Does iOS 11 WKWebView support WebRTC ?

On iOS 11 I can run a web application that performs a WebRTC on Safari but when I write my own application using swift 4 and WKWebView it does not work!

Anybody know how to run WebRTC on WKWebView in iOS 11 ? or it is not supported this way?


I am also having a hard time figuring out whether WebRTC is supported in WKWebViews in iOS 11.

From my research, it is clear that WebRTC is supported on Safari (which is built on top of WebKit) in iOS 11!

However it seems like one of the following scenarios could be true:

  1. WebKit itself supports WebRTC. Safari is built on top of WebKit and uses WebKit to support WebRTC. WKWebView (which is built on top of WebKit) does not support WebRTC.
  2. WebKit itself does not support WebRTC. Safari supports WebRTC.

Some clarification or pointers to relevant documentation that I might have missed would be greatly appreciated!

I asked about this internally and the answer is that, right now, WebRTC is only supported in Safari. No WKWebView, not even SFSafariViewController.

As always, if this is something you’d like to see added, you should file an enhancement request describing your requirements. I’d appreciate at least one of you posting a bug number, just so Future Quinn™ has a thread on which to pull if this comes up again.

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Quinn “The Eskimo!”
Apple Developer Relations, Developer Technical Support, Core OS/Hardware

let myEmail = "eskimo" + "1" + ""

Posted suggestion with bug number 34846782 - thanks for the help!

Adding a vote to this as this is something that we are looking for too. We're delighted with the Safari support for WebRTC as it allows our solution to work on iPad and iPhones, but many of our custmers would like to use it embedded within applications.

For reference - here is a demo page that shows this functionality:


Is WebRTC support in the works for app publishers(i.e. support in a WKWebView or SFSafariViewController)? Is there any timeline for when we should expect to see WebRTC support?

Posted suggestion with bug number 34846782

Thanks for that.

Is WebRTC support in the works for app publishers(i.e. support in a WKWebView or SFSafariViewController)? Is there any timeline for when we should expect to see WebRTC support?

Sorry, but I can’t comment on The Future™.

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Quinn “The Eskimo!”
Apple Developer Relations, Developer Technical Support, Core OS/Hardware

let myEmail = "eskimo" + "1" + ""


Do you have any feedback from Apple regarding your bug ?

We're also stuck with this webrtc issue.


Hello Eskimo,

Knowing when (or at least if in 2018) WebRTC will be usable in a WKWebView could save us from taking technical decisions that would lead us to meaningless efforts in months.

I understand you cannot tell us about your plans, but a little hint could be very helpful for many of us.

Best Regards,

Christophe Saunier

I’m sorry but I can’t comment on this issue specifically.

My general advice is that you target the OS that’s shipping today. Big features are typically added in major OS releases, which means that you have to a) wait for that OS release, and b) wait for your app’s deployment target to ‘pass’ that OS release.


, a nice addition that we made in iOS 9. Most iOS developers maintain compatibility with the “current minus one” iOS release, so they won’t be able to rely on
until they drop support for iOS 9, which is around about now.

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Quinn “The Eskimo!”
Apple Developer Relations, Developer Technical Support, Core OS/Hardware

let myEmail = "eskimo" + "1" + ""

Thank you for your answer Eskimo.

Best Regards,

Christophe Saunier

Another vote added!

We are having the same issue. Please support webrtc in iOS 11 and above, lots of efforts have gone into it!

getUserMedia not supported in WKWebView

This bug was filed in radar, which is Apple's bug tracking system :

IMy suggestion is that u use adapter.js since it helps unifing the APIs.

But yes - WebRTC Works.

Another vote added!

We are having the same issue. Please support!



i would like to add my support for this request too... Disappointed that it doesnt seem to be supported in iOS12 Beta

Allowing WebRTC within a WKWebView allows for some pretty cool possibilities.

Does iOS 11 WKWebView support WebRTC ?