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SwiftUI Form (Grouped) with Table
Hi everyone, I’m having an issue with a SwiftUI Table inside a Form in a macOS app. When the Form style is set to .grouped, the Table does not resize to the full width of the Form or Sheet. However, when I switch to a .plain style, it resizes correctly. Here’s a simplified version of my code: Section(header: Text("Header")) { Table(data) { TableColumn("Column 1", value: \.col1) TableColumn("Column 2", value: \.col2) // Add more columns as needed } .frame(height: 100) } } .formStyle(.grouped) // Issue occurs only with this style Has anyone else experienced this? Any workarounds or suggestions would be greatly appreciated! Thanks!
iOS 18 ShareExtension openURL:
When I write code in shareExtension like below: dispatch_async(dispatch_get_global_queue(0, 0), ^{ UIResponder *responder = [self nextResponder]; while ((responder = [responder nextResponder]) != nil) { if ([responder respondsToSelector:@selector(openURL:)] == YES) { [responder performSelector:@selector(openURL:) withObject:[NSURL URLWithString:APP_SCHEME]]; break; } } }); Will output in the console: BUG IN CLIENT OF UIKIT: The caller of UIApplication.openURL(:) needs to migrate to the non-deprecated UIApplication.open(:options:completionHandler:). Force returning false (NO).
SwiftUI Buttons and onMoveCommand Missing Presses
In tvOS 18 the onMoveCommand is missing the first press after a view is loaded and every time the direction is changed. It also misses the first press on a button after a focus change. This appears to only impact the newer silver remote and not the older black remote or IR remotes. With the code bellow press any direction 3 times and it will only log twice. struct ButtonTest: View { var body: some View { VStack { Button { debugPrint("button 1") } label: { Text("Button 1") } Button { debugPrint("button 2") } label: { Text("Button 2") } Button { debugPrint("button 3") } label: { Text("Button 3") } } .onMoveCommand(perform: { direction in debugPrint("move \(direction)") }) .padding() } }
EKEventStore unable to save events
I have a feature where I need to write some events to the calendar. It's not working saying Calendar is read only. So I tried the sample app from Apple - Repeating lessions and drop in lessions from link below https://developer.apple.com/documentation/eventkit/accessing_calendar_using_eventkit_and_eventkitui Drop in sessions which uses EKEventEditViewController works fine. But when I run Repeating lessions which requires calendar permissions it keeps saying Calendar is read only. I have hit allow on the access permissions alert and also check settings which shows app has required permissions. can someone help why this is the case? if its a Calendar issue where do you set the modifiable permissions for it? How is EKEventEditViewController able to save events if the Calendar is readonly.
Widgets not displaying data when running on iOS 18
When I build my app on Xcode 16 and run it in an iOS 18 simulator The data downloaded in the app will not get to the widget. Same behaviour happens when running on a physical device. If I run the app in a iOS 17.5 simulator the widget gets and displays the data correctly. is there a setting that I need to change that I’ve missed? The app works perfectly on iOS 18 with a build built in Xcode 15.4
CKAsset URLs discarded after backgrounding app in iOS 18
My app uses a temporary singleton to store CKRecords for user profiles, to prevent repeated fetching of profile pics & display usernames during a user's session. Since iOS 18, after leaving the app in the background for an unspecified period of time & reopening it, the app has started to discard the CKAssets in those 'cached' records. The records are still there, & the custom fields such as the display username string is still accessible. However the profile pic assets aren't? This is the code that is displaying the profile picture, could this be something to do with some changes to how CKAssets are given file urls? if postOwnerRecord != nil, let imageAsset = postOwnerRecord!.object(forKey: "profilePicture") as? CKAsset, let photoData = NSData(contentsOf:imageAsset.fileURL!) { if let uiImage = UIImage(data: photoData as Data) { let imageToUse = Image(uiImage: uiImage) Image(uiImage: imageToUse) } } Expected behavior: CKAssets should persist when resuming the app from the background. Actual behavior: CKAssets are discarded when reopening the app, but custom fields are still accessible. Question: Is this related to iOS 18, or am I mishandling how CKAssets are cached or their file URLs? Is there a better approach to caching these assets across app sessions? Any pointers or changes would be appreciated. I've reviewed iOS 18 release notes but didn't find any clear references to changes with CKAsset handling. Any ideas?
