffic, after digging a little I found that I could use the Network Extension API. I created a simple command line project with xcode and tried to load this extension but for some reason I can't get it to work. I don't have a developer license yet and I'm not sure if it has anything to do with the problem I'm facing. This is just some test code so there are 2 free functions, one for loading the system extension and another for checking its status: // activates the extension? BOOL toggleNetworkExtension(NSUInteger action) { BOOL toggled = NO; __block BOOL wasError = NO; __block NEFilterProviderConfiguration* config = nil; dispatch_semaphore_t semaphore = 0; semaphore = dispatch_semaphore_create(0); NSLog(@"toggling the network extension"); [NEFilterManager.sharedManager loadFromPreferencesWithCompletionHandler:^(NSError * _Nullable error) { if(nil != error) { wasError = YES; NSLog(@"loadFromPreferencesWithCompletionHandler error"); } dispatch_semaphore_signal(semaphore); }]; NSLog(@"waiting for the network extension configuration..."); if(YES == wasError) goto fail; NSLog(@"loaded current filter configuration for the network extension"); if(1 == action) { NSLog(@"activating network extension...") ; if(nil == NEFilterManager.sharedManager.providerConfiguration) { config = [[NEFilterProviderConfiguration alloc] init]; config.filterPackets = NO; config.filterSockets = YES; NEFilterManager.sharedManager.providerConfiguration = config; } NEFilterManager.sharedManager.enabled = YES; } else { NSLog(@"deactivating the network extension..."); NEFilterManager.sharedManager.enabled = NO; } { [NEFilterManager.sharedManager saveToPreferencesWithCompletionHandler:^(NSError * _Nullable error) { if(nil != error) { wasError = YES; NSLog(@"saveToPreferencesWithCompletionHandler error!"); } dispatch_semaphore_signal(semaphore); }]; } NSLog(@"waiting for network extension configuration to save..."); if(YES == wasError) goto fail; NSLog(@"saved current filter configuration for the network extension"); toggled = YES; fail: return toggled; } Then there's this function to check if the extension is enabled which for some reason always returns false. BOOL isNetworkExtensionEnabled(void) { __block BOOL isEnabled = NO; dispatch_semaphore_t semaphore = dispatch_semaphore_create(0); [NEFilterManager.sharedManager loadFromPreferencesWithCompletionHandler:^(NSError * _Nullable error) { if (error != nil) { NSLog(@"Error with loadFromPreferencesWithCompletionHandler"); } else { isEnabled = NEFilterManager.sharedManager.enabled; } dispatch_semaphore_signal(semaphore); }]; return isEnabled; } Is something wrong is this code or is this related to entitlements or the developer license? As a side note I have already disabled SIP not sure if it matters in this case. Thanks in advance.
How can we get the BSSID value for a wifi network without sudo
How can we get the BSSID value for a wifi network without sudo we have tried with different options but they dont seem to work.It seems they have been deprecated. /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/Apple80211.framework/Versions/Current/Resources/airport en1 --getinfo | grep BSSID | awk -F ': ' '{print $2}' ioreg -l -n AWDLPeerManager | perl -lne 'print $1 if $_ =~ /IO80211BSSID.<(.)>/;' | fold -w2 | paste -sd: -
Aug ’24
How to add (another) default route to link layer address?
