In App Purchases Not Completing

Looks like I'm getting the error "There's no information available for in app purchases. Try again later. 21102" The purchase starts, gets to in progress but never completes so I cannot grant the user any item in app.

App info:

I made a small test application with a simple purchase button and restore purchase button, the middle button as shown in the video that's clicked is the purchase button to kick off the transaction.

If the service isn't working through the manage>test purchase in appstore>sandbox(not in-app), it is likely not a code issue from my end, it is either internally from your Apple side or a config issue on the apple account application end on my side. Ive tried deleting sandbox testers, new builds, as well as doing it on test flight. Just feel like if its not workig through manage>test purchase in appstore>sandbox then its def not a my problem


<SKPaymentQueue: 0x281f4eb40>: Payment completed with error: Error Domain=ASDServerErrorDomain Code=3539 "There’s no information available for In‑App Purchases. Try again later." UserInfo={NSLocalizedFailureReason=There’s no information available for In‑App Purchases. Try again later., AMSServerErrorCode=3539, client-environment-type=Sandbox, storefront-country-code=USA}

Any help would be great, this has been happening for a week now , and apple has been 0 help. Thank you so much for anything here.

same problem,:(

same problem,:(

same problem,:(

Same problem

same problem,:(

Same problem! 🤬It's been two days and I cannot fix it yet.

We should all report this issue at to catch their attention to the problem.

一样的问题,已经两天了,,我也觉得不是我的问题。 测试商品可以调起IAP,并且沙盒账号支付成功了,给我回复21102 。 Payment completed with error: Error Domain=ASDServerErrorDomain Code=3539 "没有提供 App 内购买的相关信息。请稍后重试。" UserInfo={storefront-country-code=CHN, client-environment-type=Sandbox, AMSServerErrorCode=3539, NSLocalizedFailureReason=没有提供 App 内购买的相关信息。请稍后重试。}

same problem...

same problem,:(

Error Domain=ASDServerErrorDomain Code=3539 "没有提供 App 内购买的相关信息。请稍后重试。" UserInfo={NSLocalizedDescription=没有提供 App 内购买的相关信息。请稍后重试。}

PurchaseStatus.error, productId: ***.vip, purchaseID: null, error: IAPError(code: purchase_error, source: app_store, message: SKErrorDomain, details: {NSLocalizedDescription: An unknown error occurred, NSUnderlyingError: {domain: ASDServerErrorDomain, userInfo: {NSLocalizedDescription: 没有提供 App 内购买的相关信息。请稍后重试。}, code: 3539}})

same problem

its a bit wild we all have this problem w 0 explanation from apple.

Even companies such as RevenueCat are reporting the issue:

Current workarounds include testing using StoreKitTest framework:

Going to try this out now, will let you all know how this works.

same here, does anyone know how to solve?

still no luck here.

I think they have fixed it. Just tested and worked.

This has been resolved. Please file a feedback assistant ticket if it's reproducible. Thank you for reporting.

In App Purchases Not Completing