Prioritize user privacy and data security in your app. Discuss best practices for data handling, user consent, and security measures to protect user information.

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invalid_client when i try to exchange code to access token
Hi Apple Developers, I'm facing an issue that call to and it raised an error: invalid_client There is my URL that i'm getting a code: " I'm using Key Id and Private Key in the file AuthKey_K5HK3H23KZ.p8 to generate to a Client Secret, Client ID is (It is the service id) and the code that i give at the above request. When i'm call to exchange access token, the error is showed My project is writing by dotnet core. I dont know why the client should be invalid. Can anyone help me please?
Data protection encryption in ios 7 / iphone 4s
Hi, I have a question regarding data protection in ios 7. Qustion 1 : if the passcode is turned off, and data protection is disabled, in this case, will the files in nand flash still be encrypted? Or will it just disable all hardware encryption and all the files in nand flash will be decrypted and stored in plain text? The security paper says even the NSFileProtectionNone class has some level of hardware encryption, but my question is if someone disable the passcode and disable the data protection, will the newly created file still be encrypted using UID key so the chiping-off the nand flash and reading off the nand directly does not work due to encryption even though the passcode is disabled and data protection is not active? Question 2 : if they are still encrypted, do the files in the storage have the data protection NSFileProtectionNone class if the passcode is disabled and data protection is inactive?
Are TCC permissions inherited by bundled extensions?
Hello, If a user allows access to, for example, Removable Volumes (TCC permission) to the main app, does these permissions will be inherited by a bundled Finder Extension from the main app? More specific, I have an app that bundles a Finder Extension and both the main app and the bundled extension need access to Removable Volumes. Only the main app can request it, since the main app is the only that can prompt the user. If the user allows, will the bundled extension also receive the permissions? If not, is there any workaround? Regards.
Apple engineering level 2 threat of my IP?
The last 12 months or longer have been a hacked life nightmare. Today I discovered multiple blacklists inc a level 2 threat blacklist from Apple engineering. I am a victim not a hacker, I have found malware on my MacBook (spyware), refusal of service notifications from google inc the hackers address which I tracked to Amsterdam, blackmail threats, retaliation and death threats but no help from anyone inc police and government or Apple and this potentially effects many Apple users. Please Apple tell me why I was blacklisted and investigate the spyware incident so I can get my life back. Any suggestions welcome.
Installing MS PowerPoint extensions on macOS 15
Hi, we are looking for a solution to install an extension to Microsoft PowerPoint app in a way that's compatible with the new macOS 15 behavior for Group Containers content. PowerPoint extensions Microsoft PowerPoint can be extended by PowerPoint Add-in (.ppam) files. These files must be installed in the app's container at this location: ~/Library/Group Containers/UBF8T346G9.Office/User Content.localized/Add-Ins.localized/ The PPAM file must be also registered in the MicrosoftRegistrationDB.reg file which is a sqlite database stored at this location: ~/Library/Group Containers/UBF8T346G9.Office/MicrosoftRegistrationDB.reg These locations can be access by non-sandboxed app on macOS 14 and earlier. Slido integration Our Slido app for macOS is distributed outside the Mac App Store, it is not sandboxed and it signed and notarized. The Slido app will install the PPAM file to the documented location and register it in the database. This installation did not require additional user approval on macOS 14 and older. With changes to macOS 15, a new permissions dialog is shown with this text: "Slido" would like to access data from other apps. This will allow Slido to integrate with Microsoft PowerPoint app. [Don't Allow] [Allow] We understand this is a security feature, yet we would like to make the experience for customers much better. As users are able to save PPAM files to the location by themselves without additional permissions, they expect the Slido app would be able to do so as well when run in the user context. Slido installs its files to this location: ~/Library/Group Containers/UBF8T346G9.Office/User Content.localized/Add-Ins.localized/SlidoAddin.localized/ Can we obtain to the SlidoAddin.localized folder? Even when we are different TeamID? Can we obtain a user permission which will be persisted so next time the Slido app can verify its files and uninstall them without further prompts? By having access to the SlidoAddin.localized folder our app would not be able to access any other data in Microsoft PowerPoint. We understand accessing the MicrosoftRegistrationDB.reg file is more sensitive and getting exception to access it would not be feasible. But we are trying to find out our options to make the experience seamless as that's what is expected by our customers on Apple platform. I am thankfully for any guidance and constructive feedback. Jozef, Tech Leader at Slido integrations team
Platform single sign-on - demo app help
Hi, im trying to make a Platform single sign-on app for my Idp, and I have tried online to try and find some code/ a demo app for this I cannot find anything for the Mac OS Side, there is someone who's created the server, but no info for that on what the Mac extension should do. I have tired implementing the 2 function to required, but to no luck. After reading what I think is all of the document I'm still really confused as to how this is all supposed to work. I have got to the stage where it create the popup that says you need to authenticated with your idp but cannot work out the bugs for the rest of it. manly im getting an issue in the console that says no login config for (username) and im not sure what im doing wrong.
