FileProvider Extension not working when code signed

My project has a base app which is manually signed, inside I have a FileProvider parent app and extension.

When things works elegantly in Xcode debug build when I run FP App. But, when I package it, the FileProvider can't mount, fails with a generic error on parent app

(Error Domain=NSFileProviderErrorDomain Code=-2001 "The application cannot be used right now." UserInfo={NSLocalizedDescription=The application cannot be used right now.}

Another generic error in FileProvider demon

fileproviderd(488) deny(1) file-read-data /Applications/

How to solve this?

I am also running into similar issue, @Kathiresan-A did you managed to find a solution to this ?

I also had this problem for a long time. Please do a deep dive on proper signing and notarization. Personally for me what fixed it was that I was providing the wrong provisioning profile so the notarization was failing. Turns out I needed a Distribution provisioning profile as opposed to a Developer provisioning profile. Also beware that if you sign an extension, package it within an app, then sign the app, then the extension signature will be overridden and possibly invalidated.

FileProvider Extension not working when code signed