Can't add new version of app - An error occurred

Can't add new version of app - An error occurred.

I can't get off work. please!

I'm also experiencing the same issue! Probably something wrong on Apple's backend. Hopefully they will fix it soon.

Same problem here. :(

You do not give enough information to understand what could occur.

What is the present version number (please give the precise version number). Are you sure the version number is higher (lexicographic order) than the existing one ?

So the best it to do what they advise: retry later…

I've been having the same issue for the past half hour, I think it's an error on Apple part.


The same issue from few hours. Response from API below:

Hello, thank you for these reports. We believe we have resolved this issue. If you continue to experience issues adding new versions, please contact us.

I have the same problem today, any help??

Can't add new version of app - An error occurred