Third party screen reader for iOS

Good morning, my company needs to develop a screen reader (like VoiceOver more-or-less) with added custom features for blind people. I wanted to know if there's any possibility to implement a third-party screen reader on iOS, or if someone could suggest any workaround for it.

Thank you

In some more detail:

  • We know that using accessibility services features described at

  • One can develop an application more accessible to users who are blind or have low vision.
  • We have experience in developing iOS apps using UIKIt and SwiftUI
  • We are developing screen reader applications since 2014, and we have experience in developing screen reader-like applications for Android, similar to Talkback.
  • We want to experiment with doing the same for iOS eventually replicating some of the VoiceOver features

Therefore the more detailed question for us is:

Is there any API for programmatically accessing accessibility features exposed by a running third party iOS application compliant with UIAccessibility specifications? For instance, Whatsapp is the foreground running application, I want to access its UI Element features (namely the UI accessibility features). Is it possible? If yes, which API or SDK can I use?

Third party screen reader for iOS