Access of removable volumes from file provider on macOS Sequoia
Hello, I developed a file provider extension that can access files from multiple locations. With the new macOS Sequoia I cannot access files from volumes, here is the error from Console: Refusing TCCAccessRequest for service kTCCServiceSystemPolicyRemovableVolumes from extension Sub:{}Resp:{TCCDProcess:, pid=26706, auid=501, euid=501, binary_path.... Driver}, extension point disallows prompting I added "Privacy - Removable Volumes Usage Description" values for both the main app and extension Info.plist, I click Allow on the alert, but still I receive this error message. Any solution? Thank you.
Check for app used
Hi, we looking for direct API to detect another apps who sharing screen , because for security reason (banking app) - our app not want to be shared, some hackers use remote desktop solution to stole money, we checked few existing solutions but there are no solution to checking for apps who sharing screen (only), how to resolve that issue? ps a) isCapture/scenCaptureState - is more general api and have newest iOS version requirements b) checking for open scheme used by another apps(LSApplicationQueriesSchemes) - is dedicated for own apps, and require known name of all schemes used by sharing apps. What is direct solution to resolve that issue?
Core Bluetooth and Authorization Plugin: Why is Core Bluetooth Not Allowed While Multipeer Framework Works?
I need to integrate BLE (Bluetooth Low Energy) functionality into an authorization plugin. Specifically, I want to use a beacon to send a notification to the user if the app is not running or has been killed. However, I’ve encountered a significant limitation: Core Bluetooth is not permitted to be used within authorization plugins, whereas the Multipeer Connectivity framework operates without issue which use WiFi. This has led me to a few questions: What are the fundamental differences in entitlements or restrictions between Core Bluetooth and the Multipeer Connectivity(WiFi) framework that could explain why Core Bluetooth is disallowed in authorization plugins? Are there specific technical or security concerns associated with Core Bluetooth that prevent its use in these contexts, while the Multipeer Connectivity framework is allowed? Given that Google’s Nearby Connections API can work within authorization plugins, could there be any similar approaches or best practices for implementing BLE functionality in scenarios involving authorization plugins? For reference, you can check Google’s Nearby Connections API here: Google Nearby Connections - Any insights or suggestions on how to overcome this limitation or alternative approaches to achieve the desired functionality would be greatly appreciated. Thank you in advance for your help!
Login with Apple ID gives error "Something went wrong"
We have integrated Login with the Apple ID feature in our iOS App. Whenever a user tries to sign in with Apple ID from within our app, after authorizing the login process we get this error "Something went wrong". This happens with some iPhones whereas some users work fine without such an issue. At the same time the login with Apple ID in the same app works with some iPhone users without any issue. This is quite a strange problem and we cannot trace the root cause, if anyone has faced the same issue. Please do let me know.
How to verify that Apple logged-in user data is not lost after transfering the app?
When we transfer app A to app B, if we transfer the app but don't migrate the user to app B, will the user's previous tokens from app A be invalid? Is this failure real-time or will there be a buffer period to transfer users? If it is a live failure, we want to transfer some users during the transferation process to prevent accidents, and then test them. Is there a way to test it?
Can't change startup disk security policy, MacBook Pro 2021 Sonoma
I want to modify my security policy from the startup security utility. When I try so to modify the options: • Allow user management of kernel extensions from identified developers or • Allow remote management of kernel extensions and automatic software updates I get: The operation couldn’t be completed. (SDErrorDomain error 104.) Trying to install UAD Arrow and need to change the security policy. Any help will be appreciated.
Quick question about the "container-migration.plist" file
Apple provides a way for the app developer to migrate app data from previous locations to the Mac App Store app container folder, see Migrating your app’s files to its App Sandbox container. My question is, it seems this feature only allows us to migrate or move the existing app files into the sandbox folder, however, I'd like to "copy" these files instead of "move" them. Instead of using the "Move" key in the plist file, I have already tried "Copy" key and it didn't work.
