Xcode Cloud

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Automate workflows to test, analyze, build, and distribute your app, and integrate them with other developer tools, such as TestFlight and App Store Connect.

Xcode Cloud Documentation






Get JSON file from Action in Xcode Cloud
Hi everybody! I have a Test Action step where I generate a .json file with the results, and I need to retrieve this file. The way I'm trying to do is: Generate the file in ci_post_xcodebuild.sh, check if file exist If file exists, copy into $CI_ARCHIVE_PATH But looks like this $CI_ARCHIVE_PATH is not the correct way to copy file inside Archive. Do we have a way to retrieve a file easily?
Oct ’23
How to End Xcode Cloud
I've been really happy with Xcode Cloud, but as a single developer with a very simple app, I cannot justify the upcoming paid service. I have two apps with minimal amount of work going on for the one that I used to test Xcode Cloud. Two questions: What do I need to do with my Xcode project to successfully disable Xcode cloud? What is the correct approach to disable the upcoming billing for Xcode cloud? Thanks for any pointers.
Oct ’23
Xcode Cloud comms errors - "A server with the specified hostname could not be found."
I have Xcode Cloud setup to run my unit tests a couple of times a day so I can be informed of any API issues. Quite often, my tests will fail with "A server with the specified hostname could not be found." even though the server is fine. I re-run the tests locally in Xcode and they all pass. I'm wondering if there's something Xcode Cloud might be doing to the request to make the connection fail? Is it possible to maybe setup a proxy for the tests from Xcode Cloud?
Oct ’23
Xcode cloud archive build Command exited with non-zero exit-code: 65
I have been trying for a couple of days now to get Xcode cloud running. But after some struggle with cocoapods the ci_post_clone.sh is working. But now it fails at the archive section with no real explenation what went worng. I have my profisioning profile connected to the right bundle-id. Run command: 'xcodebuild archive -workspace /Volumes/workspace/repository/wevize/ios/Runner.xcworkspace -scheme Runner -destination generic/platform=iOS -archivePath /Volumes/workspace/build.xcarchive -derivedDataPath /Volumes/workspace/DerivedData -resultBundleVersion 3 -resultBundlePath /Volumes/workspace/resultbundle.xcresult -resultStreamPath /Volumes/workspace/tmp/resultBundleStream34ff2ba9-cd2a-4e3b-befb-3243d688c7f5.json -IDEPostProgressNotifications=YES CODE_SIGN_IDENTITY=- AD_HOC_CODE_SIGNING_ALLOWED=YES CODE_SIGN_STYLE=Automatic DEVELOPMENT_TEAM=KTJT289M8K COMPILER_INDEX_STORE_ENABLE=NO -hideShellScriptEnvironment'
Oct ’23
Xcode Cloud subscription plan change on PC
Hi, My customer wants to be able to modify the Xcode Cloud subscription plan on a PC - he has no iOS device and no Mac available. How can my customer do that? So far I was only able to do that in Apple's Developer.app or on iOS Devices. Is there a webservice where I can change the subscription plan? Is there an official PC version for Apple's Developer.app? Are there any other alternatives? Thanks, Juergen
Nov ’23
Code signing fails today, worked yesterday
Yesterday builds worked fine, today they do not, even building the exact same source (same tag), with no changes to the Xcode Cloud workflow or anything else. Code Signing IDEDistributionIssueSeverity=3, NSLocalizedDescription=Automatic signing cannot update bundle identifier "x.y.z"., NSLocalizedRecoverySuggestion=Automatic signing cannot update your registered bundle identifier to enable . Update your bundle identifier on https://developer.apple.com/account and then try again. The logs show this: Run command: 'xcodebuild -exportArchive -archivePath /Volumes/workspace/tmp/5655f7e3-ccb2-4556-b4cb-70a3a0e6bae8.xcarchive -exportPath /Volumes/workspace/appstoreexport -exportOptionsPlist /Volumes/workspace/ci/app-store-exportoptions.plist '-DVTPortalRequest.Endpoint=' -DVTProvisioningIsManaged=YES -IDEDistributionLogDirectory=/Volumes/workspace/tmp/app-store-export-archive-logs -DVTSkipCertificateValidityCheck=YES -DVTServicesLogLevel=3' Command exited with non-zero exit-code: 70 Is anyone else having this problem? Suggestions for fixing it?
Nov ’23
Xcode Cloud builds get stuck at end of Archive step
All the steps within our Archive action complete as expected with green checkmarks (including all Prepare Build for App Store Connect steps), but the Archive action itself never completes. It keeps spinning and never passes it off to the post-action to release the build to TestFlight. The system status page says Xcode Cloud had issue for multiple days this week, but they resolved 14 hours ago. I've re-run our build several times today and keep running into this problem. Is this something server-side?
Nov ’23
Xcode Cloud release workflow tags with semantic versioning
Hello everyone, we are moving to Xcode Cloud and we are facing the following problem on the release workflows based on tag changes. We were previously tagging versions with semantic versioning, for example v1.0.0-beta.1 for beta builds and just v1.0.0 for release builds. These tags archive different targets, with Fastlane we got the tag from the environment and one or another was built based on it. The problem is that Xcode Cloud doesn’t seem to support regular expressions so we don’t know how to make an specific workflow for beta and another for release based on the tag. I just see the option “Tags beginning with…” which doesn’t fill our needs.