Greetings, I am trying to mimic what the official WireGuard client (available on AppStore, source code is publicly available) does regarding the routing tables. The client uses NetworkExtension framework. When a VPN connection is established with all traffic routed through WireGuard (AllowedIPs =, the routing table is amend with something like this: Destination Gateway RT_IFA Flags Refs Use Mtu Netif Expire default link#36 UCSg 114 0 1420 utun7 UH 0 10 1420 utun7 224.0.0/4 link#36 UmCS 0 0 1420 utun7 link#36 UCS 0 0 1420 utun7 Please note that another default route exists to the working Ethernet interface, but I have not mentioned it above. I would like to do something similar for wireguard-go (open source WireGuard implementation written in Go), in particular start it, assign an IP address, then add the routes. sudo env LOG_LEVEL=debug wireguard-go -f utun sudo ifconfig utun5 netmask Here is the code fragment written in C which suppose to add default route ( to the link layer address: void add_link_route() { struct { struct rt_msghdr hdr; struct sockaddr_in dest; struct sockaddr_dl gateway; struct sockaddr_in netmask; } rt; memset(&rt, 0, sizeof(rt)); int sockfd = socket(PF_ROUTE, SOCK_RAW, 0); if (sockfd == -1) { perror("socket"); return; } unsigned int if_index = if_nametoindex("utun5"); rt.hdr.rtm_msglen = sizeof(rt); rt.hdr.rtm_version = RTM_VERSION; rt.hdr.rtm_type = RTM_ADD; rt.hdr.rtm_index = if_index; rt.hdr.rtm_flags = RTF_UP | RTF_STATIC | RTF_CLONING; rt.hdr.rtm_addrs = RTA_DST | RTA_GATEWAY | RTA_NETMASK; rt.hdr.rtm_seq = 1; rt.hdr.rtm_pid = getpid(); rt.dest.sin_len = sizeof(struct sockaddr_in); rt.dest.sin_family = AF_INET; rt.dest.sin_addr.s_addr = INADDR_NONE; rt.gateway.sdl_len = sizeof(struct sockaddr_dl); rt.gateway.sdl_family = AF_LINK; rt.gateway.sdl_index = if_index; rt.gateway.sdl_type = IFT_PPP; rt.netmask.sin_len = sizeof(struct sockaddr_in); rt.netmask.sin_family = AF_INET; rt.netmask.sin_addr.s_addr = INADDR_NONE; if (write(sockfd, &rt, sizeof(rt)) == -1) { perror("write"); } close(sockfd); } But, when executed, write() returns EEXIST (File exists) error, meaning, the default route cannot be overwritten (because another default route exists which points to the existing Ethernet interface). At this point I have no idea how the routes could be created successfully inside NetworkExtension, and I would like to do the same. For comparison, there is another case when all traffice is not routed through the VPN. Then, the routes are created like this: Destination Gateway RT_IFA Flags Refs Use Mtu Netif Expire default link#36 UCSIg 0 0 1420 utun7 UH 0 0 1420 utun7 224.0.0/4 link#36 UmCSI 0 0 1420 utun7 link#36 UCSI 0 0 1420 utun7 The difference is that now the scope is bound to the network interface. And in such case, my C code succeeds, providing I add RTF_IFSCOPE flag to rtm_flags. I would appreciate if someone helped me with this problem.
Traffic logging with UI output using Content Filter Providers
Hey, I have been working on the app that implements both Content Filter Providers and DNS Proxy for custom network security app. However, I would like to display traffic logs from Content Filter. What's the best way to do that? I know that it works with UserDefaults under shared container with App Group. But I am not sure that it's the best approach for storing data that is constantly changing. I also tried to use CoreData with: FileManager.default.containerURL(forSecurityApplicationGroupIdentifier: appGroup) But I receive error that "The file couldn’t be saved because you don’t have permission., ["reason": No permissions to create file; code = 1]" because my FilterDataProvider has access to CoreData model.
Aug ’24
Making a request strictly over cellular even when wifi is connected
Hello everyone, Can someone help me understand how the following code works? let params = NWParameters(tls: tlsOptions, tcp: tcpOptions) params.requiredInterfaceType = .cellular connection = NWConnection(to: connectionHostPort, using: params) Does this configuration guarantee that all network calls made using the connection will always use cellular data? What happens if both WiFi and cellular are connected simultaneously? Is there any underlying UNIX library which can confirm this? TIA arup[dot]s[at]icloud[dot]com
Range of Network / Multipeer
Since Apple Multipeer framework does not really work without crashes, I implemented my own multipeer with the Network.framework. like let tcpOptions = NWProtocolTCP.Options.createDefault() let parameters = NWParameters(tls: NWProtocolTLS.Options(), tcp: tcpOptions) parameters.setDefaultSettings() let browser = NWBrowser( for: .bonjour( type: config.bonjourServiceType, domain: nil ), using: parameters ) and extension NWParameters { func setDefaultSettings() { self.includePeerToPeer = true self.requiredInterfaceType = .wifi self.preferNoProxies = true } } extension NWProtocolTCP.Options { static func createDefault() -> NWProtocolTCP.Options { let tcpOptions = NWProtocolTCP.Options() tcpOptions.enableKeepalive = true tcpOptions.keepaliveIdle = 10 // 10 seconds keepalive interval tcpOptions.noDelay = true // Disable Nagle's algorithm for low latency return tcpOptions } } it works well up to approx. 30 meter outside with free view. What's the max range for the peer to peer via bonjour? And is there a way to get longer distance than 30 meter?
