App Tracking Transparency, app rejection

Hello, I'm using the Flutter app_tracking_transparency plugin. Encounter a problem when the reviewer doesn't see the App Tracking Transparency request. All test devices work as expected (running on iOS 17.2).
I've made some code changes according to this closed thread - But still rejection.

Next, I've added analytics, and see when the reviewer opens the app, the status of ATT is almost instantly set to «decline». This usually happens when a user disables tracking permission in device settings. Is there any chance that the reviewer disabled it?

hello I have had problems checking the status of some permissions in Flutter until I found this thread. update the pod and you'll say

merry christmas

while (WidgetsBinding.instance.lifecycleState != AppLifecycleState.resumed) {
      await Future.delayed(Duration(milliseconds: 400));

To check if the TestFlight window has disappeared before triggering the ATT prompt. After this, the app update has been approved.

App Tracking Transparency, app rejection