Xcode beta 15.0 beta 2 cannot connect to iPhone SE running iOS 17.0 beta

macOS Version 13.4.1 (Build 22F82)
Xcode 15.0 (22181.22) (Build 15A5161b)
iPhone SE running iOS 17.0 beta

I have a test device (iPhone SE) with iOS 17 beta installed. I am using a cable to connect it to my MacBook. Within Xcode beta, I am using the "Devices and Simulators" dialog. Attempting to "connect" the device fails repeatedly with the following message:

The developer disk image could not be mounted on this device.
Domain: com.apple.dt.CoreDeviceError
Code: 12040
Failure Reason: Error mounting image: 0xe8000106 (kAMDMobileImageMounterCredentialsFailed: AppleConnect authentication failed or was cancelled.)
User Info: {
    DDIPath = "/Users/***/Library/Developer/DeveloperDiskImages/iOS_DDI.dmg";
    DVTErrorCreationDateKey = "2023-06-23 17:08:18 +0000";
    "com.apple.dt.DVTCoreDevice.operationName" = enablePersonalizedDDI;
Error mounting image: 0xe8000106 (kAMDMobileImageMounterCredentialsFailed: AppleConnect authentication failed or was cancelled.)
Domain: com.apple.mobiledevice
Code: -402652922
User Info: {
    FunctionName = AMDeviceRemoteMountPersonalizedBundle;
    LineNumber = 2108;
AMAuthInstallRequestSendSync failed: 22 (kAMAuthInstallErrorAppleConnectAuthFailed)
Domain: com.apple.mobiledevice
Code: -402652922
User Info: {
    FunctionName = "-[PersonalizedImage mountImage:]";
    LineNumber = 2005;

I also see the following error from the phone's console:

Sending response: {
    DetailedError = "Error Domain=com.apple.MobileStorage.ErrorDomain Code=-2 \"Failed to copy personalization manifest.\" UserInfo={NSLocalizedDescription=Failed to copy personalization manifest., NSUnderlyingError=0x7a6a07b80 {Error Domain=com.apple.MobileStorage.ErrorDomain Code=-2 \"Failed to retrieve personalization manifest: Error Domain=com.apple.MobileStorage.ErrorDomain Code=-2 \"Failed to find a cached manifest (im4m) for variant DeveloperDiskImage (personalization required).\" UserInfo={NSLocalizedDescription=Failed to find a cached manifest (im4m) for variant DeveloperDiskImage (personalization required)., NSUnderlyingError=0x90ab04240 {Error Domain=com.apple.MobileStorage.ErrorDomain Code=-2 \"/private/var/run/mobile_image_mounter/DeveloperDiskImage/B5A2B06AE07F3A280BC168DCAFE0D3BADD8CFCAA017BE5C735299D5398807133F23C61593439B0B93C4B772168E8F711.im4m does not exist.\" UserInfo={NSLocalizedDescription=/private/var/run/mobile_image_mounter/DeveloperDiskImage/B5A2B06AE07F3A280BC168DCAFE0D3

I have tried the usual things:

  • Restarting Xcode.
  • Restarting the iPhone.
  • Logging in/out from iCloud on the iPhone.
  • Logging in/out of Apple Developer within Xcode.
  • Restarting my MacBook.
  • Burning sage and making an incantation.

I don't know if this is the only fix but what worked for me was resetting my phone to factory settings

Moving xCode to trash, and installing from fresh fixed for me. Factory reset of the device did not fix the issue.

Perhaps, just cleaning the XCode cache would also have solved. But I went the hammer root.

I'm also experiencing the same issue. Resetting the iPhone SE and re-installing Xcode didn't help either. Still looking for a solution.

Go into your phone settings -> Developer -> Clear Trusted Computers

Then the next time you try to install an app to this iPhone you have to click 'trust' on the dialog again.

Make sure you aren't on any vpn or similar. The new ios / xcode connection uses LAN to connect devices in some way that is messed up with the use of a vpn.

Please use Disk Utility to check if your Mac has mounted an iOS development image with the same name, such as iOS 17.0.1 Develop...blabla. You may need to eject these before connecting your phone.

I had the same issue while running a Proxyman app, it was the cause of the network errors. Just be sure that you don't have anything like that running while Apple is trying to reach out to its own servers

did you figure this out? have had this for days and can't seem to figure it out.

I fixed this by just using a different computer with XCode 16 beta 1. I did the USB connection, accepted prompts to trust the phone and device, and did a sync of any debugging symbols. I created a new app just to test, and it worked ok. Was then able to connect with my old computer and all went well.

Xcode beta 15.0 beta 2 cannot connect to iPhone SE running iOS 17.0 beta