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How to Play Timeline Animations via code
Hi everyone, I need to synchronize the playback of RealityKit Timelines via SharePlay. To do this I am trying to get the references of the timelines using "AnimationPlaybackController" and "AnimationResource". In my realitykit scene I have configured both an animation (with blender), and a timeline, the animation starts correctly when the realitykit scene starts, the timeline not. Below the code: struct ContentView: View { @State private var subscriptions = [EventSubscription]() @Environment(AppModel.self) private var appModel let rootEntity = Entity() @State var testEntity: Entity? @State var testAnimation: AnimationResource? @State var testController: AnimationPlaybackController? init() { CubeComponent.registerComponent() } var body: some View { RealityView { content in content.add(rootEntity) if let scene = try? await Entity(named: "Room", in: realityKitContentBundle) { rootEntity.addChild(scene) playAnimations(from: content) } } .gesture(SpatialTapGesture().targetedToAnyEntity() .onEnded({ value in _ = value.entity.applyTapForBehaviors() if let testEntity, let testAnimation { testController = testEntity.playAnimation(testAnimation.repeat()) } }) ) } func playAnimations(from content: RealityViewContent) { subscriptions.append(content.subscribe(to: ComponentEvents.DidAdd.self, componentType: AnimationLibraryComponent.self, { event in let entity = event.entity entity.components[AnimationLibraryComponent.self]?.animations.forEach({ (key, value) in if value.definition is AnimationGroup { if key == "/Room/TestTimeline" { let controller = entity.playAnimation(value.repeat()) testEntity = entity testAnimation = value appModel.syncronizedAnimations[key] = .init(name: key, animationController: controller, entityName: entity.name) } } else { if entity.name == "SphereInteractable" { let controller = entity.playAnimation(value.repeat()) appModel.syncronizedAnimations[key] = .init(name: key, animationController: controller, entityName: entity.name) } } }) })) } } the variables testEntity, testAnimation and testController are for testing purposes only. If I try to start the animations in the playAnimations function, only the animation created via blender starts (the one related to the object "SphereInteractable"), the Timeline starts only if I save a reference and I play it with a tap gesture or with a delay of ! seconds with DispatchQueue.asyncAfter called in the onAppear. is there a better way to handle this? The goal is to have a reference of the AnimationPlaybackController of the timeline, in order to sync the animation via shareplay. Thanks
Oct ’24
How to use KTX file Image3D in ShaderGraph?
I've tried importing a 3D KTX file into Reality Composer Pro ShaderGraph, but got nothing output. Realitykit doesn't support Image3D yet? First, I use pyktx to create a 3D KTX texture file and it seems correct in Finder preview. import numpy as np from pyktx import KtxTexture2, KtxTextureCreateInfo, KtxTextureCreateStorage, VkFormat size = 32 image = np.zeros((size, size, size, 3), dtype=np.uint8) for i in range(size): image[i, :, :, 0] = np.interp(i, [0, size], [50, 255]) image[:, i, :, 1] = np.interp(i, [0, size], [100, 255]) image[:, :, i, 2] = np.interp(i, [0, size], [150, 255]) info = KtxTextureCreateInfo( gl_internal_format=None, vk_format=VkFormat.VK_FORMAT_R8G8B8_SRGB, base_width=image.shape[2], base_height=image.shape[1], base_depth=image.shape[0], num_dimensions=3, num_levels=1, num_layers=1, num_faces=1, generate_mipmaps=False, is_array=False, ) texture = KtxTexture2.create(info, KtxTextureCreateStorage.ALLOC) for _ in range(1): texture.set_image_from_memory(0, 0, _, image[_].tobytes()) texture.write_to_named_file(f'{size}.ktx') Then I import it into ShaderGraph like this but seems nothing could be read. In addition, I tested 2D KTX file and it worked. I also tested different vk_format or KTX1/KTX2 but did not work. I also tested Image3DPixel/Image2DArray/Image3DRead and none of them work as long as it's 3D.
Oct ’24
Spatial streaming from iPhone
Hi, I am trying to stream spatial video in realtime from my iPhone 16. I am able to record spatial video as a file output using: let videoDeviceOutput = AVCaptureMovieFileOutput() However, when I try to grab the raw sample buffer, it doesn't include any spatial information: let captureOutput = AVCaptureVideoDataOutput() //when init camera session.addOutput(captureOutput) captureOutput.setSampleBufferDelegate(self, queue: sessionQueue) //finally func captureOutput(_ output: AVCaptureOutput, didOutput sampleBuffer: CMSampleBuffer, from connection: AVCaptureConnection) { //use sample buffer (but no spatial data available here) } Is this how it's supposed to work or maybe I am missing something? this video: https://developer.apple.com/videos/play/wwdc2023/10071 gives us a clue towards setting up spatial streaming and I've got the backend all ready for 3D HLS streaming. Now I am only stuck at how to send the video stream to my server.
