Dive into the world of video on Apple platforms, exploring ways to integrate video functionalities within your iOS,iPadOS, macOS, tvOS, visionOS or watchOS app.

Video Documentation






H.264 License
I’m using AVFoundation in my iPhone application to encode a video in MP4 format with H.264, which can then be shared or exported. Do I need to pay a license for using the H.264 format to MPEG LA? Or are these fees already covered by Apple? I’ve read articles suggesting that Apple covers these fees when encoding is done through its native APIs (or via its dedicated encoding hardware components), but I haven’t found any explicit confirmation of this point in the various documentation or contracts... Did I miss something?
Crash in iOS 18 regarding [AVPlayerController _observeValueForKeyPath:oldValue:newValue:]
There are significant crash reports coming from iOS 18 users regarding AVKit framework that starts from this line [AVPlayerController _observeValueForKeyPath:oldValue:newValue:] which seems to be coming from iOS internal SDK. There are 2 kinds of crash we found: UI modification on background thread From the stack trace it seems like when AVPictureInPictureController is being deallocated and its view is being removed from superview somehow the code is being executed in background thread because there is this line there _AssertAutoLayoutOnAllowedThreadsOnly highlighted before the crash. But I’ve checked our code that plays around AVPictureInPictureController, in the locations where we would deallocate the object it will always be called on main thread which are insideviewDidLoad and deinit inside UIViewController class. From the log, it seems like the crash happened when user try to open another content when PIP player is active resulting in the current PIP instance will be replaced with a new one. My suspect is the observation logic inside AVPlayerController could be the hint to this issue, probably something broken over there since this issue happened across our app versions on iOS 18 users only. Unfortunately, I was unable to reproduce this issue yet but one of my colleagues reproduced it once but haven’t been able to do it again since. The reports keep raising each day up to 1.3k events in the last 30 days now. Over release object This one has lower reports than the first one but I decided to include it since it might have relevant information regarding the first crash since the starting stack trace is similar. The crash timing seems to be similar to the first one, where we deallocate existing AVPictureInPictureController and later replace it with a new one and also found only in iOS 18 users which also refers to [AVPlayerController _observeValueForKeyPath:oldValue:newValue:]. I also was unable to reproduce this issue so far. Oh, and both of the issues happened on both iPhone and iPad. We’d appreciate any advice on what we can do to avoid this in the future and probably any hint on why it could happened. I have reported this issue with bug number: FB15620734 I also attached one sample crash report for each of the crashes here. non ui thread access.crash over release.crash
Alternative for crashing API MPMediaItemArtwork
When setting the now playing info for playing media in MPNowPlayingInfoCenter we can set artwork. But it seems the Apple API for creating the artwork is crashing on iOS 18 (FB15145734). On iOS 17 this gave the warning that the completion handler was not run on the main thread. I've tried to seek help here: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/78989543/swift-data-race-with-appkit-mpmediaitemartwork-function/78990231?noredirect=1#comment139277425_78990231 but it seems that it's not possible to override the completion handler and therefor it's up to Apple to fix this issue. .task { await MainActor.run { let nowPlayingInfoCenter = MPNowPlayingInfoCenter.default() var nowPlayingInfo = [String: Any]() let image = NSImage(named: "image")! // warning: data race detected: @MainActor function at MPMediaItemArtwork/ContentView.swift:22 was not called on the main thread nowPlayingInfo[MPMediaItemPropertyArtwork] = MPMediaItemArtwork(boundsSize: image.size, requestHandler: { _ in // Not on main thread here! return image }) nowPlayingInfoCenter.nowPlayingInfo = nowPlayingInfo } } I'm wondering if there is an alternative method to set the now playing artwork?
Sep ’24
High / prohibitive memory usage for AVAssetExportSession
I am making an app that can two two videos, and then stitch them together on the screen (one video on top half and the other on bottom half). This is achieved with AVMutableComposition, and then I am using AVAssetExportSession to export a mp4 file out: guard let export = AVAssetExportSession(asset: composition, presetName: AVAssetExportPreset1920x1080) else { return } export.exportAsynchronously { .... When the two input videos are around 1GB each, starting the export session immediately increases memory usage by ~2GB, as if it moves the input files into memory immediately (my guess), and at some point my app is killed for using too much memory. Is there a way to avoid this upfront memory usage and/or avoid getting killed?