Nov ’23
Build visible to all internal test group users except owner himself
I posted earlier about my problems seing my own build in the Testflight app, despite it being in "Testing" status for the internal tester group. I added more users and they are all receiving invitations and testing the build normally. I am the only one who doesn't see the build in my Testflight app in my iPhone. I tried sending myself a new invitation, I removed and re-added myself, nothing works. With other apps, no problems at all. I see my own builds and am able to install and run them as a member of the internal test group. The same app built with XCode installs and works normally on my phone. What is the problem with Testflight distribution ?
Nov ’23
Skip the "Save artifacts" step in Test action
Hi, we're trying to reduce the Xcode Cloud usage in our project, and in the logs of the "Test" action I can see that there's a "Save artifacts" step that takes quite a while (more than 10 minutes), and it looks like a "fixed cost" that's impossible to reduce by improving the build and the tests themselves. In the "Artifacts" section of the Xcode Cloud build I can see that there a "Test Products" zip that's almost 5GB, which seems to be the cause of this slowness (I could verify that in other projects the same zip is smaller, and the "Save artifacts" step is much faster, as a result), but this seems a waste: we never need to download that "Test Products" zip, and its upload takes literally 10 fixed minutes from every single build with a "Test" action. Is it possible to either stop uploading the "Test Products" zip? Or maybe to skip the "Save artifacts" step entirely? Thanks
Dec ’23
Xcode Build Re-Attempts Test step
Xcode Cloud Builds seem flaky to me. Sometimes the test step fails (not necessarily the tests itself, but the step as a whole). Xcode Cloud seems to re-attempt this step. In my most extreme example, took 3 attempts to run them. For a build which usually takes 22m, it took 1h9m, but billed just 29m. Does anyone else experience this? PR-builds with a duration of >1h are not really acceptable. Here is the protocol. Testing usually takes <3 minutes.
Jan ’24
Speed up Xcode Cloud Build Times by using suggested Simulators
Just a quick tip from what I discovered in the build times of our app in Xcode Cloud. Beware of selecting another simulator device instead of one of the recommended iPhones. Prepare Simulator Custom device: ~3m Recommended device: ~3s I assume Xcode Cloud comes preconfigured with the recommended iPhone. Any other device will take ~3m to setup in the testing step. (At least this is my assumption, please correct me if you have different findings.) You don't have to use all recommended iPhone. It will work if you just select one of them.
Jan ’24
Get the git repository access token as workflows secret environment variable
Hi there, In my custom script in ci-scripts, I had to call my git repository rest api to fetch registries (but also had to create tags, releases and more...) I added an ad-hoc secret environment variable to my workflow with a fresh access token as explained in this WWDC Video. But I wonder : Is there a way to get the git repository Access Token we provide to Xcode Cloud when we associate it to our git repository following the Source code management setup page as an Environment Variable of the project Workflows ? If I get it right, before I had the had-oc access token, I was able to clone the other git repositories of my project... So IMHO, the access token provided during the setup should be available somewhere (at least for the git commands).
Jan ’24
ci_post_clone.sh failure
After months of the same script working properly, all of sudden, as of last night, our ci_post_clone.sh started failing with following error: The ci_post_clone.sh is not executable and was run using zsh (default shell on macOS). To make sure your script runs correctly, make the file executable using `chmod +x` and add an appropriate shebang line. Here's what I've done: Re-applied: git update-index --chmod=+x ./ci_scripts/ci_post_clone.sh; still failed to execute returning same error I was using older flutter version so changed the flutter branch to stable - still same error. App code builds fine in local Xcode! APPRECIATE ANY HELP! Here is the script. #!/bin/sh # ci_post_clone.sh # Runner # # set -e echo "Running post clone script" # The default execution directory of this script is the ci_scripts directory. cd $CI_WORKSPACE # change working directory to the root of your cloned repo. # Install Flutter using git. git clone https://github.com/flutter/flutter.git --depth 1 -b stable $HOME/flutter export PATH="$PATH:$HOME/flutter/bin" # Install Flutter artifacts for iOS (--ios), or macOS (--macos) platforms. echo "Doing precache" flutter precache --ios echo "Installing cocoa pods" # Install CocoaPods using Homebrew. HOMEBREW_NO_AUTO_UPDATE=1 # disable homebrew's automatic updates. brew install cocoapods echo "calling pub get" # Install Flutter dependencies. flutter pub get echo "executing pod install" # Install CocoaPods dependencies. cd ios && pod install # run `pod install` in the `ios` directory. exit 0
Jan ’24