System pushing CPNowPlayingTemplate to Driving Task CarPlay app (crash)

Since iOS 17 is out I am getting crashes in my Driving Task CarPlay app. It is as if the System tried to push a CPNowPlayingTemplate to my app, and that template, according to the documentation, is not allowed for a Driving Task CarPlay app. I get the following error:

Fatal Exception: NSInvalidArgumentException Unsupported object <CPNowPlayingTemplate: 0x283944c60> <identifier: 3195B357-D184-41BF-91CA-399C5810A8EA, userInfo: (null), tabTitle: (null), tabImage: (null), showsTabBadge: 0> passed to pushTemplate:animated:completion:. Allowed classes: {( CPInformationTemplate, CPListTemplate, CPAlertTemplate, CPActionSheetTemplate, CPTabBarTemplate, CPGridTemplate, CPPointOfInterestTemplate )}

My app, from time to time, plays some sounds to warn the driver about issues in the road. Maybe that can trigger (in which cases?) the now playing template to be pushed to my app.

Is this an iOS 17 bug? Is there a way to work around it?

Thank you.

Thanks for the report! We are tracking this issue, and a fix will be forthcoming in an upcoming release.

System pushing CPNowPlayingTemplate to Driving Task CarPlay app (crash)