App Tracking Transparency permission request issue in IOS 17

I am correctly implementing the App tracking Transparency issue but am still getting app rejection from AppleConnect see the message below When I tested in IOS 16.6.1 it worked perfectly on a physical device.

Guideline 2.1 - Information Needed

On iPad, iOS 17.0. we are unable to locate the App Tracking Transparency permission request when reviewed

My App is build with flutter and I am using Latest Flutter version . Can anybody help me in this regard.

I am having the same issue. I am using Cordova. I tested on an iPhone with iOS 17 and it works. Not sure why it wouldn't on iPad. There is no specific code that could be implemented for an iPad, so my suspicion is that there is something wrong with an iPad that someone in review team is using.

I'm having the same issue... Using React Native + Expo TrackingTransparency

Anyone solve this issue?

I also was encountering an issue with ATT on IOS 17. The tracking transparency worked perfectly fine on older versions, and was even working on my local installs of physical devices with IOS 17. However, when submitting it for review we were being rejected for not finding that prompt.

In our case, we were prompting for ATT from initial app loading, one of the first things that the app tried to do after starting. When working locally or even testing through Internal Groups within Testflight, everything was working fine. The real issue appeared when we released to External Tester Group that Testflight presents the two "From the Developer" and "Share Feedback" splash screen information views. Something changed in IOS 17 that allows the app to fully start in the background while those informational pages were shown. Our prompt was being attempted, but did not show on screen and would not display after the Testflight info screens were clicked through. However, when you re-opened the app, it would recognize that we didn't have an answer for the prompt and re-ask on second opening of the app

We changed the action that triggered the ATT prompt to be after a point where the tester is past those initial Testflight screens and were able to move on.

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TLDR We prompted for ATT first thing upon app init and it worked in previous IOS versions. IOS 17 + Testflight doesn't wait for the tester to finish information screens before that prompt was fired. We moved the prompt to not be right away at app init and were able to make it through review.

I'm having the same issue. I can see the ATT prompt when I test on my devices, and all emulators, but Apple keep saying it doesn't show up for them. Very annoying as I cannot replicate it. It seems that Apple are using IOS 17 on their test device, so it sounds like this might be the problem.

TRR1 your fix sounds ideal - but how did you determine that the app is past the Testflight screens so you know the right time to show the ATT prompt?

App Tracking Transparency permission request issue in IOS 17