Provide views, controls, and layout structures for declaring your app's user interface using SwiftUI.

SwiftUI Documentation






Hide TabItems?
Is there really no way to hide a TabItem using the built-in TabView? I have 6 pages, but the 6th one I want hidden from the bottom tab bar, because I have a button that programmatically navigates to it on the navigation bar. I did not want to have to code a custom tab bar due to losing some useful features like pop to root in Navigation Stack.
Visual artifacts in LazyVStack
Some strange visual artifacts appeared in my app after updating Xcode to 16.0. The old version of the app was built with Xcode 15.x and working fine without any visual artifacts, but for the latest release I've used Xcode 16.0 and some strange visual artifacts appeared in LazyVStack on iOS 18.x. Anyone can help me with a fix or workaround ?
Sheet presentationDetents breaks after rapid open/dismiss cycles
Basic Information Please provide a descriptive title for your feedback: Sheet presentationDetents breaks after rapid open/dismiss cycles Which platform is most relevant for your report? iOS Description Steps to Reproduce: Create a sheet with presentationDetents([.medium]) Rapidly perform these actions multiple times (usually 3-4 times): a. Open the sheet b. Immediately scroll down to dismiss Open the sheet again Observe that the sheet now appears at .large size, ignoring the .medium detent Expected Result: Sheet should consistently maintain .medium size regardless of how quickly it is opened and dismissed. Actual Result: After rapid open/dismiss cycles, the sheet ignores .medium detent and appears at .large size. Reproduction Rate: Occurs consistently after 3-4 rapid open/dismiss cycles More likely to occur with faster open/dismiss actions Configuration: iOS 18 Xcode 16.0 (16A242d) SwiftUI Device: iPhone 14
MapSelection of MapFeatures and MKMapItems
I have a Map within a SwiftUI app that has the selection parameter set to an optional MapSelection. I need to be able to select MapFeatures which works as expected as well as MKMapItems which are added to the map. The MKMapItems are not selectable. Is it possible to make it such that the Map allows the user to select MKMapItems as well as MapFeatures?
MapFeature icon and color
I don't believe it's possible today to access the icon and tint color of a MapFeature although this would be incredibly helpful in the app that I'm building presently as I'm storing places in SwiftData and would like to use the same icon and tint color when listing places in the app. It would be awesome if this were possible in the next version of iOS, iPadOS visionOS etc., if not presently possible.
SwiftUI FormView not updating after value creation/updating in a SubView
I'm developing a SwiftUI, CoreData / CloudKit App with Xcode 16.2 & Sequoia 15.2. The main CoreData entity has 20 NSManaged vars and 5 derived vars, the latter being computed from the managed vars and dependent computed vars - this somewhat akin to a spreadsheet. The data entry/updating Form is complex for each managed var because the user needs to be able to enter data in either Imperial or Metric units, and then switch (by Button) between units for viewing equivalents. This has to happen on an individual managed var basis, because some source data are in Imperial and others Metric. Consequently, I use a generalised SubView on the Form for processing the managed var (passed as a parameter with its identity) and then updating the CoreData Entity (about 100 lines of code in total): i.e. there are 20 uses of the generalised SubView within the Main Form. However, none of the SubViews triggers an update of the managed var in the Form, nor computations of the derived vars. On initial load of the app, the CoreData entity is retrieved and the computations happen correctly: thereafter not. No technique for refreshing either View works: e.g. trigger based on NSManagedObjectContextDidSave; nor does reloading the CoreData entity after Context Save (CoreData doesn't recognise changes at the attribute level anyway). If the SubView is removed and replaced with code within the Form View itself, then it works. However, this will require about 40 @State vars, 20 onCommits, etc - so it's not something I'm keen to do. Below is a much-simplified example of the problem. Form{ Section(header: Text("Test Record")){ Text(testRec.dateString ?? "n/a") TextField("Notes",text:$text) .onSubmit{ testRec.notes = text dataStore.contextSave() } //DoubleNumberEntry(testRec: testRec) - doesn't work TextField("Double",value:$numDbl,format: .number) // This works .onSubmit{ testRec.dblNum = numDbl dataStore.contextSave() } TextField("Integer",value: $numInt,format: .number) .onSubmit{ testRec.intNum = Int16(numInt) dataStore.contextSave() } Text(String(format:"%.2f",testRec.computation)) Section(header: Text("Computations")) { Text(String(format:"%.2f",testRec.computation)) Text(String(format:"%.2f",testRec.anotherComputation)) } } } A much simplified version of my NSManaged var entry/updating. struct DoubleNumberEntry: View { let dataStore = MainController.shared.dataStore var testRec : TestRec @State private var numDbl: Double init(testRec: TestRec) { self.testRec = testRec self.numDbl = testRec.dblNum } var body: some View { TextField("Double",value:$numDbl,format: .number) .onSubmit{ testRec.dblNum = numDbl dataStore.contextSave() } } } I'd appreciate any offered solution or advice. Regards, Michaela
How To Create Dual Screen of AR using RealityView and SwiftUI iOS 18
I have this code to make ARVR Stereo View To Be Used in VR Box Or Google Cardboard, it uses iOS 18 New RealityView but it is not Act as an AR but rather Static VR on a Camera background so as I move the iPhone the cube move with it and that's not suppose to happen if its Anchored in a plane or to world coordinate. import SwiftUI import RealityKit struct ContentView : View { let anchor1 = AnchorEntity(.camera) let anchor2 = AnchorEntity(.camera) var body: some View { HStack (spacing: 0){ MainView(anchor: anchor1) MainView(anchor: anchor2) } .background(.black) } } struct MainView : View { @State var anchor = AnchorEntity() var body: some View { RealityView { content in = .spatialTracking let item = ModelEntity(mesh: .generateBox(size: 0.25), materials: [SimpleMaterial()]) anchor.addChild(item) content.add(anchor) anchor.position.z = -1.0 anchor.orientation = .init(angle: .pi/4, axis:[0,1,1]) } } } the thing is if I remove .camera like this let anchor1 = AnchorEntity() let anchor2 = AnchorEntity() It would work as AR Anchored to world coordinates but on the other hand is does not work but on the left view only not both views Meanwhile this was so easy before RealityView and SwiftUI by cloning the view like in ARSCNView Example : import UIKit import ARKit class ViewController: UIViewController, ARSCNViewDelegate, ARSessionDelegate { //create Any Two ARSCNView's in Story board // and link each to the next (dont mind dimensions) @IBOutlet var sceneView: ARSCNView! @IBOutlet var sceneView2: ARSCNView! override func viewDidLoad() { super.viewDidLoad() // Do any additional setup after loading the view. sceneView.delegate = self sceneView.session.delegate = self // Create SceneKit box let box = SCNBox(width: 0.1, height: 0.1, length: 0.1, chamferRadius: 0.01) let item = SCNNode(geometry: box) item.geometry?.materials.first?.diffuse.contents = item.position = SCNVector3(0.0, 0.0, -1.0) item.orientation = SCNVector4(0, 1, 1, .pi/4.0) // retrieve the ship node sceneView.scene.rootNode.addChildNode(item) } override func viewDidLayoutSubviews() // To Do Add the 4 Buttons { // Stop Screen Dimming or Closing While The App Is Running UIApplication.shared.isIdleTimerDisabled = true let screen: CGRect = UIScreen.main.bounds let topPadding: CGFloat = let bottomPadding: CGFloat = self.view.safeAreaInsets.bottom let leftPadding: CGFloat = self.view.safeAreaInsets.left let rightPadding: CGFloat = self.view.safeAreaInsets.right let safeArea: CGRect = CGRect(x: leftPadding, y: topPadding, width: screen.size.width - leftPadding - rightPadding, height: screen.size.height - topPadding - bottomPadding) DispatchQueue.main.async { if self.sceneView != nil { self.sceneView.frame = CGRect(x: safeArea.size.width * 0 + safeArea.origin.x, y: safeArea.size.height * 0 + safeArea.origin.y, width: safeArea.size.width * 0.5, height: safeArea.size.height * 1) } if self.sceneView2 != nil { self.sceneView2.frame = CGRect(x: safeArea.size.width * 0.5 + safeArea.origin.x, y: safeArea.size.height * 0 + safeArea.origin.y, width: safeArea.size.width * 0.5, height: safeArea.size.height * 1) } } } override func viewDidAppear(_ animated: Bool) { super.viewDidAppear(animated) let configuration = ARWorldTrackingConfiguration() sceneView2.scene = sceneView.scene sceneView2.session = sceneView.session } } And here is the video for it
Storing SwiftUI Views to operate on it
I am creating a UIKit application but that contains SwiftUI Views embedded using the hostingcontroller. I have a particular approach for it..but it requires instantiating a swiftUI view, creating a hostingcontroller object from it and storing a reference to it. So that later If I wanted to update the view, I can simply get the reference back and update the swiftUI view using it. I wanted to understand what does apple recommends on this. Can we store a swiftUI instance? Does it cause any issue or it is okay to do so?
