Nearby Interaction

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Locate and interact with nearby devices using distance, direction, and identifier.

Posts under Nearby Interaction tag

26 Posts
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Nearby Interaction (UWB) Background problem
Hi, We try to geolocate with UWB signal an app in background with NXP UWB Kit. We use Nearby Interaction method in background Apple documentation indicate to use this class: NINearbyAccessoryConfiguration but we have this error when we try to create the session: NIERROR_ACCESSORY_PEER_DEVICE_UNAVAILABLE_FAILURE_REASON any body can help us to use successfully this functionnality ?
May ’24
nearby interaction
Hi, The nearby interaction app provided by apple gives me a range of just 15m and frequent data stops with my UWB hardware. However, the NXP Trimensions AR app gives a distance of more than 30 m with the same hardware non stop. Could anyone help me solve this issue Thank you
Apr ’24
Nearby Interaction between Apple Watches
I understand that the Nearby Interaction framework is available on watchOS 8+, and I want to make a watch app that displays distance estimation between multiple watches (not iPhones) using UWB through Nearby Interactions. I see in the documentation that an iPhone can discover multiple device "discovery tokens" and create NISessions with them using the Multipeer Connectivity framework, but it looks like the Multipeer Connectivity framework is not available on watchOS? So, how might I make an independent watch app that can discover multiple nearby watches and setup NISessions with them? Thanks!
Apr ’24
GeoLocator in flutter
Hello dear when i use geolocator after i'll get this error Could not build the precompiled application for the device. Error (Xcode): Undefined symbol: OBJC_CLASS$_LocationServiceStreamHandler Error (Xcode): Undefined symbol: OBJC_CLASS$_PositionStreamHandler Error (Xcode): Linker command failed with exit code 1 (use -v to see invocation) Error launching application on iPhone. and didn't app running so plz guide i'm a too much upset
Apr ’24
List nearby wifi access points in a IOS app
I'm trying to develop a iOS mobile app with using flutter, which can scan nearby wifi access points and connect to a one of them. I ran the app on a physical device with a free apple developer account. When I scan for the wifi access points, it throws an error with saying wifi scan is not supported. I just used wifi_scan library in flutter. Is it required to have a paid developer account to test this feature (wifi scanning and connection) ? Does iOS natively give the access to apps to scan wifi? Thanks
Mar ’24
Nearby Interaction background session with "Just Works" pairing
Hello, We are working with Nearby Interaction (UWB) technology to provide high-accurate location use cases to our customers. According to Apple's documentation, in order to enable background sessions starting iOS16, the two devices need to be paired. The accessory needs to implement Nearby service and mandated encrypted characteristic. So far we tested this with "PIN-based" secure pairing and everything works fine. Can you confirm if "Just works" PIN-less pairing is expected to work as well here? The documentation is not clear on this respect. We would basically indicate IoNone local capabitilities for the accessory gap parameters if this is expected to work. Thanks in advance! Regards.
Mar ’24
MapKit - Route Drawn and MkStep Direction
I am making an app like Taxi Driving, where users can add location and driver to that location. The problems I am facing are below: Drawing a route on MKMap - I get the route polyline and I render that on the map. Now what should happen as I am driving, the drove part of the polyline should get removed or may be turned grey, non-drove part should be blue. Currently, I am only able to do this by again getting a route from my current location and re-drawing on the map which is not a good thing I suppose. Show driving instructions - I need to show step-by-step instructions which I get in the MKStep under the MKRoute object. But I don't get the icons that I can show such as Turn Right or Turn left the only thing I have is plain text. I need an icon along with it and also how to identify once I have crossed the step and show the next step as my next instruction. These two are the major problems I am facing and I need to do this with Apple native map view itself so no third-party integration I want.
Feb ’24
Beacon ranging when the device is idle
We are implementing indoor positioning and proximity sensing in our iOS app using iBeacons. We have placed multiple beacons to detect the proximity of one point of interest(POI). We are using the startRangingBeacons method in the CLLocationManager class and implementing corresponding delegates to receive the ranging information. With all required foreground and background permissions granted, when a user walks from one POI to another, beacon ranging is working as expected and we are continuously receiving the sightings in the app. We have observed that, if user stops walking for a few minutes at a POI and then device automatically pauses the scan. Hence, we will not receive any beacon signals. When there is a movement, it performs beacon ranging again for a minute or so, then stops again for longer time even when user is walking. The interval between the pausing and resuming the service is not a constant. We have also observed that sometimes it takes more than 15 minutes to resume the service once the system pauses the ranging automatically. Is it an expected behavior? How long does it usually take for beacon ranging services to resume after the user starts moving? Is there any way we can reduce this delay between the pause and resume of ranging beacons? Appreciate your support
Feb ’24
UWB(Nearby Interaction) Distance Measurement
Hello, I have a question regarding the UWB (Nearby Interaction) distance measurement feature. When testing with the iPhone 14 and UWB devices (DWM3000, DW3210, NXP SR040, SR150), measurements are possible up to 5-10 meters in an indoor environment without obstacles. However, when the UWB device is inside a car, distance measurement is possible only up to about 2-3 meters from outside the car. Based on these tests, Nearby Interaction seems to be a feature designed for close-range (visually perceptible distances, around 4 meters or so). It appears that the distance range for utilizing Nearby Interaction is somewhat limited. Do you have any data on the maximum distance range for UWB distance measurement with an iPhone?
Mar ’24
NearbyInteraction Framework for Multipeer Connectivity with UWB