Sep ’24
Dealing with blocking nature of method handleNewFlow of NETransparentProxyProvider
NETransparentProxyProvider have below method: override func handleNewFlow(_ flow: NEAppProxyFlow) -> Bool This method is blocking. Until we returns value from this method, next flow will be blocked, macOS doesn’t calls it on new thread. for example: if we take 10 second to check what to do with this flow, whether to handle it(true) or return to kernel(false), another flow will be block for 10 sec. how to not block future flow while it is taking longer to process current flow?
Aug ’24
Read and write permission error in FilterDataProvider Network Extension class
Hi, in my Extension FilterDataProvider class that is inherited from NEFilterDataProvider i am trying to insert logs into my CoreData entity, but when i insert it gives me error "NSCocoaErrorDomain: -513 "reason": Unable to write to file opened Readonly Any suggestions please to update the read write permission i already have tried this way but no luck let description = NSPersistentStoreDescription(url: storeURL) description.shouldInferMappingModelAutomatically = true description.shouldMigrateStoreAutomatically = true description.setOption(false as NSNumber, forKey: NSReadOnlyPersistentStoreOption) ?
May ’24
NEVPNProtocolIKEv2: How to Handle Identity Data from .mobileconfig?
I am trying to establish a connection using NetworkExtension and NEVPNProtocolIKEv2. It needs to work on an iOS device. I have a test.mobileconfig file and I have set up all configurations based on its content. However, I am unsure how to assign the value for identityData. I have tried multiple methods, but each time, I receive the following errors on my server: "ikev2-cp"[200] "my_ip_address" #1387: Peer attempted EAP authentication, but IKE_AUTH is required "ikev2-cp"[200] "my_ip_address" #1387: responding to IKE_AUTH message (ID 1) from "my_ip_address" with encrypted notification AUTHENTICATION_FAILED "ikev2-cp"[200] "my_ip_address" #1387: encountered fatal error in state STATE_V2_PARENT_R1 First of all, I used the first PayloadContent value inside the .mobileconfig file that I tested. I should mention that there is a certificate inside the file. However, the certificate is not password-protected. func getIKEv2Protocol(address: NSString, username: NSString, password: NSString) -> NEVPNProtocolIPSec { let p = NEVPNProtocolIKEv2() let kcs = KeychainService() p.certificateType = .RSA p.authenticationMethod = .certificate "ikev2_password", value: password as String) p.passwordReference = kcs.load(key: "ikev2_password") p.identityDataPassword = "cHH....B3" p.ikeSecurityAssociationParameters.encryptionAlgorithm = .algorithmAES256GCM p.ikeSecurityAssociationParameters.integrityAlgorithm = .SHA256 p.ikeSecurityAssociationParameters.diffieHellmanGroup = .group19 p.ikeSecurityAssociationParameters.lifetimeMinutes = 1410 p.childSecurityAssociationParameters.encryptionAlgorithm = .algorithmAES256GCM p.childSecurityAssociationParameters.integrityAlgorithm = .SHA256 p.childSecurityAssociationParameters.diffieHellmanGroup = .group19 p.childSecurityAssociationParameters.lifetimeMinutes = 1410 if let certData = Data(base64Encoded: base64String) { p.identityData = certData p.authenticationMethod = .certificate } p.serverCertificateIssuerCommonName = "***" p.serverCertificateCommonName = "***-2" p.deadPeerDetectionRate = .medium p.disableRedirect = true p.enableRevocationCheck = false p.useExtendedAuthentication = true p.remoteIdentifier = address as String p.localIdentifier = username as String p.serverAddress = address as String p.enablePFS = false return p; } and let vpnManager = NEVPNManager.shared() // inside > vpnManager.loadFromPreferences { (error) -> Void in let p = self.getIKEv2Protocol(address: address, username: username, password: password) vpnManager.protocolConfiguration = p vpnManager.localizedDescription = "IKEv2 VPN" vpnManager.isEnabled = true vpnManager.saveToPreferences(completionHandler: { (error) -> Void in ... vpnManager.loadFromPreferences(completionHandler: { error in ... try vpnManager.connection.startVPNTunnel() // And this section starts without any errors. How can I properly provide the value for p.identityData and .mobileconfig password? Please explain in detail if there is an answer, as I am inexperienced with Swift and VPNs.
