After updating to 18.1 beta 5, the spatial video option no longer exists in settings, and the icon for capturing spatial video also disappears in camera app.
Device model, iPhone 15 Pro
Explore the integration of media technologies within your app. Discuss working with audio, video, camera, and other media functionalities.
I noticed that SFSpeechRecognizer is broken on iOS 18. During a recognition task, it keeps dropping the recognized text on every pause. For example, if you say "how are you fine", it will drop the "how are you" part and only give you "fine" as the result.
Say "how are you <pause> fine"
// iOS 17 ✅ (perfect final result)
How are
How are you
How are you.
How are you. Fine.
// iOS 18 ❌
How are
How are you
How are you
(the text before the pause is dropped, and fail to recognize the punctuations.)
Reproducing the issue:
Download the official sample project.
Run it on an iOS 18 device or simulator.
Say "how are you fine"
Only "fine" will be displayed.
I am looking to learn more about the new Capture Button controls for iPhone 16, and am working to adapt the AVCam Sample Code to support the Capture Button. While I believe I've followed the guidance in the Enhancing your app experience with the Camera Control documentation, I'm finding that while my AVCaptureControl items seem to be added to the capture session, the Capture Button does not ever do anything, nor are any of the delegate methods called.
After I configure my capture session per the setupSession() method, I'm calling a method I added, func configureCameraControls(device:AVCaptureDevice):
func configureCameraControls(device: AVCaptureDevice) {
guard captureSession.supportsControls else {
assertionFailure("App does not support camera control.")
// Set the controls delegate
captureSession.setControlsDelegate(controlsDelegate, queue: sessionQueue)
// Begin configuring the capture session.
// Remove previously configured controls, if any.
for control in captureSession.controls {
// Add a zoom control
let systemZoomSlider = AVCaptureSystemZoomSlider(device: device) { zoomFactor in
// Create a control to adjust the device's exposure bias.
let systemBiasSlider = AVCaptureSystemExposureBiasSlider(device: device)
// Add a custom slider
let focusSlider = AVCaptureSlider("Focus", symbolName: "scope", in: 0...1)
focusSlider.setActionQueue(sessionQueue) { focusValue in
// Iterate over the passed in controls.
for control in [systemZoomSlider, systemBiasSlider, focusSlider] {
// Add the control to the capture session if possible.
if captureSession.canAddControl(control) {
} else {
print("Unable to add control \(control).")
// Commit the capture session configuration.
I define the controls delegate like so:
final class CaptureControlsDelegate: NSObject, AVCaptureSessionControlsDelegate {
func sessionControlsDidBecomeActive(_ session: AVCaptureSession) {
func sessionControlsWillEnterFullscreenAppearance(_ session: AVCaptureSession) {
func sessionControlsWillExitFullscreenAppearance(_ session: AVCaptureSession) {
func sessionControlsDidBecomeInactive(_ session: AVCaptureSession) {
Which I instantiate earlier on in my app's lifecycle and make available to the CaptureService actor.
I'm not sure if this snippet can provide enough detail to gather some help, but I can't quite fathom why the camera/capture pipeline works, but I'm not getting any functionality from the Capture Button nor is the AVCaptureSessionControlsDelegate ever having its methods called.
If I have bluetooth speaker connected and I have installTap called on input Node, the callback is fired for 1-2 seconds then it doesnt anymore. I dont see any route or any notification handler called in between.
engine.inputNode.removeTap(onBus: 0)
onBus: 0,
bufferSize: 4096,
format: format
) { buffer, _ in
// 3
guard let channelData = buffer.floatChannelData else {
// This callback fails after some time.
Not sure if this is expected, but I noticed some other applications, they seem to work fine.
If I remove bluetooth device, my input works fine.
Also I have no issues with output on Speaker.
Does anyone else’s came not work properly I can only do selfies since the update to iOS 18 as it’s blacked out the main camera
I create an audiounit with AudioComponentInstanceNew with componentType = kAudioUnitType_FormatConverter and componentSubType = kAudioUnitSubType_NewTimePitch and connect it between input and output, it works well before iOS18. However, it doesn't work with iOS 18. The call of AudioUnitRender for mic return -10863 in iOS 18. Are there anything I missed?
Hi all, we are working on iOS application that includes the camera functionality. This week we have received a few customer complaints regarding the camera usage with iPhone 16/16 Pro, both of the customers said that they have an issue with the camera preview(when the camera is open) the camera preview is just freezer but any other functionally and UI works as expected. Moreover the issue happens only for back camera, the front camera works perfectly.