ARVR RealityView Showing left Camera view Entity near more than the right view
I have this code to make ARVR Stereo View To Be Used in VR Box Or Google Cardboard, it uses iOS 18 New RealityView but for some reason the left side showing the Entity (Box) more near to the camera than the right side which make it not identical, I wonder is this a bug and need to be fixed or what ? thanx Here is the code import SwiftUI import RealityKit struct ContentView : View { let anchor1 = AnchorEntity(.camera) let anchor2 = AnchorEntity(.camera) var body: some View { HStack (spacing: 0){ MainView(anchor: anchor1) MainView(anchor: anchor2) } .background(.black) } } struct MainView : View { @State var anchor = AnchorEntity() var body: some View { RealityView { content in = .spatialTracking let item = ModelEntity(mesh: .generateBox(size: 0.25), materials: [SimpleMaterial()]) anchor.addChild(item) content.add(anchor) anchor.position.z = -1.0 anchor.orientation = .init(angle: .pi/4, axis:[0,1,1]) } } } And Here is the View
Modifying SwiftData Object
Hi, The dataModule in code below is a swiftData object being passed to the view and its property as key path but when trying to modify it I'm getting the error ."Cannot assign through subscript: 'self' is immutable" how to solve this issue ? Kind Regards struct ListSel<T: PersistentModel>: View { @Bindable var dataModule: T @Binding var txtValue: String var keyPath: WritableKeyPath<T, String> var turncate: CGFloat? = 94.0 var image = "" var body: some View { HStack { Text(txtValue) .foregroundColor(sysSecondary) .font(.subheadline) .onChange(of: txtValue) { value in dataModule[keyPath: keyPath] = value } Image(systemName: image) .foregroundColor(sysSecondary) .font(.subheadline) .imageScale(.small) .symbolRenderingMode(.hierarchical) .scaleEffect(0.8) } .frame(width: turncate, height: 20, alignment: .leading) .truncationMode(.tail) } }
Crash calling UIHostingController from a Swift Package
Hello team, We recently found a EXC_BAD_ACCESS crash when using UIHostingControllers on a SPM local Package in our application. This is happening from time to time when we run the app on simulators using Debug configurations. Also, this issue is consistent when we run application tests, there is something weird that we found after making a research... If we disable app test target and only keep packages tests, the crash is not happening, but as soon as we re-enable the app test target from the test suite the crash returns. This is the full error message: Thread 1: EXC_BAD_ACCESS (code=1, address=0xbad4017) A bad access to memory terminated the process. Is this s known issue? We've been performing explorations for some days and couldn't find any real solution for this. A basic call on UIHostingController inside of a SPM local Package is enough to make the app crash, nothing custom being done: UIHostingController(rootView: MyView())
How to set followsUserLocation and define a custom camera distance dynamically using MapKit for SwiftUI ?
Hello, I've created an app that follows the user as they navigate through public transport. I want the camera to follow the user and at the same time I want the camera distance (elevation) to change dynamically depending on speed and other factors. I've tried a first approach using camera keyframes, but I've noticed a lot of crashes when the app comes back to the foreground. .mapCameraKeyframeAnimator(trigger: cameraFrame) { camera in KeyframeTrack(\MapCamera.centerCoordinate) { LinearKeyframe(, duration: cameraFrame.duration, timingCurve: cameraFrame.curve) } KeyframeTrack(\MapCamera.distance) { LinearKeyframe(cameraFrame.distance, duration: cameraFrame.duration, timingCurve: cameraFrame.curve) } } Some logs mention wrong center coordinates (nan, nan) but when I print them, it's show me valid coordinates. I've also tried manually setting the camera for each position update, but the result is not smooth. position = .camera( .init(.init( lookingAtCenter: newPosition, fromDistance: cameraElevation, pitch: .zero, heading: .zero) ) ) What's the best way to achieve this?
