1 week Free Trial before subscription

Hello there,

i already looked for a similar post but nothing suits me or the posts were way too old and deprecated.

I want to give a 1 week free trial to my customer before they sign the monthly auto-renewable subscription.

My questions are:

  • May I set a free trial through code and then show the Apple Subscription page after the trial finished? Or shall I do everything in-Apple (so Apple manages the free trial and consequently shows the subscripion page)?
  • Where is the option to make a subscription free for the first week? I saw some posts but now i can't find the 0,0€ option, as now everything start from 0,25€

Thank you for your time, any help will be very much appreciated

I looked closer, but still can't find a viable solution

Hello, anyone?

That's the only community where there is zero help

1 week Free Trial before subscription