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Clearing activation lock returns 404
For the past 2+ years I have been using the same process/code to enable and disabling/clearing activation lock from a device and since last week trying to clear the code is returning a 404 error response: <head> <title>404 Not Found</title> </head> <body> <center> <h1>404 Not Found</h1> </center> <hr> <center>Apple</center> </body> </html> I can confirm that the request looks ok and all the necessary params are being sent as expected.
Dec ’22
Home Automation on Sensor and Time
Hi, I wanted to start the central heating if the temperature is below a certain level, I am home and the time is in a range. I created an automation but it didn't fire. I think it's because the sensor condition is "Temperature Drops Below" not "Temperature Is Below". In other words because the temperature was already below the level at the time the time window opened, the automation didn't fire. Does that sound correct? If so is it possible to do what I want which is to turn on the heating in the morning if it is cold?
Aug ’24
IOS Beta 18.0 (22A5338b)
Updated my iPhone 14 Pro Max on 8/12/24 hoping to get rid off the problem connecting it to my vehicle's car play, it is a disaster on this matter. -Once it connects only makes a sound and does NOT even charged anymore. -Previously built connected via Bluetooth now this is null. -Battery drains faster. -Gets hotter. It is totally ridiculous we are guinea pigs on this. exposing our EXPENSIVE phones to their testing. This has nothing to do for developers other than utilizing us to ruin our phones on our expense. Luckily I have another brand phone and a second line NOT Apple and using it. Apple should be responsible if we are IN this testing be liable for any damage software might incurred do this. APPLE FIX THI NOW!!!!!
Aug ’24
Yesterday 08/07/2024 we started to have a lot of NO_CRASH_STACK on our app released trough testflight, the release was created and released on the 07/30/2024 and is widely used by the beta testers. But for some reason this crash started to happen yesterday and we are not sure what the root cause is, we haven't made available any new builds under the same version or something, the only thing we did was to release a new version so the users can update from but it doesn't seem that the crash is happening on this new version only on the one from the 30th. Any idea what could be happening??
Aug ’24
Command [something] failed with a nonzero exit code
In most cases Xcode does a good job of surfacing build problems. If, for example, your Swift code has an error, Xcode’s Issues navigator shows you exactly what went wrong. However, that’s not universally true. In some cases the Issues navigator will show you a message like Command [something] failed with a nonzero exit code, where [something] is a build step like CodeSign or CompileC. To investigate these problems, look at the build report. The easiest option is to click on the issue in the Issues navigator. In most cases that will: Switch to the Reports navigator (View > Navigators > Reports). Select the correct build report on the left. Select the correct build step in the report editor. Expand its transcript (Editor > Expand Selected Transcripts). Note If that doesn’t work automatically, perform each of these steps by hand. That transcript includes both the details of the build step and all the information about the failure. For example, when I set my Other Code Signing Flags build setting to --varnish-waffles, I got the transcript included at the end of this post. As you can see, the codesign command really isn’t up for the task of varnishing waffles (-: Additionally, at the top of the report editor there’s an Export button. Click this to save a text file with the transcript of every build step. In DTS we call that the full build log. The full build log has a couple of nice properties: When investigating a complex build problem, use the full build log to trace build activity across multiple build steps. If you’re asking for help with a build problem, give your audience all the details by attaching the full build log. Share and Enjoy — Quinn “The Eskimo!” @ Developer Technical Support @ Apple let myEmail = "eskimo" + "1" + "@" + "apple.com" …/IssueNavigatorTest (in target 'IssueNavigatorTest' from project 'IssueNavigatorTest') cd /Users/quinn/Desktop/IssueNavigatorTest Signing Identity: "Apple Development: Quinn Quinn (7XFU7D52S4)" /usr/bin/codesign --force --sign 8CEF1273B13E1C6E7F6E73EBBEF42278F0D88C97 --varnish-waffles -o runtime --entitlements …/IssueNavigatorTest.xcent --timestamp\=none --generate-entitlement-der …/IssueNavigatorTest codesign: unrecognized option `--varnish-waffles' Usage: codesign -s identity [-fv*] [-o flags] [-r reqs] [-i ident] path ... # sign codesign -v [-v*] [-R=<req string>|-R <req file path>] path|[+]pid ... # verify codesign -d [options] path ... # display contents codesign -h pid ... # display hosting paths codesign --validate-constraint path ... # check the supplied constraint plist Command CodeSign failed with a nonzero exit code
Aug ’24
xcrun: error: cannot be used within an App Sandbox.