RealityView to show two screens of AR in iOS 18/macOS 15 using SwiftUI
I have an issue using RealityView to show two screens of AR, while I did succeed to make it as a non AR but now my code not working. Also it is working using Storyboard and Swift with SceneKit, so why it is not working in RealityView? import SwiftUI import RealityKit struct ContentView : View { var body: some View { HStack (spacing: 0){ MainView() MainView() } .background(.black) } } struct MainView : View { @State var anchor = AnchorEntity() var body: some View { RealityView { content in let item = ModelEntity(mesh: .generateBox(size: 0.2), materials: [SimpleMaterial()]) = .spatialTracking anchor.addChild(item) anchor.position = [0.0, 0.0, -1.0] anchor.orientation = .init(angle: .pi/4, axis:[0,1,1]) // Add the horizontal plane anchor to the scene content.add(anchor) } } }
Tile & Scale an Image
Working on a macOS app. I need to display user-added images as a background to the view, with all of: Tiling (auto repeat in both axes) Scaling (user-configured scale of the image) Offset (user-configured offset) I've been able to achieve scaling and offset with: Image(nsImage: nsImage) .scaleEffect(mapImage.scale) .offset(mapImage.offset) .frame(width: scaledImageSize.width, height: scaledImageSize.height) But when I try to incorporate tiling into that with .resizable(resizingMode: .tile) everything breaks. Is there a way to position the "anchor" of an image, scale it, and tile it in both axes to fill a container view?
`SwiftUI.FileExportOperation.Error error 0` with `fileExporter` and `NSImage`
You'll have to forgive me, I am still pretty new to Swift, but I'm really struggling to figure out what I'm doing wrong or how I can fix it. I'm working on an app that generates an image from some views and then exports that image, but it always returns this very vague error: The operation couldn’t be completed. (SwiftUI.FileExportOperation.Error error 0.) Here's most of the program: import SwiftUI import UniformTypeIdentifiers struct ContentView: View { @State private var backgroundColor = @State private var fileExporterIsPresented = false @State private var image: NSImage? @State private var fileExporterErrorAlertIsPresented = false @State private var fileExporterErrorDescription: String? var body: some View { let wallpaper = Rectangle() .foregroundStyle(backgroundColor) .aspectRatio(16 / 9, contentMode: .fit) VStack { wallpaper .clipShape(.rect(cornerRadius: 10)) .overlay { RoundedRectangle(cornerRadius: 10) .strokeBorder(.separator, lineWidth: 5) } ColorPicker("Background Color", selection: $backgroundColor, supportsOpacity: false) Button("Generate Wallpaper") { let renderer = ImageRenderer(content: wallpaper.frame(width: 3840, height: 2160)) image = renderer.nsImage fileExporterIsPresented = true } .fileExporter( isPresented: $fileExporterIsPresented, item: image, contentTypes: [UTType.heic, UTType.png] ) { result in if case .failure(let error) = result { fileExporterErrorDescription = error.localizedDescription fileExporterErrorAlertIsPresented = true } } .alert("File Exporter Failure", isPresented: $fileExporterErrorAlertIsPresented, actions: { Button("OK") {} }, message: { if let fileExporterErrorDescription { Text(fileExporterErrorDescription) } }) .dialogSeverity(.critical) } .padding() } } #Preview { ContentView() }
Inspector List and NavigationSplitView
When using the NavigationSplitView with an inspector containing a list which has swipeActions and onDelete, item actions behave erratically. It seems that there is a gesture conflict between the swipe action and the NavigationSplitView. Is there any modifier that could be used to force gesture focus on the inspector? struct Animal: Hashable { var name : String } struct ContentView: View { @State private var isShowingInspector = false var body: some View { NavigationSplitView { Text("Main") } detail: { Text("Detail") .inspector(isPresented: $isShowingInspector) { InspectorView() .toolbar { ToolbarItem(placement: .primaryAction) { Button { isShowingInspector.toggle() } label: { Label("Preferences", systemImage: "gearshape") } } } } } } } struct InspectorView: View { @State var animals = [ Animal(name: "Dog"), Animal(name: "Cat"), Animal(name: "Parrot") ] @State private var selectedAnimal: Animal? var body: some View { NavigationStack { Text(selectedAnimal?.name ?? "Select an animal") List(selection: $selectedAnimal) { Section { ForEach(animals, id: \.self) { animal in Text( .swipeActions(edge: .leading) { Button("Edit") { } .tint(.green) } } .onDelete { indexSet in } } header: { Text("Animals") } } } } }
