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getattrlistbulk lists same files over and over on macOS 15 Sequoia
A customer of mine reported that since updating to macOS 15 they aren't able to use my app anymore, which performs a deep scan of selected folders by recursively calling getattrlistbulk. The problem is that the app apparently keeps scanning forever, with the number of scanned files linearly increasing to infinity. This happens for some folders on a SMB volume. The customer confirmed that they can reproduce the issue with a small sample app that I attach below. At first, I created a sample app that only scans the contents of the selected folder without recursively scanning the subcontents, but the issue didn't happen anymore, so it seems to be related to recursively calling getattrlistbulk. The output of the sample app on the customer's Mac is similar to this: start scan /Volumes/shares/Backup/Documents level 0 fileManagerCount 2847 continue scan /Volumes/shares/Backup/Documents new items 8, sum 8, errno 34 /Volumes/shares/Backup/Documents/A.doc /Volumes/shares/Backup/Documents/B.doc ... continue scan /Volumes/shares/Backup/Documents new items 7, sum 1903, errno 0 /Volumes/shares/Backup/Documents/FKV.pdf /Volumes/shares/Backup/Documents/KFW.doc /Volumes/shares/Backup/Documents/A.doc /Volumes/shares/Backup/Documents/B.doc ... which shows that counting the number of files in the root folder by using try FileManager.default.contentsOfDirectory(atPath: path).count returns 2847, while getattrlistbulk lists about 1903 files and then starts listing the files from the beginning, not even between repeated calls, but within a single call. What could this issue be caused by? (The website won't let me attach .swift files, so I include the source code of the sample app as a text attachment.) ViewController.swift
Oct ’24
NSFileManager contentsOfDirectoryAtPath:error: returns NSFileReadUnknownError with underlying POSIX EINTR
Our backup app (Arq) is encountering random errors for some users on macOS Sequoia. The method [NSFileManager contentsOfDirectoryAtPath:error:] returns nil with an NSError domain NSCocoaErrorDomain, code 256 ("NSFileReadUnknownError"). The NSError's NSUnderlyingError key is an NSError with domain NSPOSIXErrorDomain and code 4 (EINTR). Sometimes waiting and retrying works fine; sometimes 5 retries still fail. For some users it happens on different directories each time they try to back up. What is causing this? Are we supposed to use a different API to get directory contents these days?
Oct ’24
Can I hand Matter commissioning over to the Home App?
Instead of using the MatterSupport framework to commission a device, I'd much rather throw the process over to the Home App if possible. I noticed that if I open my camera app and scan a Matter QR code, that starts the process to commission the device in the Home App. That means the Home App must be able to handle a url scheme with the QR code details. Is this available for developers to deep link into the Home App? Launching the QR code as a url itself does not work so Apple Home isn't capturing the MT url scheme. Otherwise I can open Apple Home with com.apple.home:// but have no idea what params would need to be passed to that scheme. if let url = URL(string: "MT:E9.01EEI141RUX5.210") { UIApplication.shared.open(url) { result in print(result) } } Is there something in the documentation I'm missing that allows for this?
Oct ’24
get properties of device in kIOTerminatedNotification handler
Hello, I am facing with misunderstanding how to read usb device properties correctly. The notification 'kIOTerminatedNotification' is delivered after an IOService has been terminated. Can I use IORegistryEntryCreateCFProperties() to get properties of terminated device? I am asking because I/O Registry is a dynamic database that captures the connections of all driver and nub objects currently active. Howerver, can we say that terminated device is still active? If IORegistryEntryCreateCFProperties() can not be used, are there any other way? (e.g. using Device Interface) Thank you in advance!