Hi everyone, I followed to try to make sure one iPhone could perform UWB ranging with more than iPhone by creating a separate NISession for each phone and storing it in a dictionary, but I have not been able to get distance measurements from more than one phone at the same time. It seems that MPCSession allows all phones to see each other, but when it comes to UWB measurements, only 2 phones are able to exchange distance and angle measurements at the same time. It seems once an NISession starts working, it does not give other NISessions a turn to work. I set the MPC delegate to the same ViewController class, maybe that is the issue, but I have seen that Qorvo also set their Bluetooth connection delegate to the same class, and it works with their DWM3001CDK. Can you please help me make sure that each phone can receive distance and angle updates from multiple phones simultaneously?
Dec ’23
Creating AR applications using Nearby Interaction and ARkit
Hi, sorry if the sentence is wrong as I am using the translate function. I am looking to create an AR application using Nearby Interaction and ARkit. The devices to be used are iPhone 15pro and apple watch 9. The iPhone implementation will measure the distance to the apple watch while simultaneously using AR to track images. The apple watch implementation will only measure the distance to the iPhone. Is it possible to implement this feature? If you know of any, I would like to know.
Dec ’23
supportsDirectionMeasurement returns false and cant not use SceneKit
Hi everyone, I am trying on iOS 17.1.1 the Nearby Interaction framework and SceneKit. I am testing it on iPhone 15 Pro Max and iPhone 12 Pro Max. if NISession.deviceCapabilities.supportsDirectionMeasurement { print("Interact using device distance and direction.") } else if NISession.deviceCapabilities.supportsPreciseDistanceMeasurement { print("Interact using distance only.") } iPhone 12 Pro Max is working normally, but supportsDirectionMeasurement property in iPhone 15 Pro Max returns false and i cant use the SceneKit. Is anyone experiencing the same issue? Regards, Shin
Nov ’23
Inquiry about Apple's "NearbyInteraction" and Related Patent US10486646B2
Inquiry about Apple's "NearbyInteraction" and Related Patent US10486646B2 Hello, I have questions about Apple's publicly disclosed accessory 'NearbyInteraction' and the associated Apple patent US10486646B2. I understand that pairing is required when using "NearbyInteraction" in the background. However, employing pairing with NearbyInteraction might potentially infringe upon the patent US10486646B2. Could you please clarify whether Apple has implemented any of the following measures, or if there is another strategy or policy in place? No patent licensing agreements exist, and sales of products using UWB in the background by third parties are not permitted. When using NearbyInteraction, patent infringement isn't a concern, and systems using NearbyInteraction aren't considered to infringe upon the patent US10486646B2. It's necessary to apply for a patent licensing agreement. I apologize for any inconvenience, and I would be grateful for a response. Also, if there's a need for any application or process, could you please guide me on how to proceed? Thank you for your attention to this matter.
Sep ’23
Multi Anchor Nearby Interaction
Scenario: We have a museum where each exhibit has a UWB BLE accessory. A user moves around the museum with their phone application in the background. Once a user enters an exhibit area (Determined by UWB distances) a background task is initiated (audio/notification/widget). The Question: In our current understanding of the protocol, the user must pair to each exhibit anchor beforehand, significantly impairing the user experience and bloating their Bluetooth-paired device list. Is it possible now or potentially in the future to not require pairing for pre-approved devices? Alternatively, pairing to a hub that acts as an intermediary between the phone and accessories also seems like an appropriate compromise.
Mar ’24
UWB develop of Apple Watch
Hello all! We are a small team of smart home. We are preparing to develop third-party UWB applications in Apple Watch, but we have not found any instructional materials related to watch UWB. So i would like to ask if there is any way to get such documents, or guys who have done this kind of development.
Sep ’23
NIErrorCodeInvalidConfiguration error code using the function NINearbyAccessoryConfiguration(Accessory:BluetoothPeerIdentifier)
Ranging is working great when I'm removing the BluetoothPeerIdentifier parameter but if I want to do some background ranging, I need to be able to use the removed parameter. Somehow when I'm both AccessoryData and BluetoothPeerIdentifier parameters, I got the NIErrorCodeInvalidConfiguration error code and i can't range anymore. Do you guys have a fix for that? The parameter BluetoothPeerIdentifier is not NULL so it should work properly... Thank you, Marc
Aug ’23
How to start a hands-free Nearby Interaction (UWB) session using Bluetooth?
Hello, Our team is working on a mobile app that uses Nearby Interaction framework (UWB technology) to get real-time high-accuracy ranging information with our third-party UWB-enabled device. So far everything works fine, background sessions included as explained in wwdc2022/10008 video. We are using Bluetooth LE to exchange the UWB parameters as recommended by Apple. Our next goal is to go for a full hands-free configuration of the UWB session. Let's think of an access control use case where UWB is used to measure the distance between the user and the door (credentials exchanged via Bluetooth). What we want to achieve is to start the UWB session without requiring the user to take the phone out of his wallet and open the access control app. What it works for us today is if the user starts the app, then switches off the screen and puts the phone into his pocket. The app is still running in background, so the Bluetooth Scan keeps working, the Bluetooth session starts, the UWB parameters exchanged and the UWB session started in the background, all good. But what if the user killed the app or never started it after reboot? How can we force the app to start from killed state when the BLE / UWB third-party accessory comes into proximity? iBeacon seems like a promising approach, but according to the forums, in iOS 16 the app will not be restarted from killed state. Is this correct? Any idea / suggestion about how to let the OS start our app when the user approaches the BLE / UWB accessory and the app is in killed state? Thanks in advance for your time. Regards.
Mar ’24
Phone overheats all the time
My phone all the time always randomly overheats, when i am hiking or taking a walk. i have already reset it multiple times or switch it to air plane mode, but it doesn’t do anything. so i am asking out for help. here is a link to a log file of some regular daily use:
Jul ’23