Live Activity activityBackgroundTint not using dark mode colour variant
I have defined a colour in the asset catalog of my widget extension. I am using this widget extension for my live activity. This colour has both an ‘Any’ and ‘Dark’ appearance. I am using this colour in the activityBackgroundTint modifier for my main live activity view (the ActivityPreviewViewKind is content, visible on the Lock Screen). In light mode, this works as expected, but in dark mode, the background colour is still the light mode variant. The content within the view changes according to whether the system is in light or dark mode, but the background does not. I want to avoid using just the background modifier instead of activityBackgroundTint, as this does not colour the ‘Allow Live Activities from …’ and ‘Clear’ sections, which is undesirable. I have also tried reading colorScheme from the environment and choosing the light or dark mode colour variant accordingly, but this workaround also doesn’t completely work. If you keep changing from light and dark mode (via the Settings app, not the control centre, for whatever reason), the background colour actually becomes the opposite of the expected value in this case. Is there a workaround that can help me achieve what I want, or am I simply doing something wrong? I have filed a bug report under FB15148099
UISwitch initialization failure in SPM test for visionOS 2 & Xcode 16
In SPM package test running on visionOS 2, when creating a UISwitch we get a crash / error: Nil UISwitch visual element provided by <UISwitch: 0x102b15590; frame = (0 0; 0 0); layer = <CALayer: 0x6000004c1780>> (NSInternalInconsistencyException) This issue only occurs on visionOS 2 in Xcode 16 with Swift Package Manager. It works fine when running on visionOS 1.2 in Xcode 16 with SPM, as well as on iOS 18 in Xcode 16 with SPM. Additionally, running the test on visionOS inside of a non-SPM package (Project test) is also fine. What results you expected - The test should pass for UISwitch initialization on SPM for visionOS 2 on Xcode 16. What results you actually saw - Test failure with error - Nil UISwitch visual element provided by <UISwitch: 0x102b15590; frame = (0 0; 0 0); layer = <CALayer: 0x6000004c1780>> (NSInternalInconsistencyException) The version of Xcode you are using - Xcode 16 Feedback id - FB15254532
iOS 18 SwiftUI sheet resizing from page to form presentation sizing
I'm presenting a UIKit view controller from SwiftUI in a sheet using UIViewControllerRepresentable. The size of the sheet is being set to PagePresentationSizing using the new iOS 18 presentationSizing method. When Split View is used and the size class changes from regular to compact, the sheet resizes as expected to fit in the smaller window. When the app returns to full screen and the size class changes back to regular, the sheet is now displayed using FormPresentationSizing instead of PagePresentationSizing. This all worked as expected in iOS 17 with the view controller modalPresentationStyle being specified in the UIViewControllerRepresentable implementation, but the behaviour has now changed with iOS 18. How do I preserve the desired presentation sizing of the sheet? Thanks for any help.