Helpppp. I installed Krita from the Appstore, it works. Then install ai_diffusion and I got : xcrun: error: cannot be used within an App Sandbox. Can anybody help me? Thanks. AttributeError Python 3.10.7: /Applications/krita.app/Contents/MacOS/krita Sat Aug 3 18:15:59 2024 A problem occurred in a Python script. Here is the sequence of function calls leading up to the error, in the order they occurred. /Users/alejandropereira/Library/Containers/org.kde.krita/Data/Library/Application Support/krita/pykrita/ai_diffusion/ui/region.py in update_settings(self=&lt;ai_diffusion.ui.region.ActiveRegionWidget object&gt;, key='prompt_translation', value=None) 345 self._layout_language_button() 346 elif key == "prompt_translation": 347 self._update_language() 348 349 async def _replace_with_translation(self, client: Client): self = &lt;ai_diffusion.ui.region.ActiveRegionWidget object&gt; self._update_language = &gt; /Users/alejandropereira/Library/Containers/org.kde.krita/Data/Library/Application Support/krita/pykrita/ai_diffusion/ui/region.py in _update_language(self=&lt;ai_diffusion.ui.region.ActiveRegionWidget object&gt;) 381 enabled = self._root._model.translation_enabled 382 lang = settings.prompt_translation if enabled else "en" 383 self._language_button.setText(lang.upper()) 384 if enabled: 385 text = self._lang_help_enabled self = &lt;ai_diffusion.ui.region.ActiveRegionWidget object&gt; self._language_button = &lt;PyQt5.QtWidgets.QToolButton object&gt; self._language_button.setText = lang = None lang.upper undefined AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'upper' cause = None class = &lt;class 'AttributeError'&gt; context = None delattr = &lt;method-wrapper 'delattr' of AttributeError object&gt; dict = {} dir = doc = 'Attribute not found.' eq = &lt;method-wrapper 'eq' of AttributeError object&gt; format = ge = &lt;method-wrapper 'ge' of AttributeError object&gt; getattribute = &lt;method-wrapper 'getattribute' of AttributeError object&gt; gt = &lt;method-wrapper 'gt' of AttributeError object&gt; hash = &lt;method-wrapper 'hash' of AttributeError object&gt; init = &lt;method-wrapper 'init' of AttributeError object&gt; init_subclass = le = &lt;method-wrapper 'le' of AttributeError object&gt; lt = &lt;method-wrapper 'lt' of AttributeError object&gt; ne = &lt;method-wrapper 'ne' of AttributeError object&gt; new = reduce = reduce_ex = repr = &lt;method-wrapper 'repr' of AttributeError object&gt; setattr = &lt;method-wrapper 'setattr' of AttributeError object&gt; setstate = sizeof = str = &lt;method-wrapper 'str' of AttributeError object&gt; subclasshook = suppress_context = False traceback = args = ("'NoneType' object has no attribute 'upper'",) name = 'upper' obj = None with_traceback = The above is a description of an error in a Python program. Here is the original traceback: Traceback (most recent call last): File "/Users/alejandropereira/Library/Containers/org.kde.krita/Data/Library/Application Support/krita/pykrita/ai_diffusion/ui/region.py", line 347, in update_settings self._update_language() File "/Users/alejandropereira/Library/Containers/org.kde.krita/Data/Library/Application Support/krita/pykrita/ai_diffusion/ui/region.py", line 383, in _update_language self._language_button.setText(lang.upper()) AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'upper'
Aug ’24
Import swift package dependency to project with ci/cd
Hi, I have a question about packages in swift. I need to import package from this link https://github.com/jedisct1/swift-sodium. Readme show the way to import it with xcode. But I need to do it with gitlab-ci so I can't open xcode there and add dependency manually. And this is my question. Is there any possibility to add package dependency to target with xcodebuild or swift-cli? I've tried to do this with cocoapods but unfortunately it not working in my case. It is importing Sodium library but not Clibsodium package. I'll be very glad if someone could help me wth this case.