Oct ’24
"Unable to find file provider extension with identifier" error
I’m developing a file provider extension for macOS; I’m working with xcode 16 and macOS Sequoia. I created an host application via xcode with a simple button “Add domain” that triggers the following code: let domain = NSFileProviderDomain(identifier: NSFileProviderDomainIdentifier(rawValue: "me.piranef.fileprovider"), displayName: "piranef") NSFileProviderManager.add(domain) { theError in NSLog(">>> ERROR: \(theError?.localizedDescription ?? "No error")") } Note: I provide the link to the whole project on GitHub below. Finally I added via xcode a file provider target: At this point everything should be ok to run a simple stub application that once running add a piranef file provider visible under any file manager window in finder. But the following error appears: No file provider was found with the identifier “me.piranef.MyFileProviderTester” My suspect is that despite the target has been created by xcode, some setup in some .plist or .entitlement file must be changed manually or some tricky key added to make the file provider extension visible to the hosting application. I tried to manually change some setup that appeared logical for me like: The product bundle identifier in the target -> build settings of the extension: App Groups in the .entitlements file of the extension that seems set to a placeholder file, set to the same value of the host application: An hint I got reading the readme file of the FruitBasket sample application (by Apple) is to embed without signing the extension into the main app: Done! It’s ok! To give all possible information I uploaded the whole project into my github profile at: https://github.com/fpiraneo/fileproviderstub/ Any hint is welcome; I already googled or searched in StackOverflow or even asked ChatGPT for help but with no results. Even other users are experiencing the same issue and posting on StackOverflow with no answers: "Error adding File Provider domain: No valid file provider found with identifier ‘MyApp.FinderExtensionHost’ on MacOS” on StackOverflow
Oct ’24
NFC (ISO7816)- Tag Connection Lost IPhone 15 & 16 variants
NFC reading starts but after BAC, during the reading of DG2 the NFC stops reading and returns with Tag connection Lost error . It almost fails everytime on iPhone 15 Pro max with the following error. What's the solution for this? This is really important because our app entirely relies on the NFC data to proceed forward. This always fails in iPhone 15 & 16. Same card works fine on older iPhone models. What change should we do or include for the newer models. Error Domain=NFCError Code=102 "Tag response error / no response" UserInfo={NSLocalizedDescription=Tag response error / no response, NSUnderlyingError=0x303bd6af0 {Error Domain=nfcd Code=29 "Tag Error" UserInfo={NSLocalizedDescription=Tag Error, NSUnderlyingError=0x303bd6910 {Error Domain=com.apple.nfstack Code=20 "No response from tag" UserInfo={NSLocalizedDescription=No response from tag}}}}}
Oct ’24
eslogger man page strange reference
In the man page for the eslogger tool, there is a reference to the jq tool. Postprocess the output in a shell pipeline with jq: % sudo eslogger exec | jq -r 'select(.process.executable.path == "/bin/zsh")|"(.process.audit_token.pid): (.process.executable.path) -(.event.exec.target.executable.path)"' The problem is that the jq tool is not installed by default with macOS. [Q] Isn't the idea that the man page should only reference tools that are part of the standard macOS distribution (or can be downloaded and installed by the OS when you try to run them, like with some developer tools)?
Oct ’24
Kernel Development Kit Missing
Hello, It seems like the Kernel Debug Kit for macOS 15.0.1 (24A348) is missing from the list of downloads at developer.apple.com. It would be great if you could add them to the list of available downloads. When trying to rebuild the kernel it fails with the following error message: Error Domain=KMErrorDomain Code=34 "Missing Developer Kit: As of macOS 13.0, you will need to install a KDK matching your build 24A348 to rebuild kernel collections." UserInfo={NSLocalizedDescription=Missing Developer Kit: As of macOS 13.0, you will need to install a KDK matching your build 24A348 to rebuild kernel collections.} But my macOS version is 15.0.1. Is there a workaround for this?