Issues with FocusState in List with views containing Textfields
We are having issues with implementing a List that has Views in it that contain a Textfield. The criteria we are trying to achieve is Select to edit the quantity of a product Auto focus on the row with that textfield, with the textfield's contents selected Display/Dismiss the keyboard Mask other rows in the list while interacting with a qty field We explored many routes and are looking for direction on what the designated approach is. This originally was a Tech Support Incident, and I was instructed to post here. There were 2 working project examples available if needed. In an implementation that has the FocusState on the parent view, we see collisions in animation / weird jumpiness // MARK: - Constant enum Constant { static let logTag = "AddReplenishmentProductView" } @Binding var state: ContentViewState // MARK: - Private Properties @State private var focusedLineItemId: String? // MARK: - Life cycle var body: some View { VStack { replenishmentProductList } .background(.tertiary) .navigationTitle("Add Products") .navigationBarTitleDisplayMode(.inline) .toolbarBackground(.visible, for: .navigationBar) } // MARK: - Private Computed properties @ViewBuilder private var replenishmentProductList: some View { ScrollViewReader { proxy in List { let list = Array(state.lineItems.enumerated()) ForEach(list, id: \ { (index, lineItem) in RowView( lineItem: $state.lineItems[index], focusedLineItemId: $focusedLineItemId ) .id( .listRowInsets(EdgeInsets(top: 0, leading: 0, bottom: 0, trailing: 0)) .alignmentGuide(.listRowSeparatorLeading) { _ in return 0 } //  Blocks all the other rows that we are not focusing on. .maskingOverlay(focusId: $focusedLineItemId, elementId: "\(") } .listSectionSeparator(.hidden) } .listStyle(.plain) .scrollDismissesKeyboard(.never) .scrollContentBackground(.hidden) /*  We are looking for a solution that doesn't require us to have this onChange modifier whenever we want to change a focus. */ .onChange(of: focusedLineItemId) { guard let lineItemId = focusedLineItemId else { return } /*  We need to scroll to a whole RowView so we can see both done and cancel buttons. Without this, the focus will auto-scroll only to the text field, due to updating FocusState. We are experiencing weird jumping issues. It feels like the animations for focus on text field and RowView are clashing between each other. To fix this, we added a delay to the scroll so the focus animation completes first and then we scroll to the RowView. However, when we attempt to focus on a row that is partially shown, sometimes the RowView won't update it's focus and won't focus ultimately on the TextField until we scroll. */ DispatchQueue.main.asyncAfter(deadline: .now() + 0.5) { withAnimation { //  We need to add the withAnimation call to animate the scroll to the whole row. proxy.scrollTo(lineItemId, anchor: .top) } } } } } } In an implementation where the FocusState is on the row views, we see issues with actually being able to focus. When quantity field we tap is located on a row near the top/bottom of the screen it does not look to be identified correctly, and the ability to scrollTo / the keyboard being presented are broken. struct ContentView: View { // MARK: - Constant enum Constant { static let logTag = "AddReplenishmentProductView" } @Binding var state: ContentViewState // MARK: - Private Properties @State private var focusedLineItemId: String? @FocusState private var focus: String? // MARK: - Life cycle var body: some View { VStack { replenishmentProductList } .background(.tertiary) .navigationTitle("Add Products") .navigationBarTitleDisplayMode(.inline) .toolbarBackground(.visible, for: .navigationBar) } // MARK: - Private Computed properties @ViewBuilder private var replenishmentProductList: some View { ScrollViewReader { proxy in List { let list = Array(state.lineItems.enumerated()) ForEach(list, id: \ { (index, lineItem) in RowView( lineItem: $state.lineItems[index], focusedLineItemId: $focusedLineItemId, focus: $focus ) .id( .listRowInsets(EdgeInsets(top: 0, leading: 0, bottom: 0, trailing: 0)) .alignmentGuide(.listRowSeparatorLeading) { _ in return 0 } //  Blocks all the other rows that we are not focusing on. .maskingOverlay(focusId: $focusedLineItemId, elementId: "\(") } .listSectionSeparator(.hidden) } .listStyle(.plain) .scrollDismissesKeyboard(.never) .scrollContentBackground(.hidden) /*  We