Oct ’24
Video Hardware Acceleration on Mac
I observe significant performance differences when encoding a video in mp4 format (H264). The code I use is standard (using AVAssetWriter, AVAssetWriterInput...). Here is what I notice when I run the same code on different platforms: On an iPhone, the video is encoded in 3 seconds (iPhone 13, 14, 15, 16, Pro...). On a Mac equipped with an M2 Pro, the video is encoded in 50 seconds. On a Mac equipped with an Intel processor (2,3 GHz Intel Xeon W 18 cœurs), the video is encoded in 2 minutes. The encoding on an iPhone is very fast due to hardware acceleration. However, I don’t understand why I don’t get similar performance with a Mac M2 Pro, which is equipped with a dedicated component for hardware acceleration (H264 media engine)? Is hardware acceleration disabled on a Mac?
Oct ’24
Sending '$0' risks causing data races
I had no luck to compile a sample code provided by apple with Xcode 16.0 beta 5. ScreenCaptureKit demo (https://developer.apple.com/documentation/screencapturekit/capturing_screen_content_in_macos) The part it is failling is, streamOutput.capturedFrameHandler = { continuation.yield($0) } And the error message is Sending '$0' risks causing data races Task-isolated '$0' is passed as a 'sending' parameter; Uses in callee may race with later task-isolated uses Please enlighten me why this is an issue and how to avoid? Thanks in advance!
Aug ’24
Spatial video export fails with AVAssetExportSession
We captured a spatial video with iPhone 15 pro. When we try to export the video with AVAssetExportSession and AVAssetExportPresetMVHEVC960x960 it always go failed state and exportSession.error?.localizedDescription yield "Operation Stopped" error. Code implementation is straight forward .. other HEVC file works well.This problem occurred with only mv-hevc file. func exportSpatialVideo(videoFilePath: String, outputUrl: URL){ let url:URL? = URL(fileURLWithPath: videoFilePath) let asset: AVAsset = AVAsset(url:url!) print(asset.description) print(asset.tracks.first?.mediaType.rawValue) let preset = "AVAssetExportPresetMVHEVC960x960" let exportSession:AVAssetExportSession = AVAssetExportSession(asset: asset, presetName: preset)! exportSession.outputURL = outputUrl exportSession.shouldOptimizeForNetworkUse = true exportSession.outputFileType = AVFileType.mov exportSession.exportAsynchronously(completionHandler: { switch exportSession.status { case .unknown: print("Unknown Error") case .waiting: print( "waiting ... ") case .exporting: print( "exporting ...") case .completed: print( "completed.") case .failed: print("failed.\(String(describing: exportSession.error?.localizedDescription))") case .cancelled: } }) } is there any solution for it ?
Oct ’24
slow motion video playback "ramp-up" stage
In iOS, when I use AVPlayerViewController to play back a slow motion video, it has a "ramp-up" stage at the start and a "ramp-down" stage at the end, and the video plays at the normal speed (i.e. not slow motion) during these stages. My question is: are these non-slow-motion stages defined in the video file itself? (e.g. some kind of meta data?) Or, is it just a playback approach used by AVPlayerViewController ? Thanks!
Oct ’24
VideoPlayer crashes in Xcode Preview for macOS app
I think I have the simplest possible Mac app trying to see if I can have VideoPlayer work in an Xcode Preview. It works in an iOS app project. In a Mac app project it builds and runs. But if I preview in Xcode it crashes. The diagnostic says: | [Remote] Unknown Error: The operation couldn’t be completed. XPC error received on message reply handler | | BSServiceConnectionErrorDomain (3): | ==NSLocalizedFailureReason: XPC error received on message reply handler | ==BSErrorCodeDescription: OperationFailed The code I'm using is the exact code from the VideoPlayer documentation page. See this link. Any ideas about this XPC error, and how to work around? I'm using Xcode 16.0 on macOS 14.6.1
Oct ’24
FxPlug, Titles in FCPX where to start?
Hi, trying to wrap my head around Xcode's FXPlug. I already sell Final Cut Pro titles for a company. These titles were built in motion. However, they want me to move them to an app and I'm looking for any help on how to accomplish this *What the app should do is: Allow users with an active subscription to our website the ability to access titles within FCPX and if they are not an active subscriber, for access to be denied.
Oct ’22
FCPXML Creation issue...