We have tested it in context of iOS 18 with iPhone 14/15/15 Pro/15 Pro Max but all devices with iOS 18 works perfectly without any issues. So we assumed there was no issues with iOS 18 but some breaking changes with the new iPhone 16/16 pro cameras were introduced that caused this effect. Unfortunatly, currently we can't test directly usign the iPhone 16/16 Pro since we have't these devices.
We are using SwiftUI framework and here the implementation of the camera preview:
final class CameraPreviewView: UIView {
var previewLayer: AVCaptureVideoPreviewLayer {
guard let layer = layer as? AVCaptureVideoPreviewLayer else {
fatalError("Layer expected is of type VideoPreviewLayer")
return layer
var session: AVCaptureSession? {
get { return previewLayer.session }
set { previewLayer.session = newValue }
override class var layerClass: AnyClass { AVCaptureVideoPreviewLayer.self }
UIKit -> SwiftUI
struct CameraRecordingView: UIViewRepresentable {
@ObservedObject var cameraManager: CameraManager
func makeUIView(context: Context) -> CameraPreviewView {
let previewView = CameraPreviewView()
previewView.session = cameraManager.session /// AVCaptureSession
previewView.previewLayer.videoGravity = .resizeAspectFill
return previewView
func updateUIView(_ uiView: CameraPreviewView, context: Context) {
Setup camera input
private func saveInput(input: AVCaptureDevice) {
/// Where input is AVCaptureDevice.default(.builtInWideAngleCamera, for: .video, position: .back)
do {
let cameraInput = try AVCaptureDeviceInput(device: input)
if session.canAddInput(cameraInput) {
session.addInput(cameraInput) /// session is AVCaptureSession
} else {
sendError(error: .cannotAddInput)
status = .failed
} catch {
if error.nsError.code == -11852 {
sendError(error: .microphoneError)
} else {
sendError(error: .createCaptureInput(error))
status = .failed
Does anybody have similar issues with iPhone 16/16 Pro? We would appreciate any ideas of how to potentially resolve the issue.
Is anyone experiencing an issue with initial ‘AVAudioSession.sharedInstance().outputVolume’ returning 0 after updating to iOS 18.0?
I’m observing the outputVolume of AVAudioSession, and when I adjust the device volume, the change value returns correctly. However, when I call AVAudioSession.sharedInstance().outputVolume to get the current volume before knowing the change value, it returns 0, even though the device volume is not actually 0.
I am a deaf-blind wheelchair user, and I program in Swift using a braille display.
I’m reaching out for your help on an issue I’ve been struggling to solve.
Basically, when I extract a CMSampleBuffer from an AVAsset of a video, it comes with the Audio Format ID as Linear PCM. However, when I try to pass this CMSampleBuffer to write another video using AVAssetWriter, the video ends up muted.
The audio settings of the output video are configured to MPEG-4 AAC, but the input CMSampleBuffer has the Audio Format ID as Linear PCM.
I would like to request an extension for CMSampleBuffer that converts Linear PCM audio to MPEG-4 AAC.
I’ve searched extensively and couldn’t find anything.
Looking forward to your help.
Thank you.
I have a recent post kind of outlining a similar question here. This time though I'm confident that inserting an array of Track works when inserting into the ApplicationMusicPlayer.shared.queue but now I'm not sure how I can initialize the queue to display song title and artwork for example. I'm also not sure how to get the current item in the queue's artist information and album information which I feel should be easy to do so maybe I'm missing something obvious. Hope this paints of what I'm trying to do and I'm going to post the neccessary code here to help me debug/figure out this problem.
import SwiftUI
import MusicKit
struct PlayBackView: View {
@Environment(\.scenePhase) var scenePhase
@Environment(\.openURL) private var openURL
// Adding Enum Here for Question Sake
enum PlayState {
case play
case pause
@State var song: Track
@Binding var songs: [Track]?
@State var isShuffled = false
@State private var playState: PlayState = .pause
@State private var songTimer: Int = Int.random(in: 5...30)
@State private var roundTimer: Int = 5
@State private var isTimerActive = false
// @State private var volumeValue = VolumeObserver()
@State private var isFirstPlay = true
@State private var isDancing = false
@State private var player = ApplicationMusicPlayer.shared
private var isPlaying: Bool {
return (player.state.playbackStatus == .playing)
let timer = Timer.publish(every: 1, on: .main, in: .common).autoconnect()
var playPauseImage: String {
switch playState {
case .play:
case .pause:
var body: some View {
VStack {
// Album Cover
HStack(spacing: 20) {
if let artwork = player.queue.currentEntry?.artwork {
ArtworkImage(artwork, height: 100)
} else {
Image(systemName: "music.note")
.frame(width: 100, height: 100)
VStack(alignment: .leading) {
This is where I want to display song title, album title, and artist name for example
// Song Title
Text(player.queue.currentEntry?.title ?? "Unable to Find Song Title")
.fixedSize(horizontal: false, vertical: true)
// Album Title
// Text(player.queue.currentEntry ?? "Album Title Not Found")
// .font(.caption)
// .fixedSize(horizontal: false, vertical: true)
// I don't know what the subtitle actually grabs
Text(player.queue.currentEntry?.subtitle ?? "Artist Name Not Found")
// Play/Pause Button
Button(action: {
isFirstPlay = false
}, label: {
Text(playState == .play ? "Pause" : isFirstPlay ? "Play" : "Resume")
.frame(maxWidth: .infinity)
// Maybe I should use the `.task` modifier here?