are looking for a solution that doesn't require us to have this onChange modifier whenever we want to change a focus. */ .onChange(of: focusedLineItemId) { /*  We need to scroll to a whole RowView so we can see both done and cancel buttons. Without this, the focus will auto-scroll only to the text field, due to updating FocusState. However, we are experiencing weird jumping issues. It feels like the animations for focus on text field and RowView are clashing between each other. */ focus = focusedLineItemId guard let lineItemId = focusedLineItemId else { return } withAnimation { //  We need to add the withAnimation call to animate the scroll to the whole row. proxy.scrollTo(lineItemId, anchor: .top) } } } } }
`NavigationStack` when presented by sheet is forced to be reevaluated when app is in background
Development environment: Xcode 16.1, macOS 15.1 (24B83) OS version: iOS iOS 17.5 and above When NavigationStack is presented by a sheet, and navigationDestination API is being used for navigation within the stack, the sheet content is forced to be reevaluated when app is in background. Sample Project import SwiftUI struct TestView: View { var id: Int @State private var isLoading = false @State private var presentSheet = false var body: some View { let _ = Self._printChanges() VStack { if isLoading { ProgressView() } else { VStack { Text("View: \(id)") Text("Not loading") Button("Present Sheet in NavStack") { presentSheet = true } NavigationLink("Show Link", value: id * 100) } } } .sheet( isPresented: $presentSheet, content: { NavigationStack { TestView(id: + 1) // Comment this block out and note the view no longer reloads when app is in background when there's > 1 sheet modals .navigationDestination(for: Int.self, destination: { num in TestView(id: num) }) } } ) .task { isLoading = true defer { isLoading = false } try? await Task.sleep(for: .seconds(1)) } } } struct ContentView: View { var body: some View { let _ = Self._printChanges() VStack { content .padding() } } var content: some View { VStack { NavigationStack { VStack { Image(systemName: "globe") .imageScale(.large) .foregroundStyle(.tint) TestView(id: 0) } .navigationDestination(for: Int.self, destination: { num in TestView(id: num) }) } } } } Steps to reproduce: To reproduce the issue in the sample project: Tap on present sheet in navstack button to invoke View #1 presented in sheet Put the app into multitasking mode by tapping on the simulator home button twice Observe that console does not emit debug messages on SwiftUI View change. Also observe that there was no loading in the view Tap on present sheet in navstack button again to invoke View #2 presented in sheet Repeat step #2, but this time observe that console does emit debug message that SwiftUI View were changed due to the following: TestView: @self, @identity, _isLoading, _presentSheet changed. TestView: _isLoading changed. TestView: _isLoading changed. To remove the issue: 7. Comment out the block on navigationDestination. Recompile the app and run it in simulator 8. Repeat step 2-5. Note this time the console does not emit debug message that SwiftUI View were changed.
MacOS SwiftUI: Back button in NavigationSplitView detail view
I have a Split View with the sidebar, content, and detail. Everything is working, but when I select on a NavigationLink in my detail view, the back button is seen next to the title above the content view. I want that back button to be displayed in the top bar on the left side of the detail view. I was expecting it to do this automatically, but I must be missing something. This is where I want it to appear. This is where it appears. I made a simplified version of my code, because it would be too much to post but this has the same behavior. struct TestView: View { enum SidebarSelections { case cycles } @State private var sidebarSelection: SidebarSelections = .cycles var body: some View { NavigationSplitView(sidebar: { List(selection: $sidebarSelection, content: { Label("Cycles", systemImage: "calendar") .tag(SidebarSelections.cycles) }) }, content: { switch sidebarSelection { case .cycles: NavigationStack { List { // Displayed in Content NavigationLink("Cycle link", destination: { // Displayed in the Detail NavigationStack { List { NavigationLink("Detail Link", destination: { Text("More details") }) } } }) } } } }, detail: { ContentUnavailableView("Nothing to see here", systemImage: "cloud") }) } } Is what I want to do possible? Here is a Stack Overflow post that had it working at one point.