I have generated FCPXML, but i can't figure out issue: <?xml version="1.0"?> <fcpxml version="1.11"> <resources> <format id="r1" name="FFVideoFormat3840x2160p2997" frameDuration="1001/30000s" width="3840" height="2160" colorSpace="1-1-1 (Rec. 709)"/> <asset id="video0" name="11a(1-5).mp4" start="0s" hasVideo="1" videoSources="1" duration="6.81s"> <media-rep kind="original-media" src="file:///Volumes/Dropbox/RealMedia Dropbox/Real Media/Media/Test/Test AE videos, City, testOLOLO/video/11a(1-5).mp4"/> </asset> <asset id="video1" name="12(4)r8 mute.mp4" start="0s" hasVideo="1" videoSources="1" duration="9.94s"> <media-rep kind="original-media" src="file:///Volumes/Dropbox/RealMedia Dropbox/Real Media/Media/Test/Test AE videos, City, testOLOLO/video/12(4)r8 mute.mp4"/> </asset> <asset id="video2" name="13 mute.mp4" start="0s" hasVideo="1" videoSources="1" duration="6.51s"> <media-rep kind="original-media" src="file:///Volumes/Dropbox/RealMedia Dropbox/Real Media/Media/Test/Test AE videos, City, testOLOLO/video/13 mute.mp4"/> </asset> <asset id="video3" name="13x (8,14,24,29,38).mp4" start="0s" hasVideo="1" videoSources="1" duration="45.55s"> <media-rep kind="original-media" src="file:///Volumes/Dropbox/RealMedia Dropbox/Real Media/Media/Test/Test AE videos, City, testOLOLO/video/13x (8,14,24,29,38).mp4"/> </asset> </resources> <library> <event name="Untitled"> <project name="Untitled Project" uid="28B2D4F3-05C4-44E7-8D0B-70A326135EDD" modDate="2024-04-17 15:44:26 -0400"> <sequence format="r1" duration="4802798/30000s" tcStart="0s" tcFormat="NDF" audioLayout="stereo" audioRate="48k"> <spine> <asset-clip ref="video0" offset="0/10000s" name="11a(1-5).mp4" duration="0/10000s" format="r1" tcFormat="NDF"/> <asset-clip ref="video1" offset="12119/10000s" name="12(4)r8 mute.mp4" duration="0/10000s" format="r1" tcFormat="NDF"/> <asset-clip ref="video2" offset="22784/10000s" name="13 mute.mp4" duration="0/10000s" format="r1" tcFormat="NDF"/> <asset-clip ref="video3" offset="34544/10000s" name="13x (8,14,24,29,38).mp4" duration="0/10000s" format="r1" tcFormat="NDF"/> </spine> </sequence> </project> </event> </library> </fcpxml> Any ideas?
May ’24
1.在Fxplug4.3的 FxRemoteWindowAPI 的协议中,没有提供window.frame.origin的设置。 2.如果我自定义NSWindow时,在FxPlug中 [Window setLevel:NSFloatingWindowLevel];也没有执行。 3.请问我应该如何把窗口保留在Final cut pro的前面,并且不影响Final cut pro 的操作呢?
Aug ’24
NSPanel *panel = [[myPanel alloc] initWithContentRect:NSMakeRect(100, 100, 400, 300) styleMask:NSWindowStyleMaskTitled | NSWindowStyleMaskClosable backing:NSBackingStoreBuffered defer:NO]; [panel setLevel:NSFloatingWindowLevel];//无效???? [panel makeKeyAndOrderFront:self]; 问题:在FxPlug4.3中使用setLevel不能将panel放在Final cut pro和Mition的前面? 救命~~~全世界都没找到答案!
Aug ’24
FxPlug4.3 & Window
1.In the FxRemoteWindowAPI protocol, there is no way to set window.frame.origin. 2.When using NSWindow, you cannot set [Window setLevel:NSFloatingWindowLevel]. 3.How can I keep the window in front of Final Cut Pro without affecting the normal use of Final Cut Pro?
Aug ’24
fcpxml asset-clip "tcFormat" attribute question
I'm trying to create code to generate an fcpxml file so I can automate Final Cut Pro timeline (project) creation. Here's an xml element that FCP successfully imports (and successfully creates a project/timeline). <project name="2013-08-09 19_23_07 (id).mov"> <sequence format="r1"> <spine> <asset-clip ref="r2" offset="0s" name="2013-08-09 19_23_07 (id).mov" start="146173027/60000s" duration="871871/60000s" tcFormat="DF" audioRole="dialogue"></asset-clip> </spine> </sequence> </project> The xml element example above was generated by exporting a simple timeline with a single clip. The problem I'm having is the media asset has timecode that gives a start time in relation to the timecode. When I try to remove timecode attributes and change the start time to "0s" <asset-clip ref="r2" offset="0s" name="2013-08-09 19_23_07 (id).mov" start="0s" duration="871871/60000s" audioRole="dialogue"></asset-clip> FCP complains with the import error: 2013-08-09 19_23_07 (id).fcpxml Invalid edit with no respective media. (/fcpxml[1]/project[1]/sequence[1]/spine[1]/asset-clip[1]) I guess the question is, does AVAsset provide a way to get the timecode information and the timecode based start offset, or is there a way to tell FCP to use a default start time independent of timecode?
Sep ’24