I have an NSTextLayoutManager
set up with NSTextContentStorage
and NSTextContainer
. To work out the height of the content, I call the method updateContentSizeIfNeeded()
which contains the code
textLayoutManager.enumerateTextLayoutFragments(from: textLayoutManager.documentRange.endLocation, options: [.reverse, .ensuresLayout]) { layoutFragment in
height = layoutFragment.layoutFragmentFrame.maxY
return false
The first time this is called, it returns the correct height.
Then I add a new character to the start of the NSTextContentStorage
like so
textContentStorage.performEditingTransaction {
storage.replaceCharacters(in: NSRange(location:0, length: 1), with: "a")
textLayoutManager.ensureLayout(for: textLayoutManager.documentRange)
This time, the height returned is ~600px too big. The state
of the NSTextLayoutFragment
is set to layoutAvailable
The next time I add a character to textContentStorage
using the same code above, the height returned is correct again.
I can work around this by calling enumerateTextLayoutFragments
from the start of the document and not in reverse, then ignoring all fragments except the last one, but I don't know if that's the correct way to do it, or if I should be doing something else