(iOS 17 & 18) Using QLPreviewController in specific app, added text colour reverts to black on text edit
In the company that I work we have a huge app and we have implemented an image annotation feature using the QLPreviewController but there is a bug where even with an OOTB implementation of the QLPreviewController, when I add a text, change the colour of that text and then double click on the text to edit it, it reverts back to black. I tried the same implementation in a sample app but I couldn't reproduce the bug hence it is not a bug with the library but something with the app interacting with the library. I was wondering if anyone can provide any suggestion with what the reason may be, as sadly I cannot provide any code examples as that would break company code. From my research what I found strange is that when I double click the coloured text and it goes to black, then undo it its as if that was not a recorded event as the undo goes back to the step before the text was coloured meaning it replaces the colour changing event rather than recording it as a new event that can be undone. If any has any suggestion please help me as I am quite stuck. 🙏
UITabBarController didSelect item not working on iOS 18
I have been using the following function in my UITabBarController for several years, which runs some code when the user clicks a tab. I have now built the app using Xcode 16 and when I run it on my iPad with iPadOS 18, the function is not called. When I run the same app on iPadOS 16, it works just fine like it always has. Is this a bug, or is there something new that I need to do for iOS 18 support? override func tabBar(_tabBar: UITabBar, didSelect item: UITabBarItem) { // Some code } NOTE: My UITabBarController is presented from my root view controller, which is a UINavigationController.
Can't find or decode availabilityDetailedInfo warning when start editing textField
Whenever I start editing TextField or while editing TextField, Xcode shows this worning, and takes a few seconds to show the keyboard. There is no 'availabilityDetailedInfo' in my source code, and I could not find similar errors on the internet. Can't find or decode availabilityDetailedInfo unavailableReasonsHelper: Failed to get or decode availabilityDetailedInfo Can't find or decode reasons unavailableReasonsHelper: Failed to get or decode unavailable reasons as well Can't find or decode availabilityDetailedInfo unavailableReasonsHelper: Failed to get or decode availabilityDetailedInfo Can't find or decode reasons unavailableReasonsHelper: Failed to get or decode unavailable reasons as well
How to transition & resize a view from one view controller to another using UIKit & Snapshots?
I am trying to seamlessly transition a view from one view controller and have it "jump" into a sheet. Apple does this in their widget picker for example when you add one of the top widgets. Based on all the documentation I've read, the most common approach to this is to snapshot the area/view that you are trying to seamlessly transition in the presented view controller (the place where the item is coming from. And then have that snapshot translate across into where it should be in the layout of the presenting view controller. func makeAnimatorIfNeeded( using transitionContext: UIViewControllerContextTransitioning ) -> UIViewPropertyAnimator { if let animator = animator { return animator } // Presentation animation let animator = UIViewPropertyAnimator( duration: 0.5, timingParameters: UISpringTimingParameters(dampingRatio: 1.0) ) guard let fromVC = transitionContext.viewController(forKey: .from), let toVC = transitionContext.viewController(forKey: .to) else { transitionContext.completeTransition(false) return animator } /// !IMPORTANT: For some weird reason, accessing the views of the view controller /// directly, like `fromVC.view` or `toVC.view` will break the sheet transition and gestures. /// Instead, use the `view(forKey:)` method of the `transitionContext` to get the views. let fromView = transitionContext.view(forKey: .from) let toView = transitionContext.view(forKey: .to) let containerView = transitionContext.containerView let fromFrame = transitionContext.viewController(forKey: .from).map { transitionContext.finalFrame(for: $0) } ?? containerView.bounds let toFrame = transitionContext.viewController(forKey: .to).map { transitionContext.finalFrame(for: $0) } ?? containerView.bounds // Calculate the frame of sourceView relative to fromVC.view to capture the correct snapshot area. let snapshotFrameInFromVC = sourceView?.convert(sourceView?.frame ?? .zero, to: fromVC.view) ?? containerView.frame // Calculate the frame of sourceView relative to containerView to position the snapshot correctly. let snapshotFrameInContainer = sourceView?.convert(sourceView?.frame ?? .zero, to: containerView) ?? containerView.frame let snapshot: UIView? if isPresenting { // Create a snapshot of fromVC.view from the defined area (snapshotFrameInFromVC). let originalColor = fromVC.view.backgroundColor fromVC.view.backgroundColor = .clear snapshot = fromVC.view.resizableSnapshotView(from: snapshotFrameInFromVC, afterScreenUpdates: true, withCapInsets: .zero) fromVC.view.backgroundColor = originalColor // Position the snapshot correctly within the snapshot container snapshot?.frame = snapshotFrameInContainer toView?.frame = toFrame toView?.transform = CGAffineTransform(translationX: 0, y: containerView.frame.size.height) toView?.layoutIfNeeded() if let fromView { containerView.addSubview(fromView) } if let toView { containerView.addSubview(toView) containerView.addSubview(snapshot ?? UIView()) } let toViewCenter = CGPoint( x: toVC.view.bounds.midX, y: toVC.view.bounds.midY + 55 ) let gestureVelocity = CGPoint(x: 0, y: -5000) animator.addAnimations { Wave.animate( withSpring: self.animatedSpring, mode: .animated, gestureVelocity: gestureVelocity ) { snapshot?.animator.frame.size = CGSize(width: 204, height: 204) // Important to animate first snapshot?.animator.center = toViewCenter } completion: { finished, retargeted in print("finished: \(finished), retargeted: \(retargeted)") } toView?.transform = CGAffineTransform.identity } animator.addCompletion { animatingPosition in switch animatingPosition { case .end: snapshot?.removeFromSuperview() transitionContext.completeTransition(true) default: transitionContext.completeTransition(false) } } } else { // Transitioning view is fromView if let toView { containerView.addSubview(toView) } if let fromView { containerView.addSubview(fromView) } animator.addAnimations { fromView?.transform = CGAffineTransform(translationX: 0, y: containerView.frame.size.height) } animator.addCompletion { animatingPosition in switch animatingPosition { case .end: transitionContext.completeTransition(true) default: transitionContext.completeTransition(false) } } } self.animator = animator return animator } I can pull this off seamlessly if the animation involves a simple movement from A to B. But if I try to resize the snapshot as well, the snapshot becomes pixelated and low quality (I assume this is because the snapshot is literally a small screenshot and I'm stretching it from 56x56 to 204x204). Is there another way that I'm overlooking to pull this off without a snapshot? Or is there a way I can resize the snapshot without losing quality? Here is the animator code, it works great without the sizing so this should help future people looking to replicate the same effect anyways.
SwiftUI: AlignmentGuide in Overlay not working when in if block
Scenario A SwiftUI view has an overlay with alignment: .top, the content uses .alignmentGuide(.top) {} to adjust the placement. Issue When the content of the overlay is in an if-block, the alignment guide is not adjusted. Example code The example shows 2 views. Not working example, where the content is an if-block. Working example, where the content is not in an if-block Screenshot: https://github.com/simonnickel/FB15248296-SwiftUIAlignmentGuideInOverlayConditional/blob/main/screenshot.png Tested on - Xcode Version 16.0 RC (16A242) on iOS 18.0 Code // Not working .overlay(alignment: .top) { if true { // This line causes .alignmentGuide() to fail Text("Test") .alignmentGuide(.top, computeValue: { dimension in dimension[.bottom] }) } } // Working .overlay(alignment: .top) { Text("Test") .alignmentGuide(.top, computeValue: { dimension in dimension[.bottom] }) } Also created a Feedback: FB15248296 Example Project is here: https://github.com/simonnickel/FB15248296-SwiftUIAlignmentGuideInOverlayConditional/tree/main
Issues with List selection in Sequoia (SwiftUI)
In one of my applications I use several List views with Sections. After upgrading to Sequoia I faced the issue, that after selecting an item, the List suddenly scrolls to a different position. Sometimes the selection even gets out of the view, but in every case a double click just went to the wrong item. At one list I found out, that the issue could be solved after changing the data source. I used a computed property, what seems to be a stupid idea. After changing this it now works. Unfortunately there is another List, where this didn't bring the solution. And unfortunately, I cannot reproduce the issue in a code example. One guess of mine is, that it could be related to the fact, that the rows have different heights (because in some are two lines of text and in some are three). And it seems to happen only in very long lists. It worked perfectly in Sonoma. Does anyone face the same issue?