Universal link for another app from another developer


Can a single domain serve a /.well-known/apple-app-site-association file for multiple apps from different developers?

We currently have our own domain, let's say example.com, which serves https://example.com/.well-known/apple-app-site-association which lists our app, let's say "ABCDEFG.com.example.AppA" for path "/app/a".

We're talking with another developer who has another app on the store. Can we add their app, "MNOPQR.com.different.AppB" on our site, https://example.com/.well-known/apple-app-site-association, add their app ID for path "/app/b", ask them to add our example.com domain in their associated-domains entitlement, and would it work? I mean would https://example.com/app/a open our app "ABCDEFG.com.example.AppA" and https://example.com/app/b open their app "MNOPQR.com.different.AppB" ?

We want to open https://example.com/redirect/app redirect to either /app/a or /app/b depending on the query parameters and launch our or their app.

Thanks in advance!

Hi @mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm ,

I believe this would work. What's important here is that both of you have applinks containing this domain in your associated domains, and that the domain contains both app IDs. I see you mentioned both of these above, so in theory this should work. I can't say I've seen it in practice, but let me know what happens :)

Universal link for another app from another developer