.onAppear {
// I'm sure this code could be improved but don't think it'll help answer the question at the moment.
Task {
if let songs = songs {
do {
if isShuffled {
let shuffledSongs = songs.shuffled()
try await player.queue.insert(shuffledSongs, position: .tail)
} else {
try await player.queue.insert(songs, position: .tail)
} catch {
private func handlePlayButton() {
Task {
if isPlaying {
playState = .pause
isTimerActive = false
} else {
playState = .play
await playTrack()
isTimerActive = true
private func playTrack() async {
do {
try await
} catch {
//#Preview {
// PlayBackView()
Hi there,
After upgrading to iOS 18, I noticed that ApplicationMusicPlayer.Queue behavior has broken if at least one song that is added to the queue is also in to the Apple Music Library on the device.
The resulting behavior is that the queue does not accept all the items, and only items that are in the Library are playable in the queue.
The expected behavior and the previous behavior on iOS 17 was that all the items would be added to the queue successfully. I confirmed this behavior on a separate test device running iOS 17.7.
The items added are all being fetched via MusicCatalogResourceRequest<Song> so I would expect that a requested song being present in the library would have no effect.
Hi Team,
When we select the screen Timing option and if the screen limit is exists for the day limit we have an option to click Ignore Limit—-> Ignore limit for today. After we select this option, suppose if we are watching any videos via Third party apps (YouTube) at that moment it got hang after we clicked multiple times the play button the video started to play but the volume is not working, again if we click previous or forward button then only the sounds are coming. Kindly look into this issue and address it.
Pemkumar S
I have an app on which users learn choreography. To avoid copyright infringements we currently only have audio instructions and no music on the app.
Could we enable those that are subscribed to Apple Music to listen to the part of a song the corresponds to the choreography? Usually they are 60 seconds long.
The app is in React Native. Would it be possible to implement it so that opening a dance video automatically triggers the playback of that song from e.g. second 32 - 95?
Since the video is looping, could it then start playing from second 32 again?
Also looking for devs with experience in integrating the MusicKit for this usecase if it turns out to be possible.
My App is live on app store , user are using it with iPhone 16 pro max and they are getting Operation Stopped while combining videos and audios only specifically on iPhone 16 pro max , on every other device its working fine. And When i adding AVAssetExportPresetPassthrough it able to combine videos and audios but not respecting the encoding and without audio.
NSArray *compatiblePresets = [AVAssetExportSession exportPresetsCompatibleWithAsset:composition];
if ([compatiblePresets containsObject:AVAssetExportPresetHighestQuality]) {
presetName = AVAssetExportPresetHighestQuality;
} else if ([compatiblePresets containsObject:AVAssetExportPreset1920x1080]) {
presetName = AVAssetExportPreset1920x1080;
} else if ([compatiblePresets containsObject:AVAssetExportPreset1280x720]) {
presetName = AVAssetExportPreset1280x720;
} else {
presetName = AVAssetExportPresetPassthrough;
} else {
presetName = AVAssetExportPreset1280x720;
I am trying to get my camera app to launch from the Lock Screen, and see that calls to UIApplication.shared are not allowed. In my app, I have:
UIApplication.shared.isIdleTimerDisabled = true
Which is causing this compile time error:
'shared' is unavailable in application extensions for iOS: Use view controller based solutions where appropriate instead
I do not believe there is a view controller based solution for this. Is there a flag I can wrap around the call so that the compiler knows it won't be used during an application extension?
Thank you!
When we tried to play the encrypted playback for the Verimatrix DRM provider on their player, it did not play on iOS devices. Upon further communication with them, we learned that we need an FPS deployment package from Apple to set up our organization's lab account in the DRM environment.
I first tried using my personal Apple account, and then I created a new Apple account with my organization's email address. Both accounts are showing the same error, 'Your account can’t access this page,' when clicking on the FPS deployment package from this link:
The error likely arises from insufficient permissions or account roles required to access Apple’s DRM resources.