Aug ’24
MinimumOSVersion error on `eas submit` (react native app using expo)
I am trying to run eas submit but I am getting this error: Asset validation failed Invalid MinimumOSVersion. Apps that only support 64-bit devices must specify a deployment target of 8.0 or later. I was able to run eas submit successfully just 9 days ago. There have been no changes to my configuration. I'm using Expo, and have SDK 51. This is a React Native app (version 0.74.3). If anyone else has seen this error and has resolved it without using XCode, please let me know.
Aug ’24
CLI Workflow: IPA Installation
I have a Mac Catalyst app bundle built from Rust. I am able to execute this bundle from my M2 Mac-Mini. I am wondering how might I go about creating a proper IPA archive in order to install to my iOS/iPadOS devices. I am using the following code to generate and sign the app bundle: cd "${APPDIR}/" /usr/bin/codesign -s "Apple Development: <ID>" -fv ./counter.app cd ./counter.app zip -r ../counter.ipa * I then use cfgutil to try to install to my iPhone that is plugged into my Mac-Mini: cfgutil -v install-app ./counter.ipa I receive the following error when trying to install: Waiting for the device [1/4] [*******************************************] 100% cfgutil: error: Information about an app could not be read. (Domain: ConfigurationUtilityKit.error Code: 404) "install-app" failed on <>'s iPhone (ECID: <>). --- Summary --- Operation "install-app" failed on 1 devices. The contents of the app bundle before signing: counter.app/ - Geneva.ttf - counter - Info.plist Contents of Info.plist: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <!DOCTYPE plist PUBLIC "-//Apple Computer//DTD PLIST 1.0//EN" "http://www.apple.com/DTDs/PropertyList-1.0.dtd"> <plist version="1.0"> <dict> <key>CFBundleIdentifier</key> <string>com.example.counter</string> <key>CFBundleDisplayName</key> <string>counter</string> <key>CFBundleName</key> <string>counter</string> <key>CFBundleExecutable</key> <string>counter</string> <key>CFBundleVersion</key> <string>0.1.0</string> <key>CFBundleShortVersionString</key> <string>0.1.0</string> <key>CFBundleDevelopmentRegion</key> <string>en_US</string> <key>UILaunchStoryboardName</key> <string></string> <key>LSRequiresIPhoneOS</key> <true/> </dict> </plist> Is there anything I'm doing wrong in signing and/or creating the IPA archive? Or perhaps I am missing something in the bundle itself?
Aug ’24
Source code to NSStringFromSelector() available anywhere?
Does anyone know if any Apple Open Source repository would contain the source code to NSStringFromSelector? TSAN has pointed out an issue in my code that stems from assuming that the value returned by NSStringFromSelector is immutable, and that the function itself is re-entrant. I’d like to check both those assumptions against the actual sources... assuming they haven't changed in macOS Sequoia to begin with.
Aug ’24
Bluetooth nonfunctional after simulator crash.
I had a simulator crash developing bluetooth IOS app on a Sonoma 14.5 M2 MacBook Air. Since the crash bluetooth on the MacBook Air no longer functions. Systems Settings/Bluetooth Turned on shows: 'My Devices' shows none of the 5+ devices I use 'Nearby Devices' shows constantly searching. A Bluetooth scanner 'LightBlu" by puchthrough run on a iPhone shows no signal from the Mac Air. I tried deleting: /Users/~/Library/Preferences/com.apple.bluetoothuserd.plist and then LightBlue could connect for a little while but the System/Settings never change. What can I do. Should I reinstall the simulator, xCode the system or all the above?
Jul ’24