Unable to get Metric Kit logs on iOS devices for past 24 hours on Test Flight Build


I am unable to get the MetricKit logs for past 24 hours time period on my test flight build. I have been able to achieve immediate logs for crash, cpu exception and diskwrite exceptions. But the logs which contains all the crashes, cpu exceptions and diskwrite exceptions, battery and network details, etc for the previous day/24h are never generated. I have used the following method to log the payloads in the file systems. I have tested the same on normal xcode builds as well as TestFlight build.

func didReceive(_ payloads: [MXDiagnosticPayload]) https://developer.apple.com/documentation/metrickit/mxmetricmanagersubscriber/didreceive(_:)-9yd4u

Hi there! It's not quite clear what might be happening from these details alone. Would you be able to submit a feedback report which includes system diagnostics from an affected device? It would also be helpful to note around when you expected the payloads. This would help us investigate further. Thank you!

I have noticed a significant drop out in metric payloads on my local test devices since iOS 18. I am not reliably getting payloads either. I plan to visualize my payload reports over the last 6 months to show the count for my devices bottoming out around mid September.

FB15461298 - MetricKit: Production issue / regression with iOS 18 - Significant dropout or metric payloads being generated since 18.0 - nearly no reports

I will share my visuals here too as a reference once I have them.

Unable to get Metric Kit logs on iOS devices for past 24 hours on Test Flight Build