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Authenticate users and search for contact information in Open Directory and LDAP directories using Open Directory.

Posts under Open Directory tag

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Issue with iPhone QR Code Contact Preview Displaying Email Instead of Organization
Post Content: Hi everyone, I’m encountering an issue with how iPhone displays contact information from a vCard QR code in the contact preview. When I scan the QR code with my iPhone camera, the contact preview shows the email address between the name and the contact image, instead of displaying the organization name. Here’s the structure of the vCard I’m using: BEGIN:VCARD VERSION:3.0 FN:Ahmad Rana N:Rana;Ahmad;;; ORG:Company 3 TEL;TYPE=voice,msg:+1234567890 EMAIL:a(at the rate) URL: IMPP:facebook:fb END:VCARD What I Expect: When I scan it with camera and in the contact preview before creating the camera I want organization name between name and image of the preview but I get email instead of ogrganization name. If only organisation is passed then it displays correctly but when I pass email it displayed email in between. Steps I’ve Taken: Verified the vCard structure to ensure it follows the standard format. Reordered the fields in the vCard to prioritize the organization name and job title. Tested with a simplified vCard containing only the name, organization, and email. Despite these efforts, the email address continues to be displayed in the contact preview between the name and the contact image, while the organization name is not shown as expected. Question: How can I ensure that the organization name is displayed correctly in the contact preview on iPhone when scanning a QR code? Are there specific rules or best practices for field prioritization in vCards that I might be missing? I would appreciate any insights or suggestions on how to resolve this issue. Thank you!
LAContext not accepting programmatically changed user's password for authentication
I have used functionality of changing user's password programmatically using the OpenDirectory framework. Once the password is updated successfully, can be use this password for Login sessions and authentication wherever required. But the same password is failing authenticate with Local Authentication Framework that is with LAContext and prefers always older password. Even restarting machine won't work. Changing current user's password using below method - do { let node = try ODNode(session: ODSession.default(), type: ODNodeType(kODNodeTypeLocalNodes)) let user = try node.record(withRecordType: kODRecordTypeUsers, name: NSUserName(), attributes: nil) try user.changePassword(currentPassword, toPassword: newPassword) print("Password changed successfully") } catch var error { print(error) } Once password is updated, then trying to authenticate password with LAContext using, let context = LAContext() context.evaluatePolicy(.deviceOwnerAuthentication, localizedReason: "AuthenticationMessage".localized()) { success, error in DispatchQueue.main.async { completion(success, error) } print("authentication error = (String(describing: error?.localizedDescription))") } It won't accept the updated password. Any idea how to solve this problem?
May ’24
Network Name (local domain Name) of a Mac (Mac-OS)
I want to get the network-name (domain-name) on my Mac-Machine. Where iin the Settings does this domain name gets configured. I refer to this page which talks about computer name and host name, I could find where my hostname is present (Settings->General->Sharing->local host name) but not anything related to the network-name (local -domain) . Even try to fetch this info using the linux api to getdomainname, api call succeeded but it returns Nothing. #include <iostream> #include <unistd.h> #include <limits.h> #include <cstring> int main() { char domainname[255]; // Get the domain name if (getdomainname(domainname, 255) != 0) { std::cout << "Error getting domain name" << std::endl; return 1; } std::cout << "Domain name: " << domainname << std::endl; return 0; } Output Domain name: I even came across Search-Domains, Does it have anything to do with the network-name (domain name of the machine)?
Apr ’24