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Posts under SSO Extensions tag

5 Posts
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Single Sign-on Extensions, Safari, SafariViewService and Gating Access to Managed Apps
While it's clear that SSO Extensions can be limited to managed applications, it's not necessarily clear how to handle the scenario where a managed application is generating a SafariViewService web view to handle authentication of an account within that managed application. The SSO Extension sees SafariViewService as an unmanaged destination in User Enrolled devices, which means we can't warrant that it's coming from a managed app in the work APFS container. Is it possible to, in User Enrolled MDM Scenarios, understand where a Safari process came from (i.e., a Managed App) or a SafariViewService process came from, for the purposes of ascribing management status to the authorization request?
Platform SSO: Is it possible to call presentRegistrationViewController(completion:) in beginUserRegistration?
In our implementation of Platform SSO, we would like to show custom UI in both the beginDeviceRegistration call as well as the beginUserRegistration call. It works fine in the beginDeviceRegistration call when we use presentRegistrationViewController. When we try to apply the same logic in beginUserRegistration, the ViewController's view.window object is nil and thus using it to house our custom UI doesn't work. I'm not sure if this is an implementation flaw on our part or if presentRegistrationViewController is only intended to be used in beginDeviceRegistration. The call is only mentioned in the context of registering devices, which makes us wonder if it is limited to that. Any help would be appreciated!
May ’24
Seeking Guidance for Implementing Platform SSO
Hello everyone, I'm currently in the process of implementing platform SSO (Single Sign-On) in macOS and could use some guidance. I find myself a bit confused during the device registration phase, particularly because my Identity Provider (IdP) needs to support it. I'm wondering if Platform SSO will handle this automatically or if there are specific steps I need to take. Additionally, I'm unsure whether I need to share the device signing and encryption key in my identity. Could someone please clarify this for me? Finally, I would greatly appreciate it if someone could provide me with some sample code or starting pointers to help me get started on the right track. More into apart from OpenID, SAML protocol what else the Idp needs to change to support Platform SSO. Thank you in advance for your assistance!
Feb ’24
Platform SSO saveLoginConfiguration error
Hi all. I'm trying to implement a Platform SSO extension for macOS and I'm freaking out. It's so complicated and with almost zero guidance documentation. I established a starting point in my SSO extension and I get the registration request to my beginDeviceRegistrationUsingLoginManager (I managed all the AASA file, MDM stuff). In this method I'm creating a ASAuthorizationProviderExtensionLoginConfiguration and I try to save it into the loginManager (ASAuthorizationProviderExtensionLoginManager which I get from the method) using saveLoginConfiguration. It worked fine, and without changing anything I started getting the next error: failed to save loginConfiguration: Error Code=1000 "(null)" UserInfo={NSUnderlyingError=0x7ff77ff63b30 {Error Code=-1008 "Token endpoint URL is not approved profile URL." UserInfo={NSLocalizedDescription=Token endpoint URL is not approved profile URL.}}} This is my configuration: ASAuthorizationProviderExtensionLoginConfiguration *loginConfiguration = [[ASAuthorizationProviderExtensionLoginConfiguration alloc] initWithClientID:@"***" issuer:@"" tokenEndpointURL:[NSURL URLWithString:@""] jwksEndpointURL:[NSURL URLWithString:@""] audience:@"***"]; And this is where it breaks: BOOL saveConf = [self.loginManager saveLoginConfiguration:loginConfiguration error:&confError]; Can someone help me with this error please?
Jan ’24
ASAuthorization SSO Extension view controller for macOS
Our app is currently employing an SSO extension. Our implementation of beginAuthorization(with request: ASAuthorizationProviderExtensionAuthorizationRequest) seems to be working correctly, as we are able to process the request and complete the SSO. Unfortunately we seem to be running into trouble getting an associated UI to display for our users. Our info.plist file for the extension has the value NSExtensionPrincipalClass:$(PRODUCT_MODULE_NAME).AuthenticationViewController and we have an accompanying storyboard file named AuthenticationViewController.xib where the file's owner is set to our custom view controller. We have added a window and some views to this storyboard file and linked them to our view controller which is also named AuthenticationViewController The window will appear when the extension is activated. However, this window will appear behind the safari window we have open, and we cannot seem to bring it to the front of the other views. Traditional methods do not seem to work since the extension cannot access a sharedApplication object. We have tried other methods, including using NSRunningApplication.runningApplications to locate the extension via bundle identifier and activate it, but activation still does not bring it to the front of all open windows. We also tried using presentAuthorizationViewController(completion: @escaping (Bool, Error?) -> Void) to no avail. We got true for our result in the completion closure, but we couldn't get the UI to display at all in that case. We fear that we may be misguided in our approach, and have not configured our storyboard correctly to achieve the desired result. We have been able to find no example of this for macOS so any help would be greatly appreciated!
Jul ’23