Suddenly, my dev account "Apple ID is not active"

Hey everybody,

Just over a week ago, we (my business) launched an app in the app store successfully and have begun growing our user-base. The app is approved, compliant, etc. and is the only app we have.

That app is operated under a developer account, for which I have a standalone apple ID as the manager.

Yesterday, when preparing a new release for launch, I suddenly could not access AppStoreConnect. The account is listed, without explanation, as 'not active' and it is impossible to access Developer Support without logging in (which is impossible with a 'not active' account!)

We're frozen out.

I received no emails from Apple about this, no information on the reasoning. I did, though, submit a new app variant just an hour before this all occurred, and did receive a success notification for that. The account was renewed in August and I have all of those emails as well. Everything was fine until, suddenly, it's not.

I can only reach general public support which is not trained or enabled to support Developers. They submitted their best attempt at a ticket for this, but I received a simple email today that said -- and this is the full body of the email -- "We’ve determined that your request does not meet the conditions to reactivate your Apple ID"

This app is where we run our business, and now I cannot edit, access, or interact with it at all due to this lockout. Time is money and we're at a loss here.

What I need We need to understand how to get recourse in this situation. From my experience so far, there is nothing we can do. No reply email, not access to raise a developer support ticket, nothing.

If this was due to fraudulent login behavior, or other cautionary measures due to concerning things that Apple's system caught, I deserve to know this. This could be impacting my business (if indeed there is some attempt to access the account -- which I doubt) and is troubling to say the least.

If there is somebody from Apple Support who can interact with me, I'm happy to share the id for the developer account.

Thank you!

I really feel your pain! I'm facing almost the same scenario since last Friday 17th.

The technical team seems to be on vacation for thanksgiving (1 week), return to work on Mon, 27 Nov.

I'm stuck with some builds that I can not upload to App Store Connect, all described here

I've tried to solve on my side without luck, everything is set properly.

Now I'm done and I'll wait for proper support. Very rough for a self-employed individual.

So sorry you're dealing with a similar situation!

I checked your post -- so are you able to access AppStoreConnect with your developer Apple ID? For me, it seems to be completely deactivated so I can't even do that. It puts me in the strange situation of not even being able to properly request support, since you must be logged in to do-so.

I'm primarily just surprised that no notice or path to resolution was at all provided by Apple. Just async disabling a business-tied account with zero notice, clarification, or option to dispute is pretty crazy. I'm sure this was a mistake.

Hoping to hear back after the Holiday I guess: we're stalled out and making no progress until then it seems. Big let-down.

Anyway, FAC, thanks for replying and hope yours works out as well. Tough indeed.

Такая же проблема возникла сегодня. Это очень критический баг у Apple! Регулярно использую приложение Connect, соответственно, активность учетной записи есть. Отключать менеджерский id - это жуть просто! За такое в суд буржуи подают, а у нас такой практики...

I'm also facing the exact same issue as you. I tried to call Apple support and they can't answer me the solution to this problem, only saying sorry that they can't help. Now I'm stuck with no other way to progress. The Apple ID is very important to us as it's where we publish the company app. The app has already been around for a few years and this happened out of nowhere. This greatly affects the company and our jobs.

Is there any communication channel to ask about this, so that we're not in the dark? I'll really need your help here Apple.

For me it is even more unexpectable. Last year I register the dev account for my company , even not began the app development... Yesterday we just successfully hired an apple developer to join our team , I tried to login the dev account and found it not active ...

Suddenly, my dev account "Apple ID is not active"