Apple Circumvents Bug Bounty Researcher
Apple is Delaying the Review of a Critical iOS 17 Vulnerability to Avoid Official Acceptance and Bounty Payment Hamed Hamedi, a security researcher, has revealed that Apple is prolonging the review process of a serious security vulnerability in the iCloud lock screen, which he discovered in iOS 17. According to Hamedi, he has submitted all the necessary evidence, including multiple videos and detailed explanations, to Apple's security team. However, despite the passage of time and providing precise information, Apple has been stalling the process by asking repetitive questions and requesting additional documentation, effectively delaying the report's resolution. This security bug allows users to bypass the iCloud lock screen using VoiceOver and a few simple gestures, gaining access to various parts of the device. Despite the fact that all the steps are clearly demonstrated in the submitted videos, Apple has refrained from officially acknowledging the bug and processing the associated bounty. Hamedi believes the upcoming release of the iPhone 16 and iOS 18 might be the main reason for these delays, as acknowledging the bug could negatively impact the reputation and security of Apple's new products, potentially eroding customer trust. He suspects that Apple is deliberately postponing the case to prevent the public disclosure of the vulnerability right before the launch of its new products. Apple's delay in addressing such serious security issues raises important questions about the company's priorities in safeguarding user security and maintaining transparency in handling critical problems. It remains unclear what decision Apple will ultimately make regarding this case, but the delays have already sparked significant concern among security experts.
Run each instance of an app in its own sandbox
Is it possible to run multiple instance of an app at the same time such that each instance is running in its own sandbox environment? For eg- Each app should have it's own ~/Library and other shared directories. Maybe something like chroot, but I am not sure it would be possible. And by sandbox I really mean isolation, not necessarily macOS App Sandbox.
Unable to create SecKey from serverPublic key
I am unable to create SecKey from serverPublic key. I get the below error Error Domain=NSOSStatusErrorDomain Code=-50 "EC public key creation from data failed" UserInfo={numberOfErrorsDeep=0, NSDescription=EC public key creation from data failed} My code looks like this so far. Not sure what is going wrong. let attributes: [String: Any] = [ kSecAttrKeyType as String: kSecAttrKeyTypeEC, kSecAttrKeyClass as String: kSecAttrKeyClassPublic, kSecAttrKeySizeInBits as String: 256 ] let serverPublicKey = "MFkwEwYHKoZIzj0CAQYIKoZIzj0DAQcDQgAEGcpMOdqpgCt3Lhvy8pqBcPgQdKcj646CqJWArdcvkaTZfIGADRsk6TkKuvcHVE+excJ2fKlZDLLRt1vy8n7xww==" guard let serverPublicKeyData = Data(base64Encoded: serverPublicKey) else { return } var error: Unmanaged<CFError>? guard let serverPublickeySec = SecKeyCreateWithData(serverPublicKeyData as CFData, attributes as CFDictionary, &error) else { throw error!.takeRetainedValue() as Error }
Unable to create access tokens for user migration (invalid_client)
Hello. I recently transferred an app from my dev account to a different one. I'm trying to follow these instructions to generate transfer IDs, and am stuck on Step 1 (creating an access token). I keep getting {'error': 'invalid_client'}. Here's the python script I'm using to generate the access token: TEAM_ID = "..." KEY_ID = "..." KEY_FILE = "key.p8" CLIENT_ID = "com.myapp.bundle" def get_access_token() -> str: client_secret = get_client_secret() print(f"client secret: {client_secret}") url = "" req_headers = {"Content-Type": "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"} data = { "grant_type": "client_credentials", "scope": "user.migration", "client_id": CLIENT_ID, "client_secret": client_secret, } response =, headers=req_headers, data=data) json = response.json() return json["access_token"] def get_client_secret() -> str: payload = { "iss": TEAM_ID, "iat": int(time.time()), "exp": int(time.time() + 86400 * 7), # 7 days "aud": "", "sub": CLIENT_ID, } key = open(KEY_FILE, "r").read() print(f"Key: {key}") headers = {"alg": "ES256", "kid": KEY_ID} return jwt.encode(payload, key, algorithm="ES256", headers=headers) print(get_access_token()) The app was transferred about 2 weeks ago, so well within the 60 day period. And the script actually briefly got an access token for about 30 minutes yesterday, but is no longer working. Any ideas? Thanks in advance.