Could you please support to resolve this permission issue or how should we proceed to obtain the FPS deployment package to make the successful fairplay encrypted playback? Awaiting for your response.
I have a Mac Catalyst video conferencing app that streams video using AVCaptureMultiCamSession. Everything has been working well for me in a variety of scenarios and hardware, but recently I got a report that virtual cameras / camera extensions do not seem to work - which I can reproduce 100% of the time by using something like OBS's virtual camera. FaceTime and Photo Booth work okay with these virtual cameras. Although my app can see and add the external AVCaptureDevice, I get an AVCaptureSessionRuntimeError posted when I start the session with a connection between the virtual camera and a AVCaptureVideoDataOutput (I don't get the error if I don't connect or add an output). The posted error is AVUnknown:
AVCaptureSessionRuntimeErrorNotification with Error Domain=AVFoundationErrorDomain Code=-11800 "The operation could not be completed" UserInfo={NSLocalizedFailureReason=An unknown error occurred (-12780), NSLocalizedDescription=The operation could not be completed, NSUnderlyingError=0x600001dcd680 {Error Domain=NSOSStatusErrorDomain Code=-12780 "(null)"}}
Which doesn't tell me too much. I do see some fig assertions just above in Console though:
<<<< BWMultiStreamCameraSourceNode >>>> Fig assert: "err == 0 " at bail (BWMultiStreamCameraSourceNode.m:3964) - (err=-12780)
<<<< BWMultiStreamCameraSourceNode >>>> Fig assert: "err == 0 " at bail (BWMultiStreamCameraSourceNode.m:1591) - (err=-12780)
<<<< BWMultiStreamCameraSourceNode >>>> Fig assert: "err == 0 " at bail (BWMultiStreamCameraSourceNode.m:1418) - (err=-12780)
<<<< FigCaptureCameraSourcePipeline >>>> Fig assert: "err == 0 " at bail (FigCaptureCameraSourcePipeline.m:3572) - (err=-12780)
<<<< FigCaptureCameraSourcePipeline >>>> Fig assert: "err == 0 " at bail (FigCaptureCameraSourcePipeline.m:4518) - (err=-12780)
<<<< FigCaptureCameraSourcePipeline >>>> Fig assert: "err == 0 " at bail (FigCaptureCameraSourcePipeline.m:483) - (err=-12780)
I've verified formats are sane (the usual 420v 1080p 30fps I have everywhere else) and data output functions and such, but I'm a bit stuck as to where to go from here.
One thing that did stand out is that in the AVCamBarcode example I can see the virtual camera in that app's preview layer, but if I create an AVCaptureVideoDataOutput and add it to the session in that example, it fails in what looks like exactly the same way that my app does, with the same assertions.
Does anyone have any advice? Thanks!
I am writing to seek any help or workaround regarding an issue I have encountered while implementing Low-Latency HLS playback using the AVAssetResourceLoaderDelegate.
I have been successfully loading playlists during HLS live playback using the AVAssetResourceLoaderDelegate. However, after introducing Low-Latency HLS, I have run into a problem.
When the AVPlayer loads low-latency content playback natively, everything works fine. But when I use the delegate for loading, I encounter the following error from AVPlayer's status observer:
CoreMediaErrorDomain -15410
Low Latency: Server must support http2 ECN and SACK
It seems there is no problem since playback does not stop, but there is a very critical part missing. The playback does not achieve the expected low latency and behaves similarly to standard HLS.
Additionally, this behavior only occurs on iOS 16 devices and simulators. On iOS 17 simulators and devices, the error message does not appear, and the latency remains low as expected.
Therefore, I suspect that there might be some misjudgment in the verification process within the internal implementation of AVPlayer.
Since our app needs to support iOS 16, I would appreciate any solutions, methods to try, or workarounds that you could share regarding this issue.
Thank you.
The system Camera app offers jpeg XL selection for ProRAW format. I found the "static let JPEGXL: AVVideoCodecType" in the documentation but how do you specify it for a 3rd party app?
Would it be a replacement for using the .availableRawPhotoPixelFormatTypes?
I have followed the Creating a camera experience for the Lock Screen guide, and can now launch my app using the iPhone 16's new camera button.
That said, after about 10 seconds the app is force-closed by the OS, with the only message appearing in the console: "Terminated due to signal 9".
This error does not happen when:
launching the app via physical camera button when device is locked
launching the app by tapping the icon on the Home Screen
It is only happening when:
launching the app via physical camera button from the Home Screen when device is unlocked
Any ideas?
Thank you!