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Changing Font Size In Drop-Down Picker
I am unable to change the font size with this snippet. The font is correct and used elsewhere in the swiftui file. The build works successfully, but no matter what font size I choose it appears to stick with a default system size. private func holeRow(hole: Int) -> some View { HStack(spacing: 0) { Text("(hole + 1)") .font(.custom("Metropolis-SemiBold", size: 12)) .frame(width: 60, height: 25) .background(Color("PGA_Dark_Cerulean")) .foregroundColor(.white) .border(Color.gray, width: 0.25) Picker("", selection: $parValues[hole]) { ForEach(3..<6) { value in Text("(value)") .font(.custom("Metropolis-SemiBold", size: 12)) .foregroundColor(Color("PGA_Dark_Cerulean")) .tag(value) } } .pickerStyle(MenuPickerStyle()) .frame(width: 50, height: 25) .background(Color.white) .border(Color("PGA_Dark_Cerulean"), width: 0.25) ForEach(golfers.indices, id: \.self) { golferIndex in Picker("", selection: $scores[golferIndex][hole]) { ForEach(1..<11) { value in Text("\(value)") .font(.custom("Metropolis-SemiBold", size: 12)) .foregroundColor(Color("PGA_Dark_Cerulean")) .tag(value) }
Jul ’24
Efficiently accounting for different iOS versions
I one project, using .onChange(), I get an error: 'onChange(of:initial:_:)' is only available in iOS 17.0 or newer The solution provided is to wrap the code in if #available(iOS 17.0, *) { }, but I'm only able to wrap the whole view inside of it, like so: if #available(iOS 17.0, *) { VStack () { // view with .onChange } } else { VStack () { // view with older solution } } The view is quite lengthy so it would be very redundant to have the same view twice, (the same view for each component of the if/else statement). Is there a way to implement an if statement so that I would only need the code for the view once (something like the code below)? VStack { } if #available(iOS 17.0, *) { .onChange() { } } else { // older solution } Additionally, in a newer project, I don't have to include the if #available(iOS 17.0, *) { }, so I'm guessing the build is made for a newer iOS. If that's the case, would it not be compatible with older iOS versions? Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Jul ’24
Center Aligning SF Symbols in Sidebar Menu
Hi, When watching SF Symbols WWDC videos about SF Symbols the recommendations is always to center align them, but suppose we are making sidebar menu items where we have VStack of HStacks , and each Stack have an SF Symbol and a text in this case how can SF Symbols be center aligned ? they will mostly right aligned so will this damage the design ? specially if they have like badges ? -- Kind Regards
Jul ’24
CarPlay navigation app - route planning only on iOS device
We are currently looking into enabling CarPlay for a navigation app. The navigation app allows complex trip planning (not focussed on A-B planning like Apple Maps). As we found the guidelines somewhat loose in this area, we are wondering, if it is allowed to have a navigation app that only offers the navigation feature, so no planning? Any route planning actions needs to be done on the iOS device. So, if you haven't planned/loaded a route, you would only see your location on a map and can drive freely, but without guidance. The Car App programming guideline mentions the select destination as explicit flow of a navigation app. Which makes us think that it might be required to support that flow.
Jul ’24
I am getting one crash with "NSConstraintBasedLayoutDeferOptimization" error. I my app, having one textview with tap gesture which opens pickerview as a inputview added in textview. Whenever, I tap on textview app gets crashed. Not able to find exact reason for this crash.
Jul ’24
AppIntent Title Localization
Does anyone know how to localize the title of the shortcut? I tried to create a localizable file and then do a french translation. However, when I reference it as my shortcut title and change my simulator's language to the translated language (in this case french) it still displays the title in the english translation. for example: my Localizable.strings file says in english: "shortcutTitle" = "Hello!"; in french: "shortcutTitle" = "Bonjour!"; and then my AppIntent says: static var title: LocalizedStringResource{return LocalizedStringResource("shortcutTitle")}
Jul ’24
Undefined symbol and linker command failed errors
Hi, I was searching and replacing code where all of the sudden I got the following errors: Undefined symbol: AppName.Client.init(id: Swift.Int, name: Swift.String, StructVariable: Swift.Int?, structVariable: [Struct]?) -> AppNameStruct Linker command failed with exit code 1 (use -v to see invocation) I replaced the names in the first error message for privacy reasons. I tried quitting Xcode and restarting my computer but the error persisted. Any help on resolving this would be greatly appreciated.
