ITC Sales and Trends report download with multiple vendorIDs Reporter service fail

We have an app associated with an account on itunesconnect that has three country specific vendor ids.

I am able to see the vendor IDs when I run this script:

java -jar Reporter.jar m=Robot.XML Sales.getVendors

I am also able to get Finance reports for these vendor Ids

java -jar Reporter.jar a=*** Finance.getReport XX, ZZ, Financial, 2024, 7

downloads a report!

But every time I attempt to download a Sales report using one of these vendor Ids I get the same generic and totally wrong error that I have an invalid vendorId. This is not a permissions issue btw. Both myself and two other developers who have even more access than me cannot download Sales reports with the below script and all three of us can download sales reports through the UI.

java -jar Reporter.jar a=*** Sales.getReport ***, SubscriptionEvent, Summary, Daily,  20240601, 1_3
Invalid vendor number specified. Try again.

When someone else in my organization reached out to apple support about this issue they told us to concatenate the catalog, content and variant ids to create a vendor id...I am a bit besides myself here.

We are just trying to automate the download of daily vendor Id (or ideally account id level that combines all vendor ids) subscription reports - specifying a catalog or piece of content makes zero sense. We were specific that we were trying to use Reporter to get Sales reports so I do not really understand the confusion there.

Also to add more frustration I am unable to even locate these ids even with my developer access anyway. I think because I am just working on reporting and I am not involved at all in content delivery these ids are not accessible. It is very frustrating that this has been so difficult to navigate and there is zero documentation of how to navigate this error, where to find these ids and which roles has access to them, not to mention that there are no directions on how to correctly setup reporter to be able to download Sales reports for multiple vendor ids on a single account - if we are to concatenate the vendors ids with other ids, whatever they are, I think that should definitely be documented somewhere. I think this is a bug but correct me if I am wrong and this is just very bad documentation practices.

Please someone out there advise.

MacBook Air black screen

ITC Sales and Trends report download with multiple vendorIDs Reporter service fail