Aug ’24
Swift library to share large files via network
I'm looking to see if there's any suggested libraries / frameworks to use for transferring files between Macs. The setup is a few dozen Macs (each with 10g networking) and a custom app that handles the transfer of files between them on a local network. I looked into raw TCP sockets but the file sizes will make this tricky. Some files can be up to 150gb. Maybe SFTP to AFP? But not sure how this looks in code and I know I don't want to be mounting computers in finder - ideally it's an app that hosts it's own server to handle the transfers. Any insight on this would be helpful. Thanks!
Aug ’24
IOS 17, cannot scan LocalNetworkNSNetServicesErrorCode = "-72007"
Good day. From IOS 17 have a problem with connecting to local ip devices. When i try to scan local network: zeroconf.scan('http', 'tcp', 'local.'); i get en error: Error: { NSNetServicesErrorCode = "-72007"; NSNetServicesErrorDomain = 10; } I use the react-native-zeroconf libruarry, config the infoPlist with: "NSBonjourServices": ["_http._tcp"], "NSLocalNetworkUsageDescription": "Allow Turkov application to configure LLC devices" "NSAppTransportSecurity": { "NSAllowsArbitraryLoads": true, "NSExceptionDomains": { "localhost": { "NSExceptionAllowsInsecureHTTPLoads": true } } And also i get approve sertificate to use multicast from apple team, and apply it in project "entitlements": { "": true }, Below IOS17 (i tested at 16.6) - all work fine.. Can some one help with that problem?
Aug ’24
Revoke system extension approval
Hi everyone, I am developing a MacOS app where a network extension and a content filter are installed as system extensions when the app is launched. I'd like to test the flow where user get a "System Extension Blocked" prompt like this: But I couldn't find a way to revoke the approval I gave at the first place. I've tried remove the system extensions using "sudo systemextensionsctl uninstall [TEAM ID] [BUNDLE ID]" with SIP disabled but no luck. I've also tried to remove them from the KextPolicy database but they are not even in the database. I am on MacOS Sonoma 14.5. All I want is to revoke the system extension approval and recreate this prompt. Has anyone experienced a similar issue or have any suggestions on how to achieve this?
Aug ’24
Wireguard Apple convert App Network Extension to System Extension Network Extension for macOS client app
WireGuard Apple VPN Client App for macOS with System Extension to Distribute Outside App Store Checkout the source code of WireGuard Apple. I have fixed several issues and now I can create and connect to the VPN. This source code uses the App Network Extension (appex) which can only be distributed on the App Store. But I don't want to distribute it via the App Store. I will distribute it outside the App Store. But for this, we need to sign the app with the Developer ID Application certificate and we also need to notarize it. So for this, the App Network Extension (appex) will not help. We need to use the System Extension Network Extension (sysex). So we need to make changes to the WireGuard Apple source code to be able to connect the VPN via the System Extension Network Extension (sysex), this means we need to migrate existing App Network Extension (appex) to System Extension Network Extension (sysex) in this source code. I am facing this challenge, that's why I am looking for a solution here. I have already done changes explained here Also done with changes for getting system extension permission and network extension permission. Real problem is, VPN client app is not getting connect to VPN and to fix this, we need to fix in WireGuard Apple Kit source code. Please help me to solve this problem.
Aug ’24