Does iOS 11 WKWebView support WebRTC ?

On iOS 11 I can run a web application that performs a WebRTC on Safari but when I write my own application using swift 4 and WKWebView it does not work!

Anybody know how to run WebRTC on WKWebView in iOS 11 ? or it is not supported this way?


Apple, please add WebRTC support in webview. We're on iOS 12.1 now and it's still not supported. Is there a reason this is not being implemented (security or otherwise)?

Another vote added. Developed an app using wkwebview, and this is holding my development up big time.

Please support WebRTC on WKWebView or SFSafariViewController. Android already support WebRTC in WebView, we need to give customer consistant experience in all platform.Thank you apple!

2019 here and still waiting for this feature. Thats sad because that kind of feature would led to tons of new cool apps.

Anyway i hope that would be added and retro compatible.

Thank you

Come on Apple, you need to support WebRTC on WKWebview. Too many developers are waiting for this.

Come on, Apple. This is in very high demand and is stopping me in my tracks as far as the iPhone app. The android app is so simple and works fine. Enable WkWebview getUserMedia asap. You don't want android to become the more advanced phone app-wise because apps were limited in iOS.

I just want to reiterate the advice from my first post on this thread: If this is something you’d like to see added, you should file an enhancement request describing your requirements. These bugs will likely be dup’d to the the ‘lead’ bug here (r. 29281220), but they will help WebKit engineering get a better understanding about the level of demand.

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Quinn “The Eskimo!”
Apple Developer Relations, Developer Technical Support, Core OS/Hardware

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I am trying to implement it too, but getUserMedia() is not working on the WKWebView

I followed your advise and created yet another bug about the same topic (

It would be very helpful to have an answer and a roadmap. This issue blocks a whole set of web-based applications which would be possible otherwise. Moreover, it is about a piece of web standard that is disabled on one of the major web platform. That situation creates a huge uncertainty for any developer who plans to invest using HTML5-based video or audio capture for their product. This leaves the developers in a frustrating and powerless state.

Have created another enhancement request for this (

This seems like a pretty sought after API which allows beautiful and powerful applications to be written. No idea why Apple would want to shut that down. A roadmap and answer would be helpful to our business indeed.

Hi guys,

I created a enhanced request under the ticket :

I don't understand why not to handle such a useful feature.

Hope that would be fixed soon.

So nobody has some kind of workaround to make it work ?

I have the same problem.

I need to show an webrtc webapp inside my app, and the WKWebView doesn't works.

Any help?

Tks in advance

I would like to know the ETA or some form of update on when WebRTC will be supported on WKWebView. The WKWebView is used on a lot of popular UI frameworks, like React Native. We would love to see at least some form of update, or an answer on when this functionality will be implemented. This issue is a blocker on us, as a result we are unable to release the iOS version of our app. There are a lot of developers out there waiting for this issue to be fixed.

+1 here! WebRTC is such an integral part of today's internet, I'm shook that this is still unimplemented and unplanned

+1, I need this feature

Does iOS 11 WKWebView support WebRTC ?