Bash script to notarize Mac apps and create ZIP archive for distribution

Greetings, everyone!

In case it proves helpful, I've crafted a Bash script to streamline the notarization process.

Here's a breakdown of its features:

  • Prompts you to select the app for notarization
  • Offers optional codesigning before notarization
  • Generates a ZIP file for notarization
  • Requests your credentials (Apple ID, Team ID, and app-specific password)
  • Submits the ZIP file for notarization
  • Cleans up by deleting the ZIP file used for notarization
  • Staples the app after notarization
  • Creates a new ZIP file for distribution

You can check it out on GitHub: Notarization Assistant

Thanks for sharing!

Bash script to notarize Mac apps and create ZIP archive for distribution