Oct ’24
Is dismissWindow actually asynchronous?
On visionOS, I have discovered that if dismissWindow is followed immediately by a call to openWindow, the new window does not open where the user is looking at. Instead, it appears at the same location as the dismissed window. However, if I open the new window after a small delay, or after UIScene's willDeactivateNotification, the new window correctly opens in front of the user. (I tested this within a opened immersive space.) Does this imply that dismissWindow is actually asynchronous, in the sense that it requires extra time to reset certain internal states before the next openWindow can be called? What is the best practice to close a window, then open a new window in front of the user's current head position?
Oct ’24
Protobuf Error Crash
We are developing a mixed reality app for Vision Pro using Reality Composer Pro, but we're consistently encountering a Protobuf-related crash whenever we enter the immersive space. Our Reality Composer Pro package is quite complex, with numerous objects. Could the complexity of the package be contributing to the issue, or could something else be at play? No errors are being flagged in the code or Reality Composer itself. Here’s the error log: [libprotobuf FATAL /Library/Caches/com.apple.xbs/Sources/REKit/ThirdParty/protobuf/src/google/protobuf/io/zero_copy_stream_impl_lite.cc:276] CHECK failed: (count) >= (0): libc++abi: terminating due to uncaught exception of type google::protobuf::FatalException: CHECK failed: (count) >= (0): Any insight on what might be causing this would be appreciated.
Oct ’24
how to add entities to a volume or immersive view programmatically?
I have created two scenes, one immersive and one volumetric using Reality Composer Pro. In my test app I can view both and they render correctly. However, I would like to add entities programmatically. I am trying this; var body: some View { RealityView { content in if let scene = try? await Entity(named: "Scene", in: realityKitContentBundle) { viewModel.rootEntity = scene content.add(scene) var anchorEntity = AnchorEntity(world: [0, 0, -0.5]) let sphere = MeshResource.generateSphere(radius: 2.0) let material = SimpleMaterial(color: .red, roughness: 0.5, isMetallic: true) let modelEntity = ModelEntity(mesh: sphere, materials: [material]) anchorEntity.addChild(modelEntity) content.add(anchorEntity) } } } However, the sphere does not appear in the volume. I also tried it in the immersive space and it does not appear there either. What am I missing?
Oct ’24
How to set the AttractionCenter for a ParticleEmitterComponent in a System with real time updates
I am trying to achieve an effect such that the particles of a particle system are attracted to my hand entity. The hand entity is essentially an AnchorEntity that is tracking my right hand. let particleEmitterEntities = context.entities(matching: particleEmitterQuery, updatingSystemWhen: .rendering) for particleEmitterEntity in particleEmitterEntities { if var particleEmitter = particleEmitterEntity.components[ParticleEmitterComponent.self] { particleEmitter.mainEmitter.attractionCenter = rightHandEntity.position(relativeTo: nil) // trying to get the world space position of the hand // I also tried relative to particleEmitterEntity particleEmitterEntity.components[ParticleEmitterComponent.self] = particleEmitter } else { fatalError("Cannot find particle emitter") } } The particle attraction center doesn't seem to update Another issue I am noticing here that My particle system doesn't show the particle image a lot of times and just renders a placeholder square when I do this, when I comment this code out I get the right particle image. I believe this is due to the number of times this loop runs to update the position of the attraction center. What is the right way to do an effect where the particles are attracted to my hand.
Oct ’24
RealityView Limits VisionOS
Im asking myself we are the limits of RealityView. For example is it possible to place an entity on postion (x=800m,y=0,z=-900m) What happens if i walk from my (0,0,0) to this point, will i see the entity then ? Does someone know where are the limits ?
Oct ’24
Tips for developing shader graphs in Reality Composer Pro
I am new to the graph editor and was able to achieve some results. However, I am noticing that my graphs are getting very tangled, confusing, and hard to debug. I was wondering whether: is it possible to define variables, to store the value of computations, and refer to them in other parts of the graph, without having to link them graphically? This would help in tidying the tangled mess I created. In the "Explore materials in Reality Composer Pro" video, I saw that it is possible to create "instances", but I am not sure if that is what I need. For example: does the shader compiler optimize them, so that there is no need to recompute each instance? Is there any functionality to debug the graph, trying inputs and seeing what the numeric outputs would be?