Jul ’24
chartOverlay property
I'm trying to implement interactive graphs, but find that the .chartOverlay property includes the axes and legend. How do I find only the rectangle that contains the data?
Aug ’24
Guidance on use of Merchant API within iOS App
Hello , I am developing mobile apps in B2C model for Service industry and would like to know if the Merchant API (see below) can be used within the iOS app to onboard a Merchant . Typical case for the API here would be for E Commerce platform providers to onboard the customers in the web . However here, Instead of Web, this API would be integrated within the iOS APP. Service providers would download my App and within the App , service providers would provide the information to register for Apple Pay so that they can receive the payment directly from customer instead of using a payment platform like Stripe. Please advise if this is technically feasible . https://developer.apple.com/documentation/applepaywebmerchantregistrationapi Thanks, Jmkochi
Aug ’24
Making NavigationStack with a background image look seamless
Hi everyone, I have a file with a navigation stack and i want the background of it to be a blurred image however there's like a line dividing the body of the navigation stack and the navigation bar where the image isn't being blurred, is there any way to get rid of this and make it so the blurred image background connects the two? i've already tried changing the appearance of the navigation bar when it's initialized. I also have my code below for reference: var body: some View { NavigationStack { ZStack { Image("HomeBKG") // this is the background image .resizable() .scaledToFill() .ignoresSafeArea() VisualEffectBlur(effect: UIBlurEffect(style: .systemMaterial)) // this is what i used to blur the image .ignoresSafeArea() ScrollView { ColorManager.bkgColor .ignoresSafeArea() VStack { Text("Recommended") .foregroundStyle(.primary) .font(.headline) .padding() RoundedRectangle(cornerRadius: 15) .frame(width: 300, height:200) .foregroundStyle(Color(UIColor.systemBackground)) .shadow(color: .primary.opacity(1), radius: 10) Spacer() Text("News") .foregroundStyle(.primary) .font(.headline) .padding() RoundedRectangle(cornerRadius: 15) .frame(width: 300, height:200) .foregroundStyle(Color(UIColor.systemBackground)) .shadow(color: .primary.opacity(1), radius: 10) Text("Exchange Rates") .foregroundStyle(.primary) .font(.headline) .padding() RoundedRectangle(cornerRadius: 15) .frame(width: 300, height:200) .foregroundStyle(Color(UIColor.systemBackground)) .shadow(color: .primary.opacity(1), radius: 10) } } // end zstack } .navigationTitle("Hub") .toolbar { ToolbarItem(placement: .navigationBarTrailing) { NavigationLink(destination: UVSettings()) { Image(systemName: "gearshape.fill") } } } } // end navigation stack } }` ```
Aug ’24
Can we get a customizable iMessage color change???? That would be great. Would love to change my blue bubble to either yellow or pink!!!!!
Aug ’24
SF Mono, open source?
I know that the general San Francisco (SF) fonts (Text, Display, Pro, etc.) are exclusive to Apple, its products, and its affiliates. But when it comes to SF Mono, I am unsure of its official status. Is it open source? I know many companies often release their monospace font under the OFL license (i.e., Twilio Sans Mono, Intel One Mono, Ubuntu Mono (et al), Roboto Mono (et al), and more). As I've previously said, I also know that Apple is very protective it its brand. The thing that really confuses me is that the page for Microsoft's Open Source projects (opensource.microsoft.com) actually uses SF Mono! Are Apple and MS collaborating on this? There is no repository on GitHub or the Apple Developer website, but why is a competitor to Apple using their font? (I am using Windows, so the SF fonts aren't installed on my device, they use the font from their own CDN on their website)
Aug ’24
iPhone Doesn't Ring
I have an iPhone 14 with the iOS version 18 Beta Version. My phone does not ring. Callers are immediately prompted to leave a voicemail. Even my wife, who is designated a favorite has this happen. I’ve gone to Settings and checked Sounds & Haptics. It appears to be set correctly. Please help. Should I go to the local Apple Store for hands on help? Thank you. Bo Kirk
Aug ’24