Problem removing NSUserTrackingUsageDescription from App Store Connect


we have an app which used DeviceID to track users. We had implemented ATT and setup our privacy declaration in ASC accordingly.

Now in our new version we decided to not track users anymore. We removed NSUserTrackingUsageDescription, removed ATT permission code and submitted the new version.

Now, reviewer has complained that our privacy declaration in ASC still says we are tracking users and refused app acceptance. They told us to update the privacy declaration in ASC. We tried to do so, but ASC does not allow us to remove device ID tracking. It is showing a warning that our app still uses NSUserTrackingUsageDescription and in fact that is true for the production version.

We are now in a chicken egg problem. We can't change our privacy declaration in ASC because the production version still uses the feature AND we do not get the new version accepted as long as our privacy declaration is not changed.

How can we fix that ? Pls advise !

Problem removing NSUserTrackingUsageDescription from App Store Connect