Oct ’24
Synchronizing Multi-User AR Experiences on Apple Vision Pro
Hello Developers, I am currently in the initial planning stages of my bachelor thesis in computer science, where I will be developing an application in collaboration with a manufacturer of large-scale machinery. One of the core features I aim to implement is the ability for multiple Apple Vision Pro users to view the same object in augmented reality simultaneously, each from their respective positions relative to the object. I am still exploring how best to achieve this feature. My initial approach involves designating one device as the host of a "room" within the application, allowing other users to join. If I can accurately determine the relative positions of all users to the host device, it should be possible to display the AR content correctly in terms of angle, size, and location for each user. Despite my research, I haven't found much information on similar projects, and I would appreciate any insights or suggestions. Specifically, I am curious about common approaches for synchronizing AR experiences across multiple devices. Given that the Apple Vision Pro does not have a GPS sensor, I am also looking for alternative methods to precisely determine the positions of multiple devices relative to each other. Any advice or shared experiences would be greatly appreciated! Best regards, Revin
Oct ’24
Understanding the Distance for Physical Object Visibility in Vision Pro Immersive System
I understand that the system helps maintain user comfort by automatically adjusting the opacity of content in certain situations, like when someone moves too quickly or gets too close to a physical object. The content in front of them dims briefly to allow a clearer view of their surroundings. And I'd like to know the specific distance at which the system begins to show the physical object, or what criteria are used for this adjustment.
Oct ’24
visionOS pushWindow being dismissed on app foreground
We seen to have found an issue when using the pushWindow action on visionOS. The issue occurs if the app is backgrounded then reopened by selecting the apps icon on the home screen. Any window that is opened via the pushWindow action is then dismissed. We've been able to replicate the issue in a small sample project. Replication steps Open app Open window via the push action Press the digital crown On the home screen select the apps icon again The pushed window will now be dismissed. There is a sample project linked here that shows off the issue, including a video of the bug in progress
Oct ’24
USDZ with Blend Shapes Workflow Recommendations
Hi, since RealityKit 4 now supports Blend Shapes I was wondering if there are any workflow or tooling recommendations to bake/export them into a USDZ. Are Blender or Cinema4D capable to do that out of the box? Should we look into NVIDIA omniverse (https://docs.omniverse.nvidia.com/connect/latest/blender/manual.htm) So far this topic seems very sparsely documented and I would appreciate any hints. Thank you!
Oct ’24
Creating and applying a shader to change an entity's rendering in RealityKit
Hello, I am looking to create a shader to update an entity's rendering. As a basic example say I want to recolour an entity, but leave its original textures showing through: I understand with VisionOS I need to use Reality Composer Pro to create the shader, but I'm lost as how to reference the original colour that I'm trying to update in the node graph. All my attempts appear to completely override the textures in the entity (and its sub-entities) that I want to impact. Also the tutorials / examples I've looked at appear to create materials, not add an effect on top of existing materials. Any hints or pointers? Assuming this is possible, I've been trying to load the material in code, and apply to an entity. But do I need to do this to all child entities, or just the topmost? do { let entity = MyAssets.createModelEntity(.plane) // Loads from bundle and performs config let material = try await ShaderGraphMaterial(named: "/Root/TestMaterial", from: "Test", in: realityKitContentBundle) entity.applyToChildren { $0.components[ModelComponent.self]?.materials = [material] } root.addChild(entity) } catch { fatalError(error.localizedDescription) }
Oct ’24
Reality Composer Pro timelines management, but using code
Is it possible to manage the behavior of timeline totally from code? I am exploring the Compose interactive 3D content in Reality Composer Pro sample project after seeing the related video, but the example shows only the use of Behaviors from RCP to activate timelines actions. I was wondering if it is possible to, somehow, retrieve some kind of timeline controller that allows me access to its informations just like the AnimationPlaybackController does with single animations. What I would like to achieve is being able to play/pause/retrieve timestamp from them in order to allow synchronization between different users on SharePlay
Oct ’24
How to use CubeMap in Reality Composer Pro?
I just do as the document in https://developer.apple.com/documentation/shadergraph/realitykit/cube-image-(realitykit) I have a .ktx file, and use CubeImage node to load it, then Convert node, but it shows black. I check it on my Vision Pro, it's still black, I don't know why? Is it something wrong? ps: I also use Image node to load .ktx file, it shows one image, so I belive .ktx file is right. I alse checked it on Vision Pro.
Oct ’24
Anchor Wall
I have created a portal and attached it to a wall using the AnchorEntity. However, I am seeking guidance on how to determine the size of the wall so that the portal can fully occupy it. Initially, I attempted to locate relevant information within the demo code, but I encountered difficulties in comprehending certain sections. I would appreciate it if someone could provide a step-by-step explanation or a reference to the appropriate code. Thank you for your assistance.
Oct ’24