Oct ’24
CBPeripheral delegate callback of `peripheralIsReady(toSendWriteWithoutResponse:)` doesn't happen when app in background
My team has an app that uses BTLE heavily, and has been doing so successfully, including no issues continuing to receive data in the background and updating things in the app (for recording workouts). We have a BTLE write queue that only tries to write when the CBPeripheral.canSendWriteWithoutResponse property is true, or when we get the notification from the system in peripheralIsReady(toSendWriteWithoutResponse:). This is used as a means to rate limit data transfer, as we transfer files, as well as require that packets always arrive in the correct order due to blob encoding. However, we had a new requirement come in to periodically write data out to a connected peripheral. I noticed that as soon as the app was in the background, despite other delegate callbacks coming in, like didRecieveUpdatedValue:, neither the property canSendWriteWithoutResponse nor the delegate callback were called any longer. This meant our write queue didn't think it had permission to write, and packets would just stack up. The failure to deliver these updates didn't occur immediately after backgrounding, but did within 2-5s of backgrounding. If, when in the background, I ignore the changing of that property, and instead just write the data to the peripheral, it works! Can anyone explain why, despite other CBPeripheral callbacks happening when in the background, this one does not?
Oct ’24
Getting or setting UID with HCE
Hi, we are trying to get or set the NFC UID when doing HCE CardSession emulation, but can't find any way to either get the chip UID used in a session, or set it beforehand. Is that possible with a normal HCE CardSession eventStream received ADPU event? Or is another framework/product needed for this? We've done a Interoperability request (INTEROP-214), which lead us to using HCE. Our usecase is specifically interacting with EV chargers, that only support using the chips UID for identification. Can Apple Pay / Wallet be an alternative to do such low level handling?
Oct ’24
[macOS Sequoia] Sudden surge of "failed to retrieve app-scope key" logs and failed URL security scoping
Hello, with macOS Sequoia I've observed a sudden, substantial surge in reports about the Mac App Store version of my app Yoink no longer accepting files dropped to it, with the following message being logged in Console.app: 08:16:05.516307+0200 Yoink ---Yoink Error--- Could not create NSURL bookmark for /Users/<redacted>/Downloads/<redacted>/<redacted>.txt err: Error Domain=NSCocoaErrorDomain Code=256 "Failed to retrieve app-scope key" UserInfo={NSDebugDescription=Failed to retrieve app-scope key} The code line that causes this is the following: NSData *bmData = [fileURL bookmarkDataWithOptions:NSURLBookmarkCreationWithSecurityScope includingResourceValuesForKeys:nil relativeToURL:nil error:&err]; Sometimes a relaunch of Yoink, or a restart of the Mac resolves the issue, but only temporarily. Other times, even a restart doesn't work, but running tccutil reset All at.EternalStorms.Yoink in Terminal and then restarting the Mac works (again, temporarily). The trial version and Setapp versions of my app both work as expected, however. I myself cannot reproduce this issue, so any pointers would be greatly appreciated. (This might be considered a follow up to https://developer.apple.com/forums/thread/46583 , years back) Thanks a ton, – Matthias
Oct ’24
Porting VFS kext to FSKit
So if one were to start the attempt of porting an existing kext VFS filesystem, to use the new FSKit (Since presumably kexts could go away), how would that look now? Is it ready? Are there any samples out there that already works (Filesystem using FSKit) ? How is the documentation? ChatGPT did not seem to know much at all. What would be Apple's reception to that? How flexible is FSKit ? Is it locked to the idea of a mount is connected to a physical device (or partition)? Or is it more virtual, in that I will have a pool of disks, and present 1, or many, mount points?
Oct ’24
How to clear a "stuck" FileProvider
On some systems we are running into situations where we have an existing domain, but it remains in a stuck state where the domain exists but when attempting to interact with the domain to establish an XPC connection we get: =Error Domain=NSFileProviderInternalErrorDomain Code=0 "No valid file provider found from URL file:///Users/User/Library/CloudStorage/ProviderName-ProviderName." UserInfo={NSLocalizedDescription=No valid file provider found from URL file:///Users/User/Library/CloudStorage/Provider-Provider. Nothing that I've been able to do on an affected user account allows our app's domain to be added without facing errors. If we switch to a different user profile the domain is added and we can establish an XPC connection without any issues. So far I have tried: Removing the domain via NSFileProviderManager.removeAllDomains() Navigating to the domain in locations with the app uninstalled and deleting via the prompt within the Finder window Removing the plugin using: pluginkit -r /Applications/AppName.app/Contents/PlugIns/ProviderName.appex Removing the group container folder for the app from ~/Library/Group Containers and the app's data from ~/Library/Application Support/FileProvider/ I recognize that there is a profile (https://developer.apple.com/bug-reporting/profiles-and-logs/?platform=macos&name=Icloud) for additional logging, but having an end user install this is cumbersome. While I have encountered similar behavior myself I observed unix exception error 17 using console streaming logs though I can't be sure my issue is identical to the customers until we try and repeat the results on their systems with console streaming. macOS 15 has, deliberately, removed some of the options available in fileproviderctl to remove domains. If a fileProvider domain is in a bad state, how are we supposed to remove it? Relying only on NSFileProviderManager calls isn't helpful if these calls fail.
Oct ’24
CallKit: CXCallEndedReason.remoteEnded when the call is ended with reason=answerTimeout
Hello, experts! During a VOIP call, the following happens: device 1 makes a call to device 2 device 2 deliberately does not receive the call some time passes, timeout is triggered and the call is terminated with CXCallEndedReason = remoteEnded, as evidenced by a line in the logs of the incoming call: `[info] reportCallWasEnded callId=[***-***-***], reason=[CXCallEndedReason(rawValue: 2)].` What is the reason why CXEndCallAction may be called from CXProviderDelegate even though the call was not manually terminated by clicking on the “End Call” button
Oct ’24
hv_vcpu_run on M1 suppose to return but it is not
Hi, I'm building a Virtual Machine Manager on top of Hypervisor Framework and having a problem with hv_vcpu_run never return somehow. I tested the same code on Asahi Linux using KVM and everything are working correctly. I really have no idea what I'm doing wrong here. How I setup a vCPU: https://github.com/obhq/obliteration/blob/main/gui/src/vmm/aarch64.rs How I use the Hypervisor Framework: https://github.com/obhq/obliteration/blob/main/gui/src/vmm/hv/macos/cpu.rs#L402 Thanks in advance.
Oct ’24
Fetch workgroup / active directory domain name programatically in Obj-C / Swift
Previously, I used to have the below code to get workgroup / domain name of the active directory service provider. SCDynamicStoreRef storeRef = SCDynamicStoreCreate(NULL, (CFStringRef)@"GetWorkgroup", NULL, NULL); CFPropertyListRef global = SCDynamicStoreCopyValue (storeRef,CFSTR("State:/Network/Global/SMB")); id workgroup = [(__bridge NSDictionary *)global valueForKey:@"Workgroup"]; On few Macs (probably starting from Sonoma), the workgroup property is not set. What is the alternative to get this information programatically?
Oct ’24
How do you get group/user info from file ACLs?
Documentation is sparse on this and it doesn't help that Apple's version differs from POSIX. I know to specify ACL_TYPE_EXTENDED for acl_get_file() and know how to cycle through entries. From what I can tell, the tag is either ALLOW or DENY and you can check the permset for which actions the tag applies to. I can't figure out how get the group or user the entry applies to. The only way I've been able to get this info is by using acl_to_text and scraping that output. Anyone know how to do this using the acl APIs?
Oct ’24
Bluetooth permission dialog in iOS18
On the OS18 build in Xcode16 of my app, user is no longer asked for bluetooth permissions. On the current market build, the user is asked for bluetooth permissions at startup along with Siri and notifications permissions. The siri and notification prompts still display, but not the Bluetooth. I can't find any bluetooth permission related changes in hte release notes and nothing in the code or the info.plist has changed and "Privacy - Bluetooth Always Usage Description" is listed as expected. I now get a "Allow "xxxz" to find devices on local networks?" But not the Bluetooth permission dialog. Does anyone know why this is happening or how to fix it?
Oct ’24